Star Trek: Discovery


TOS : Undiscovered Country came out in 1991 during TNG run. Although no reason to begin TNG then switch to Undiscovered Country unless you want to watch everything literally in chronological order.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Well yeah, but...

Wait, you said Undiscovered Country, lol. If you watch that one with Director's Commentary it is actually really great. Lots of insight in to what they were going for and the way the portrayed things.

Whatever, excuse to post that scene.


FPS noob
i can't really imagine kids enjoying most of the movies, any of TOS, or season 1 of TNG. I love all of it but they have not aged very well and quite honestly your kids would just be humoring you if they said they liked it. I mean there are so many cringe moments like planet of the black people, troys "I sense something" moments, or Wesley being Wesley

imo its better to watch The Expanse or Killjoys or The Magicians (more harry potter-ish), get them to like the genre, and show them maybe one of the better episodes of TNG (Season 3/4), DS9, BSG, Voyager, B5, or Farscape and let them pick which show to watch and skip any boring episodes. Diving right into the deep end with season 1 of TOS or TNG imo would turn most kids away from sci fi since the acting is not good, the special effects are dire, and the storylines are uneven, at best.

stargate sg1 may also be a good campy sci fi series to get into, or warehouse 13 even


Trakanon Raider
well turns out tonight we did not watch Wrath, one of the got sick ... ah well. I tried to watch episode 1 of TNG with the older one, he got bored quick. I'll be skipping all of TOS, too dated for them. So now i'm at a bit of a loss as i'm not sure where to start them so that they keep interest. I always remembered TNG to be so awesome! I was planning on TNG, DS9, Voyager, Enterprise and the moves as well.... like picking up 2 humpback whales.
I am also planing on Stargate (movie) then the series as well. Seems i don't have all the time i want to jam them full of all this stuff.
Seems much harder to get this generation into Star Trek because it's never been on TV for their generation. It's been on my whole life :/


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Season 1 of TNG was bad, though.

I like the suggestion of showing them Farscape. You can't go wrong with Farscape, plus it has a lot more humor (especially Rygel).
iirc DS9 started during TNGs 4th season after Picard was rescued from the Borg, in the DS9 pilot you can see references to the battle at Wolf 359
later on there was also a two parter during the 5th(?) season of TNG where they briefly visit DS9


Molten Core Raider
Farscape is pretty fucked up for ages 7/10 imo. The fact that they cut and sold the alien's arm or some shit stuck with me for years (and that the alien kept being friends with them). Not to mention the whole insanity in the later seasons.


FPS noob
it'll teach them valuable lessons to live in a jihadi world

also the first sci fi I showed my kids was Galaxy Quest, it really is a great intro to the genre and you can explain how it spoofs some of the older shows which makes them funner to watch and goof along with. None of my kids were ever into Trek though, all found it too boring and slow. My youngest daughter did love BSG, although it has way too many sex scenes for a 7 year old


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Farscape is pretty fucked up for ages 7/10 imo. The fact that they cut and sold the alien's arm or some shit stuck with me for years (and that the alien kept being friends with them). Not to mention the whole insanity in the later seasons.
Jon and Aeryn didn't screw over Pilot, though ;P


I love all of it but they have not aged very well
I disagree. Well, from a visuals stand point I think the show still looks great. Totally unlike TOS where, when I was watching the reruns back in the early to mid 80s, the special effects, displays, analog controls, etc. all looked extremely dated. However, TNG tech-wise still looks futuristic. LCD displays, hell even Picard is seen using an tablet device. Sure, most episodes aren't special effects laden, but still look pretty good.

The problem I think, for a kid, is most episodes will be boring. It wasn't until I was older that I appreciated the stories of, for example,The Measure of a ManandThe Inner Lightto name a couple.

It might be better served to dive into the more action-centric episodes likeBest of Both WorldsandYesterday's Enterprise. Although, admittedly, the impact of these won't be there if the viewer hasn't grown to know the characters well.

I dunno, tough position you're in. Also, I think the kid has to be genuinely interested in space and science to truly enjoy this stuff. Sadly, I think most people don't have that sense of wonder and awe of the universe and the potential of human-kind and thus don't quite "get" Star Trek. Thus we have the current Michael Bay Trek.


what Suineg set it to
Well, the remastered ones are decent. The TOS remaster with the new special effects are at least 'charming' if not life-like.

That said, Trek is one of those shows I don't think you can really appreciate until maybe teenage years? There's too much cerebral stuff going on. Not to say I wouldn't have watched TOS reruns but I don't think I really appreciated TNG until late teen years and I have more appreciation for the series as a whole as an adult.

If you showed a kid Enterprise, they'd probably throw up - and they'd be right to.


Trakanon Raider
I'd personally skip all the movies except Khan, and only show them TNG. It's really hard, though. My dad was a huge Star Trek guy, tried to get me and my brothers to watch the originals. We humored him, but except for a few episodes, they were shit. Then, we were fortunate enough that TNG came out when I was like 11, and we all watched them together as a family. Perhaps there's hope that the new Star Trek show will be good (yeah right) and you can get your kids to watch it with you and maybe from there they'd be more interested in watching the older shows?


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
What? That is horrible advice... Just follow the age old adage of "Only the even number ones!"

Star Trek II - Kahn - fucking bad ass
Star Trek IV - Whales - also bad ass
Star Trek VI - Navy Battles and Communism - MAGA
First Contact - Borg - bad ass

Unfortunately First Contact was the last Star Trek movie made, so you'll just have to wait until the series is revitalized.


<Bronze Donator>
The last 2-3 seasons of TNG happened at the same time as the first 2-3 of DS9. Voyagers started the year after TNG ended. All the TNG movies are after TNG went off the air.

I don't particularly feel like you need to do any crossover stuff. I think you could do all of TNG, the TNG movies, DS9, Voyager. I would skip Enterprise personally, but that's just me.


Silver Knight of the Realm
TNG until the cardassians/Bajorans/Marquis show up and then the entirety of DS9. If your kids don't like it you send them to an orphanage.

When they are in their 30s you can show them Voyager. So they can appreciate the lols.


Molten Core Raider
For that age they probably need some intro stand-alone movies to pique their interest in sci-fi / space adventures first. Galaxy Quest is a great one, heck even Lost In Space was decent. Once they either like (or don't like) you can go from there. I don't recommend making them watch any of it if they don't show interest. If they do, I'd skip TOS entirely - as exploration of the unknown was the huge pull and focus of TOS. It's a bit antiquated with today's technology and would probably just bore them with horrible SFX and plot lines that only matter to you if you are old enough to understand the politics/character development, and at 7? Probably not.

TNG had its ugh moments but also decent seasons. I'm a purist on TV series though and like watching beginning to end, but for a younger kid I'd prolly delve into it around season 4.
Skip Voyager. Skip DS9 unless you want to show the Dominion War (best) but the scope of it will be lost on them if they don't have the backstory of the previous seasons.
Movies I'd do Wrath obviously - and if they liked it show them the TOS episode it was based on (might get them to watch some TOS?) - Search and Whales go hand in hand, so 3+4, then Generations and First Contact.

IMO it's hard to get kids these days to appreciate older Sci-Fi - everything has to be exploding or action packed, and that just wasn't what people cared about back then. Star Trek in general was focused on exploration and politics (at least the Federation aspect of it) so yea... good luck!


Trakanon Raider
there is definitely some good advice here. Thanks all!
I think i'll do Wrath and other TOS movies, then i may skip season 1 of TNG (tried to watch episode 1... it was campy as hell, and not for a 10/7 year old... Q and the trial of humanity)
it's going to be a slippery slope because they can get bored quick. This generation of kids can't do too much story or they get bored... wtf :/ I'm working on that with them though.
I may do Wrath, then Galaxy quest, then stargate the movie then see how they feel about all that and move on from there.


Silver Knight of the Realm
there is definitely some good advice here. Thanks all!
I think i'll do Wrath and other TOS movies, then i may skip season 1 of TNG (tried to watch episode 1... it was campy as hell, and not for a 10/7 year old... Q and the trial of humanity)
it's going to be a slippery slope because they can get bored quick. This generation of kids can't do too much story or they get bored... wtf :/ I'm working on that with them though.
I may do Wrath, then Galaxy quest, then stargate the movie then see how they feel about all that and move on from there.
Look you need to at least get him to Naked Now, so they know what Data means when he is "fully functional"! ITS A GREAT JOKE!