Star Trek: Discovery


i'm glad the borg were not a insectoid race because its hard to see how assimilation would work then.
Realistically there are insects that nest at the base of the brain of a host and enslave it, this could be the larval form of the race.

The fantasy version would be a race that cocoons it's victims and injects them with a toxin that takes over their minds, or rewires their brain to communicate through pheromones this would be better cinematically because it gives a segway to dramatic escapes or rescue attempts. I dislike insectoid races myself they just never gelled with me and I like that the Borg are humanoid and represented a possible averted future for human kind. There was a race called the Binars that made everyone think how neat it would be to have linked minds, and the show was always flirting with telepathy but the Borg represent the bad side of linking minds.

I agree that the Enterprise theme is completely out of place but I won't say the song is awful. Star Trek theme music should have a symphony and and no lyrics. Maybe we will get lucky and a new show will come out and do it right.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
i think enterprise theme song worked really well.

its a transitional period from our 21st century style of living to that 24th century living that we got used to in other trek

people wearing denim jump suits, dogs running around the ship, listening to rock music, no replicators, handheld flip communicators, weekly movie nights with the crew.

the theme music fits that really well. the idea that this star trek is not that far away into the future, only a bit over 100 years from now, not almost 400 years into the future.


Realistically there are insects that nest at the base of the brain of a host and enslave it, this could be the larval form of the race.

The fantasy version would be a race that cocoons it's victims and injects them with a toxin that takes over their minds, or rewires their brain to communicate through pheromones this would be better cinematically because it gives a segway to dramatic escapes or rescue attempts. I dislike insectoid races myself they just never gelled with me and I like that the Borg are humanoid and represented a possible averted future for human kind. There was a race called the Binars that made everyone think how neat it would be to have linked minds, and the show was always flirting with telepathy but the Borg represent the bad side of linking minds.
They were going to use theNeural Parasitesfrom the Conspiracy episode to handle the assimilation.

The writers originally intended the parasites to be agents of the Borg. Due to the Writers' Strike of 1988 as well as budget cuts, the connection between the Borg and the parasites was never established.
At the end of the episode:
As they help to settle matters with Starfleet headquarters, they find that before Remmick was killed, he had sent a signal to a distant quadrant of the galaxy, possibly as a homing beacon to guide an unknown entity to Earth.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
If they had gone with the idea of assimilation with the insectoid version of the Borg, they would have likely ended up using the insects that infiltrated Starfleet in the Conspiracy episode. While I can't find any connection with them and the original design of the Borg, the end of the episode really leads me to believe that it was foreshadowing of them coming.
yup i read that before. "Conspiracy" was supposed to tie into the borg


They ended up using the conspiracy opening of the neck aliens from the abandoned TNG plot thread in the post-televised DS9 book series. You won't like the origin they come up with for them
Basically rogue mutated Trill-symbiotes...

Talking of stuff to blame Voyager for, in the still ongoing book Star Trek universe wide series the Borg
launch a massive invasion of the UFP roughly six years after the events of the Dominion War and destroy 40% of the Federation before finally being stopped. They invade due to blaming Janeway for them getting slapped around by Species 59423161 and deciding the Federation should be wiped out...

What's not a spoiler is that apparently the very first episode of DS9 was broadcast twenty years ago today \o/
HBO is getting sued because of those horse deaths. They may have to sell GOT to Disney to survive!!! (j/k)

I don't think HBO would be the best company to make a Star Trek show. Too many people would just pirate it instead of watching it on premium cable.

HBO does best with original programming imo. Not shows that already have a massive commercial base.

The BBC does a lot of science fiction like star trek tng reruns, dr who, torchwood, primeval, etc. They may already be pretty overloaded with scifi scheduling but I'm sure they would be willing to cut something for a new star trek show. I'm not a crazy TV insider though so this is all unsupported speculation.

hmmm, the Science Channel has been starting to play shows like Fringe , Firefly, and other Science fiction related programs. I wonder if they are trying to move into the programming area the SyFy channel should be occupying imo.

The most likely scenario would be a bidding war between NBC, ABC, FOX and CBS.

edit.. oh , and for the love of god don't give any new star trek show to the SyFy channel!!


Musty Nester
British Star Trek what? WHAT WHAT WHAT?

"Tea, Earl Grey, hot.", the captain commands his indian manservant.

Ok -- that would be pretty fucking funny. Like a 1800's British Navy fantasy in space -- which is a good third of what TNG was to begin with. Oh god... they could put Wesley Crusher over the barrel! "This is behaviour unbecoming of a young gentleman, Wesley. Report to Lt Wourf for discipline."


Musty Nester
On the next episode of TNG: Doctor Crusher battles an outbreak of scurvy among the crew. Only Lt. Wourf is immune. He uses the opportunity to declare the indepedant kingdom of "Fkuc-oyu" on Ten-Forward taking Whoopi Goldberg as his bride and staging sporadic punative raids into engineering. Also, Riker goes into the holodeck and jacks off proving that not even scurvy can keep a good man down.


Potato del Grande
British Star Trek what? WHAT WHAT WHAT?

"Tea, Earl Grey, hot.", the captain commands his indian manservant.

Ok -- that would be pretty fucking funny. Like a 1800's British Navy fantasy in space -- which is a good third of what TNG was to begin with. Oh god... they could put Wesley Crusher over the barrel! "This is behaviour unbecoming of a young gentleman, Wesley. Report to Lt Wourf for discipline."
Isn't that what TNG was?


redneck country music motherfuckers, my ears bleed just embedding this

compare that shit to this

It is a bit off-track, but if we want to compare opening theme songs, Babylon 5 always rocked it for me, above and beyond anything the ST TV series had for music.


It is a bit off-track, but if we want to compare opening theme songs, Babylon 5 always rocked it for me, above and beyond anything the ST TV series had for music.
The Babylon 5 opening does not have the musical zest of a a grand symphonic Star Trek or even the simplistic wonder that was the Firefly theme. I do however very much appreciate that the opening monologue changed as the story progressed. The first opening is ominous

"The Babylon Project was our last, best hope for peace.
A self-contained world five miles long, located in neutral territory. A place of commerce and diplomacy for a quarter of a million humans and aliens. A shining beacon in space . . . all alone in the night."

and then it gets downright gruesome

"The Babylon Project was our last, best hope for peace.
It failed."

Babylon 5 is fair game to discuss because it is so often linked to DS9 because they are similar in many ways but is usually considered the better show because it created a whole new fiction and new races and I believe had a full story worked out prior to shooting season 1. All that matters is that both shows rocked and any real comparison should take that into account.


Oh, we're talking sci-fi themes, are we?
The original 1963 recording of the Doctor Who theme music is widely regarded as a significant and innovative piece of electronic music, recorded well before the availability of commercial synthesisers. Delia Derbyshire of the BBC Radiophonic Workshop used musique concr?te techniques to realise a score written by composer Ron Grainer. Each note was individually created by cutting, splicing, speeding up and slowing down segments of analogue tape containing recordings of a single plucked string, white noise, and the simple harmonic waveforms of test-tone oscillators which were used for calibrating equipment and rooms, not creating music. The swooping melody and pulsating bass rhythm were created by manually adjusting the pitch of oscillator banks to a carefully timed pattern. The rhythmic hissing sounds, "bubbles" and "clouds", were created by cutting tape recordings of filtered white noise.

Once each sound had been created, it was modified. Some sounds were created at all the required pitches direct from the oscillators, others had to be repitched later by adjusting the tape playback speed and re-recording the sound onto another tape player. This process continued until every sound was available at all the required pitches. To create dynamics, the notes were re-recorded at slightly different levels.

Each individual note was then trimmed to length by cutting the tape, and stuck together in the right order. This was done for each "line" in the music ? the main plucked bass, the bass slides (an organ-like tone emphasising the grace notes), the hisses, the swoops, the melody, a second melody line (a high organ-like tone used for emphasis), and the bubbles and clouds. Most of these individual bits of tape making up lines of music, complete with edits every inch, still survive.

This done, the music had to be "mixed". There were no multitrack tape machines, so rudimentary multitrack techniques were invented: each length of tape was placed on a separate tape machine and all the machines were started simultaneously and the outputs mixed together. If the machines didn't stay in sync, they started again, maybe cutting tapes slightly here and there to help. In fact, a number of "submixes" were made to ease the process ? a combined bass track, combined melody track, bubble track, and hisses.

Grainer was amazed at the resulting piece of music and when he heard it, famously asked, "Did I write that?". Derbyshire modestly replied "Most of it". However, BBC, who wanted to keep members of the Workshop anonymous, prevented Grainer from getting Derbyshire a co-composer credit and a share of the royalties.