Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)


Tranny Chaser
But thank god that luke ex machina scene didn't happen. Too clich? and dumb


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Many people here complain about Han screen time and nostalgia goggles. But Luke saving the day is ok???


I personally had no problem with Han in the movie, It was painfully obvious he was playing the old generation that needed to die for the new generation to come forward much like Obi Wan did in episode 4.
The movie is beat for beat New Hope, it's just missing that Ex Machina moment at the end it had.

Instead we have Luke playing essentially Yoda in the next film.


Lord Nagafen Raider
saw it last night and really enjoyed it. Had a dumb grin on my face for long stretches. And I felt genuinely sad for Chewie for hours after the movie ended. His best bud died1!!111!!

Regarding Kylo: At first I didn't like that he took his helmet off and was a bit of a wiener, but it really played into the idea that Han could save him toward the end. Had he just been an alpha badass, there would be no chance Han could've strolled out and turned him back to the good side (though lets be honest, as soon as Han followed him out onto the massive bridge with no hand railings, I was like "fuck...."), but because he was a bit boyish and conflicted, there was at least a glimmer of possibility. It added depth and realism to his character.

I'm sure Phasma will be fleshed out in the next couple episodes. This one was all about establishing the protagonists and main bad guys. It was already over 2 hours long, give them a break.

Rey piloting the Falcon could also have been due to past training. She even mentions that she has no idea how she was able to do it.

I was slightly disappointed that the flying around the downed star destroyer we saw in the trailers wasn't Han. I know it's somewhat insignificant, but there was just something about the idea of Han getting in the Falcon again and flying the shit out of it that really hit me in the feels.

Star Destroyer 3.0: It's the Empire's shtick. We build bigger bombs, they build bigger planet destroyers. Loved the scene of the 4 death rays traveling across space from all the different perspectives
I actually liked the fact it was Rey. Really builds on the whole "I have no idea how I'm doing this but I am flying the shit out of this thing" character mystique. Han did get to fly the fuck out of the falcon though. That jump to hyperspace from inside the cargo bay of another ship, and the whole "we're gonna bypass the shields by coming out of hyperspace inside the atmosphere" thing was super fucking bad ass. You note in the other movies that ships come out of hyperspace before they're even in a planets orbit, he did it like 500ft off the ground.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
would have made more sense than Rey fighting off a fully trained dark side user.
Maybe but we got a better development with Rey starting to realize she has the Force.
About Kylo being beaten...well, i already explained my opinion why is not THAT dumb


Trakanon Raider
Didnt think it was dumb, I actually like Rey beating him down, just thought it didnt make a ton of sense and actually made Kylo less of a badass


Trakanon Raider
Yeah but no way you hire an actor like Adam Driver and not have him reveal his face the entire movie


Tranny Chaser
Didnt think it was dumb, I actually like Rey beating him down, just thought it didnt make a ton of sense and actually made Kylo less of a badass
Isn't that kinda the point? The force is awakening in Kylo too, n'est-ce pas? He's short in the Force Defense powers, not having met any Jedi's or force sensitives yet. He's being treated like a bitch by the Hitler commander too. But sure, it would've been nice to know more about how Rey knew how to force fuck someone or even handle a 1-h lightsaber vs her dildo staff.


Trakanon Raider
Isn't that kinda the point? The force is awakening in Kylo too, n'est-ce pas? He's short in the Force Defense powers, not having met any Jedi's or force sensitives yet. He's being treated like a bitch by the Hitler commander too.
Yeah but somehow he is badass enough to kill all of Lukes Jedi's in training + Stop Blaster bolts mid air with no effort as well and mind read.


If they wanted to tie it into the whole Force Awakens theme, they should have given Rey the Neo moment from the first Matrix. Where she is about to die at the hands of Kylo ,and this God Jedi awakens.

Something so powerful that Kylo is afraid, and he is asking what are you? So powerful that Luke senses it across a galaxy. There is your Deus Ex Machina moment, and goes back to the scene where Rey tells Kylo he is afraid that he will not be as powerful as Vader.

Either way, to me it needed that final punch at the end. It really didn't have that "God intervenes" moment that a ton of very succesful movies had. It is a Space Opera after all.


Tranny Chaser
We don't know how that happened yet. Could be he did it while they're sleeping.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yeah but somehow he is badass enough to kill all of Lukes Jedi's in training + Stop Blaster bolts mid air with no effort as well and mind read.
Badass enough to kill all of Luke's trainees with a posse of obvious bad ass motherfuckers that look like Boba Fett.


Trakanon Raider
Badass enough to kill all of Luke's trainees with a posse of obvious bad ass motherfuckers that look like Boba Fett.
Yeah Im hoping we see the whole Posse in Ep8/9 with lightsabers, having been fully trained by Snoke, and then Luke comes in and creams them all.


Tranny Chaser
So the planet at the very end... is that supposed to be Tython, or are they creating a new birthplace of the Jedi Order?

Some things I noticed on second viewing:

1) Carrie Fisher's daughter(Billie Lourd who was also in Scream Queens this past fall) is all over the place in the scenes on D'Qar and even has one line in the film.

2) BB-8 as a practical effect has a hard time with the ramp to the Millenium Falcon. In the Jakku scene he only makes it up about half-way and on the freighter he actually starts to roll back down the ramp before the shot cuts.

3) Every bad guy both in the First Order and the gangs that come to collect from Han is like 12... seriously major babyfaces all around.

4) Does Nien Nunb survive? We see him getting ready for the battle and in-cockpit shots during the assault on Starkiller Base but I don't recall seeing him in the fly-away or post-battle scenes

5) First Order Tie Fighters are kinda badass, what with the rear firing weapons and such. I think we've gotten used to seeing Ties in all the various comics and video games over the last 30 years, but really this is the first movie where they really are shown to be useful fighters.

6) Xwings and Tie Fighters... no Y-Wings, A-Wings, B-Wings, E-Wings, etc. and no endless varieties of Tie. Just the two basic ships being very iconic. The significance of the lack of toy marketability of this was lost on me until the second viewing.