Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017)


Vyemm Raider
So... nothing for may 4th? No new footage of Donnie Yen beating up armored dudes with a bamboo stick?



Trakanon Raider
A Cool Scene Has Been Described By Set Spies

We suppose this was inevitable considering Rian Johnson's Star Wars: Episode VIII is currently filming in Malin Head, a small village in Ireland which is standing in for Luke's sadness planet, Ahch-To, which we'd much prefer to call "Luke's sadness planet." Those set lookie loos have been having a ball spying on the production, and now they've spotted an amazing-sounding scene in progress.

Witnesses have described to Making Star Wars a scene they saw play out, staring Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) and six or seven other members the Knights of Ren taking on Rey (Daisy Ridley) and Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill). If you're not familiar with the Knights of Ren, they're Supreme Leader Snoke's dark side cronies whom Rey saw in the vision she had when she first touched Luke Skywalker's lightsaber.

In other words, Kylo Ren tracked down the map to Luke's sadness planet somehow and is going after Luke and Rey. Witnesses say Kylo isn't wearing his mask and is dueling one-on-one with Rey next to a cliff. Luke, meanwhile, handily fights off all of the other Knights in this part of the spoiler-filled scene breakdown at Making Star Wars:

The first black knight has an axe and moves towards the Luke but is Force pushed away to his death after being thrown through the air.
After Luke dispatches the first Knight he ignites his green lightsaber.
Luke moves through each Knight one-by-one.
Rey and Kylo's battle moves up to the side of a cliff.
Suddenly Rey is nowhere to be seen. She's taken out of the battle; she's either wounded or appears to go over the side of the cliff.
Luke Skywalker casually walks towards Kylo to finish him but Kylo retreats when he sees his crew defeated.
Luke Skywalker is a badass Jedi and he'll destroy your squad.
Damn right Kylo runs, the little bitch.

Anyway, it appears that Rey emerges from the cliff-side fight okay (she is a great climber, after all).


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Just thought I'd leave this here...
Almost a cool video bro. But... that video made me realize that I was one and done with each of the prequel movies, and I don't even remember the space sequences in any of the movies. I had successfully purge the memories from my brain.

Thanks a lot fgt.


Tranny Chaser
Something which just occurred to me, although perhaps it occurred to others ages ago, is that the First Order is still comprised of exclusively humans and seems to adhere to the extreme xenophobia of the Empire.** The leader, Snoke, is almost certainly NOT human though and so the whole thing seems a bit warped. Sure you can point at how un-aryan Hitler was and perhaps the First Order has to pull its recruits from the broader Imperial Remnant population which skews almost exclusively human, but it still seems off.

I would say that the general public had no idea that Kylo Ren or General Hux reported into Snoke since he only phones into meetings, but clearly Leia knows who he is.

I can tell this whole "Who is Snoke??" is going to bug me for awhile. I hope we get some answers in Episode VIII rather than teasing it out for IX.

**Largely driven by Palpatine whose motivations are entirely justified after growing up on a planet with Gungans as the other sentient culture.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Beings that the First Order grew out of the remnants of the Empire, it could just be a bi product of their recruitment and existing muster. Not many aliens are going to line up to join what essentially looks identical to the forces that have been slaughtering and oppressing them for the last several decades. I don't imagine a hostile take over of a tyrannical military organization, including a 10 step plan, and PR staff to bring the alien species back to papa.


Molten Core Raider
Yeah but he makes a good point. I've had to explain that to people too. Lucas sucked at exposition.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Uh, there was no part of Palpatine being from Naboo that was complicated or hard to follow. It's just not terribly important to the plot of Phantom Menace, and the only reason it matters afterwards is that he is able to manipulate the new senator (Jar Jar) into proposing he be given emergency powers. If people can't remember, it's because they don't want to remember anything about the prequels.


Molten Core Raider
There was no problem for you Sparkle Princess. But clearly some people didn't understand the Emperor was from the backwater planet of Naboo despite your fucking retarded statement that because you understood something everyone should. Lucas was a retard who never explained anything.