Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
It'd be really, really hard to hit Last Jedi levels of bad. Episode 9 won't be great, it likely won't even be good but it still won't hit the low of TLJ. That "should" be impossible.

Lucas managed to pull it out with Revenge of the Sith.

Its possible-- but not without Trevorrow's original story. It's dead on arrival until Disney/press makes a full accounting for the damage done. Sweeping under the rug is unlikely to support a theme park or toy sales. Remember, its not about Star Wars. These are, by themselves without the Star Wars name, terrible movies that don't hold up to Marvel's standards-- having just missed the bar with TLJ.

Disney's CEO is already eyeing toy sales as a very strong indicator of permanent damage for a reason. The additional 2 trilogies will be where the opportunities for redemption are. Episode 9 is not it.

Trevorrow's out, Russell's in. That's the bottom line.
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Vyemm Raider
there was an interesting article i read the other day that talked about NPS and the current state of star wars. Most here would agree that TLJ was not as good as Han Solo, yet it made 3x as much. The exec's at Disney have to come to terms that the brand is seriously damaged. If they want to elevate the brand again, they have to actually make a Star Wars movie, not a movie they think is good inside the Star Wars universe.


FF14 Free Company Master
<WoW Guild Officer>
I won't be watching this. No more money for this brand murdered by it's new owners.
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Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Obi Wan and BobFett standalone moviesl

So what would these movies look like?

If the Obi-Wan movie is set between him dropping Luke off on Tatooine, going into exile and ANH then can he even use the Force without being detected by Vader/Palpatine? What potential for adventures are there for him on Tatooine?

Uncle Owen described him as a "wizard" and a "crazy old man", that could either be a reference to his local reputation or words aimed at deterring Luke from digging too much. Luke knew him as "Old Ben" so presumably he was known in the local 'community'. The use of "Wizard" implies that "Ben" wasn't averse to using the Force, low level powers perhaps

As for a Boba Fett movie, how do you get from an orphaned pre-teen to fearless Bounty Hunter, where did he go after AOTC?


Vyemm Raider
So what would these movies look like?

If the Obi-Wan movie is set between him dropping Luke off on Tatooine, going into exile and ANH then can he even use the Force without being detected by Vader/Palpatine? What potential for adventures are there for him on Tatooine?

Uncle Owen described him as a "wizard" and a "crazy old man", that could either be a reference to his local reputation or words aimed at deterring Luke from digging too much. Luke knew him as "Old Ben" so presumably he was known in the local 'community'. The use of "Wizard" implies that "Ben" wasn't averse to using the Force, low level powers perhaps

As for a Boba Fett movie, how do you get from an orphaned pre-teen to fearless Bounty Hunter, where did he go after AOTC?

Solo opened the door to two things in the Star Wars movieverse : Maul is still alive, and there's a thriving criminal underworld beyond just Jabba's cartel.

In the canon cartoon series, Maul dies on Tatooine at Obi-Wan's hands, so it could be a story about Maul and Obi-Wan finishing their old duel on Tatooine in a story about how Maul is trying to get his hands on Luke maybe.

As for Boba Fett, I'd have him in a movie where there's no good guy, basically a (good) version of Suicide Squad almost, a team of badass bounty hunters sent on a dangerous mission against even scummier people where he gets his reputation as the best in the galaxy (especially for disintegrating people). You know you're badass when even Vader has to tell you to hold back for your next assignment.
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Millie's Staff Member
Lucas managed to pull it out with Revenge of the Sith.

Its possible-- but not without Trevorrow's original story. It's dead on arrival until Disney/press makes a full accounting for the damage done. Sweeping under the rug is unlikely to support a theme park or toy sales. Remember, its not about Star Wars. These are, by themselves without the Star Wars name, terrible movies that don't hold up to Marvel's standards-- having just missed the bar with TLJ.

Disney's CEO is already eyeing toy sales as a very strong indicator of permanent damage for a reason. The additional 2 trilogies will be where the opportunities for redemption are. Episode 9 is not it.

Trevorrow's out, Russell's in. That's the bottom line.
no idea why their action figures tanked



no idea at all
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
They should have put a driving hazard warning on Rose's packaging.
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zignor 4

Molten Core Raider
I had hope, but now i have none. Out of all the fucking complaints about the movie there were, the ONE he latches onto as the main complaint was that there were too many women?

Fucking movie will suck and all of these people are fucking retarded.

I take it you didn't actually read the article. The title is just bullshit clickbait.

Anyway, maybe this one will okay, good, or even great, but the sad thing is, I don't care. My excitement level for Star Wars is at an historic low. I see TLJ pop up on Netflix every time I log in, and I still haven't bothered to watch it since seeing it once in the theater. A year ago, you might as well have told me I wouldn't get excited about tits anymore, but yet here we are.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Solo opened the door to two things in the Star Wars movieverse : Maul is still alive, and there's a thriving criminal underworld beyond just Jabba's cartel.

In the canon cartoon series, Maul dies on Tatooine at Obi-Wan's hands, so it could be a story about Maul and Obi-Wan finishing their old duel on Tatooine in a story about how Maul is trying to get his hands on Luke maybe.

As for Boba Fett, I'd have him in a movie where there's no good guy, basically a (good) version of Suicide Squad almost, a team of badass bounty hunters sent on a dangerous mission against even scummier people where he gets his reputation as the best in the galaxy (especially for disintegrating people). You know you're badass when even Vader has to tell you to hold back for your next assignment.

Everything in Clone Wars and Rebels is canon for the movies anyway. They specifically said those two sources are still canon, they showed a VCX-100 (presumably the Ghost) ten+ times in Rogue One and also paged 'General Syndulla' to the briefing room.

The only part where the cartoons directly clash with the movies is that the events of Clone Wars don't square with the dialogue between Anakin and Dooku at the beginning of Episode Three, and iirc there's some lines with Grievous that don't make much sense either.

Actual Dialogue said:
Anakin: My powers have doubled since the last time we met, Count.
Dooku: Good. Twice the pride, double the fall.

Dialogue accounting for the events of Clone Wars said:
Anakin: My powers have doubled since the last time we met, Count.
Dooku: Good. Twice the pride, double the...wait a minute what the fuck? We just fought like a week ago, how the hell have your powers doubled in a week? I take daily dark side suppositories and my powers don't grow that goddamn fast!
Obi-Wan: *sighs* Anakin are you juicing with force roids again? That shit is gonna shrivel your dick off.
Anakin: Whatever, they didn't stop me from knocking up Pad...never mind. Shutup! I was just trying to sound big and you guys fucking ruined it.
Obi-Wan: *sighs again* If I've warned you once, I've warned you a thousand times...wait a minute. Dark side suppositories? Daily?
Dooku: *stutters* That's what it says on the bottle!
Anakin: Oh man Count I made the same mistake. The A in 'analgesic' is flat, you're supposed to swallow them!
Obi-Wan: You know what to hell with you two morons, I'm gonna go take a nap. I'm getting too old for this shit.
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Potato del Grande
Anyway, maybe this one will okay, good, or even great, but the sad thing is, I don't care. My excitement level for Star Wars is at an historic low. I see TLJ pop up on Netflix every time I log in, and I still haven't bothered to watch it since seeing it once in the theater. A year ago, you might as well have told me I wouldn't get excited about tits anymore, but yet here we are.
Same. I saw Force Awakens something like five times in two years (and I saw Rouge One), I won't be seeing TLJ again or Episode 9 unless the trailers and reviews are insane. I already skipped Solo.

I even saw Revenge of the Sith twice on the day it came out, I was disgusted after TLJ no way I wanted to see it again BEFORE I logged onto the internet to see everyone complaining. I enjoyed all the prequels, it was fun to shit on Jar Jar and the romance plot being a meme wasn't really a thing until the Plinket review.

TLJ is many times worse than the prequels.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Original Trilogy - if I see this on another channel I will change to it
Prequel Trilogy - if it comes on my current channel that is fine
TFA - depending on person, same as Original or Prequel
TLJ - when this comes on... full Zangief

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Avatar of War Slayer
TFA is really stupid. But very watchable yeah. I've seen in many times, when on TV. and yeah, don't feel the need to change the channel ever. Prequel cringe dialogue is pretty painful, and often frustrating enough to change the channel from.
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Potato del Grande
TFA was a needed reset after the prequels, it had issues which would have been fixed by a good sequel, instead they doubled down on the flaws and made some new ones.
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Trakanon Raider
I think TFA was a great set up movie. Watching it the other day made me appreciate what it could have been as part of a bigger picture. It’s just unfortunate that nothing paid off so TLJ not only shot itself in the foot but made TFA somewhat underwhelming.

TFA’s misfortune was it was so dependent on TLJ to take the next step and take all those loose ends and push us right to the edge. Then 9 could be the final tribute, payoff, resolve, passing the torch, whatever. Unfortunately, 8 took all that freedom from 7, chopped it up, and tossed it in the trash. So I feel for the 9 writers. They’re between a rock and a hard place.
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a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
Preemptive 1/5 stars. Will change vote after it comes out on HD torrent, though seriously doubting it will alter my scoring.
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Gamma Rays

Large sized member
When this comes out we need to pick an episode 9 canary.

Someone here to go in and bravely risk it all for the good of the FoH brother-(sister)-hood.

Oh and -cough- clearly not me as I am the planner and organizer of this mission.
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Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
I didn't hate Episode 8 as much as people here. My hope is that this ends the "Skywalker Saga" and allows for a reset for the next trilogy. So they can go in a slightly different direction maybe with less focus on Empire vs Rebellion.
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