Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017)


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Come to check out crazy Star Wars theories. Find nerds arguing about space compasses. Leave unsurprised.


Avatar of War Slayer
snoke is clearly an Ewok who was horribly burned as the Death star debris crashed down onto Endor.


Mr. Poopybutthole
If the remains of the death star crashed on the moon, there would be no more moon, and since I think that godawful Ewok movie is canon, the death star must have crashed on the planet.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
"Originally the film was supposed to open with a different scene immediately following the crawl. The camera was to pan down as a hand holding a lightsaber (or maybe just the lightsaber and not the hand - it's unclear). The lightsaber is is the one that belonged to Anakin Skywalker, which Luke Skywalker lost in Bespin when Darth Vader chopped off his hand. The saber originally flew by through space, heading towards a planet. This shot was cut late in the process."

Star Wars: The Force Awakens Deleted Scenes

Holy shit if that's real it's unbelievably stupid. JJ Abrams and his crew must be fucking retarded.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
"Originally the film was supposed to open with a different scene immediately following the crawl. The camera was to pan down as a hand holding a lightsaber (or maybe just the lightsaber and not the hand - it's unclear). The lightsaber is is the one that belonged to Anakin Skywalker, which Luke Skywalker lost in Bespin when Darth Vader chopped off his hand. The saber originally flew by through space, heading towards a planet. This shot was cut late in the process."

Star Wars: The Force Awakens Deleted Scenes

Holy shit if that's real it's unbelievably stupid. JJ Abrams and his crew must be fucking retarded.
Uhh .. it said "originally". For all we know that was part of George's treatment. It's fine to criticize TFA for what actually made it into the finished product. It's verging on absurd to criticize it for the bad shit they changed to something less bad.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
Did you not see these are deleted scenes? As in actual scenes that were filmed and not put in the actual film.

"The film was chopped down to 2 hours and 16 minutes for the final theatrical release, with a reported 20 minutes of scenes getting axed in the last month of editing alone. A dozen full scenes were left on the cutting room floor, not to mention snippets of scenes, moments of dialogue. etc. A lot of these scenes had near-complete visual effects, and some of the characters and moments removed can be seen in some of the merchandise and books. "

"This shot was cut late in the process."

Yes, they were smart enough not to put it in the final film. But to have ever considered that at all? That's mind-blowing to me. Hopefully they came up with a better explanation for the lightsaber being found than that.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
So what?

Have we really gotten to the point that shit that was omitted, even late in the process, is fair game for critical appraisal? If they included it in a director's cut then game on but otherwise go home.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
You're right. Starkiller base was actually in the movie and that was much worse, so no need to to criticize other stupid ideas that didn't make the final cut.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Every fantasy and scifi movie has tons of stupid shit. Either you look past it and enjoy the story or you don't.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
My problem with that Episode VIII leak is the energy shield. Supposedly there's a gigantic shield protecting the Republic right? Well as long as you have a hyperdrive, you can just fucking fly through it... dur dur Abrams. Why waste time getting the codes?


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
My problem with that Episode VIII leak is the energy shield. Supposedly there's a gigantic shield protecting the Republic right? Well as long as you have a hyperdrive, you can just fucking fly through it... dur dur Abrams. Why waste time getting the codes?
My problem was that 4 minutes into it the guy says that when she flies the Millennium Falcon Rey reveals that she's never flown at all which makes me wonder if he paid attention when he watched TFA because she plainly tells Finn that she has flown before just not out of atmosphere. That's when I stopped it.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Be considerate. Spoiler your spoilers.

My problem was that 4 minutes into it the guy says that when she flies the Millennium Falcon Rey reveals that she's never flown at all which makes me wonder if he paid attention when he watched TFA because she plainly tells Finn that she has flown before just not out of atmosphere. That's when I stopped it.
I don't know, some of it sounds pretty legit.

- Rey and Luke hyperspace into the Republic planet's system and the action begins, with the small Republic/Resistance combined fleet engaged in a space battle with the First Order. We get an actual in-space dogfight (unlike in TFA).

- Luke and Rey (with Chewie in tow) touch down on the Republic planet and kick ass. They free Finn and Poe (Leia is elsewhere), but Kylo and the Knights of Ren show up.

- Rey takes on Kylo, Luke takes on the Knights.

- Luke fights all the Knights by himself, without a lightsaber, using hand-to-hand combat, and wins.

- Finn and Poe (and Chewie) free Leia, and are confronted by Phasma and Chala. Chewie KO's Phasma, and Finn stuns Chala.

- Rey and Kylo have a crazy duel in a power planet/generator room thing, because there's always one of those hiding around the corner in every upscale Star Wars city. They're evenly matched. In a shocking twist, no arms are lost. Kylo tells Rey to join him, and that together they can overthrow Snoke and take charge of the galaxy, light and dark side-by-side. Rey resists and Force-pushes him back pretty hard.

- Before Kylo can retaliate, Snoke walks into the room. He apparently tagged along in secret to watch how Kylo would conduct himself. He isn't impressed. He calls Kylo a failure, and uses the Force to throw him around like a rag doll.

- Rey charges at Snoke with her lightsaber and slashes, and Snoke literally grabs the blade with his bare hands to block it, using the Force to resist any damage. He then physically pushes the blade of energy back into its emitter, and chides Rey for using toys and thinking they're real power.

- He says she'll make a much better apprentice than Kylo judging by the power he can sense in her. He kidnaps her as Kylo watches, and departs the planet.

- Luke senses Rey in danger and runs to the generator room, finding Kylo on the floor. Kylo divulges that Snoke took her. Finn and co. show up shortly after him. Leia and Luke meet for the first time in a very long time. Leia and Kylo meet for the first time in a very long time. Luke and Kylo meet for the first time in a very long time. It's awkward and complex for everyone.

- The First Order fleet suddenly pulls back on Snoke's command. Hux is confused, but Snoke tells him that everything is going better than expected, and that soon Rey will bring the First Order the success Kylo never could.

- Finn confronts Chala in her cell. She still thinks he's a traitor. He explains his position, and what he saw the First Order do on Jakku, and why he had to leave. He overcame the conditioning, so anyone can, including her. She's still not buying it but the seed is planted for her redemption plot to maybe be in Episode IX.

- Kylo is critically injured but he'll make it. He?s spiritually broken. Luke tells him in a hushed voice the story of Anakin Skywalker, who became Darth Vader but was ultimately redeemed. Kylo doesn't say anything, but cries while listening.

- Leia and Luke meet again and discuss things. Leia refuses to go see Kylo, saying she can't. Luke understands. A group of senators interrupts to tell them that they've already voted. Leia is confused and says on what, and they tell her she's been selected to be the interim commander-in-chief of the Republic to replace Vikram, whether she likes it or not. She's flabbergasted, and Luke cracks a sly smile.

- Finn and Poe have a scene where they're sitting on the bank of a canal in the city where Finn went out on a boat with Chala. They reinforce their bromance, and decide with resolve to go save Rey, regardless of the consequences. Luke steps out from behind a building where he was listening in, interested to finally meet Finn, who Rey left to go help. He tells them that if they're going to save her, he's in, but he'll need an X-Wing.

- Last sequence of the movie is the Republic fleet starting to reassemble after communications have been restored, lots of different ship designs from all over the galaxy, a quickly thrown together (but sizable) army. Leia is looking out the open docking bay of her capital ship at all of the craft coming in from hyperspace. Luke puts his hand on her shoulder while wearing pilot gear, and then gets in an old-school X-Wing with R2 docked. Poe gets in his X-Wing with BB-8. Finn gets settled in the Falcon with Chewie.

- Leia and C-3P0 watch all three craft leave the ship and join the greater assembly as the music swells, in a scene echoing the last shot of ESB.
As far as Snoke grabbing the lightsaber and saying, "mistaking toys for real power". People can think up a plot, but that would be a pretty awesome scene and line. If this is made up, he definitely deserves credit for coming up with that.

Them throwing Luke back into an X-Wing, and then having it lead into the third movie with a massive winner-take-all type of battle is interesting. Then there were the rumors that said Ren will ultimately help defeat Snoke. I think a lot of people will be pissed if Kylo is ultimately redeemed. If Snoke does do something stupidly crazy like grab the blade, and there's no backstory anywhere in the entire second movie, then he's Plagueis obviously.

One thing that makes think it may not be the real deal is that it's not that dark, and the actors have said this movie will be much, much darker than TFA. Then again, that was John Boyega's comment and the film is kind of dark if you only consider it from his POV.

And what the fuck does any of this plot have to do with "Echoes of the Dark Side?" I mean to me that seems like a reference to Plagueis or something, but he's not mentioned in the plot.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
- The backstory to Luke and his Jedi being wiped out is that Snoke seduced Kylo and a few of the other students to the dark side and tasked them with killing everyone. Luke and a few others survived, including a young Rey who was subsequently dumped on Jakku by Luke.

-Rey's mom is killed in the attack.

This actually might be true. In the concept art, there's Rey's ship and there's a silhouette of a robe/hooded figure who could only be Luke. Third person looks tall, big, and overweight perhaps Unkar. There's no adult female.
And I did say that I think Rey=Anakin, and I was berated pretty heavily for it. If it's fake, it's very well thought out.

I just don't see them going with the, "No. You are my father." line... There's just no way that comes out right.
