StarCraft 2


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I got hit with this Thor drop build on ladder yesterday and at first I thought it was just a retarded troll build. But then I realized I lucked out and decided to just 1rax FE into pure bio for the fuck of it (turns out 1tech 2reactor rax completely shits on a single Thor, go figure.) If I did my standard 13gas 1-1-1 cloak banshee/siege tank push the Thor drop build would have absolutely crushed it. I may try experimenting with it if I notice the opponent went gas first which implies some form of Star play.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Some high diamond guy tried to marine/WM/cloak Ghost rush me. The ladder is a silly place.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Ladder climb also seems slower than I recall. I'm currently 31-10 in the current season and I am still normally placed against plat players and only sometimes diamond players. Seems odd since I'm 11-1 in my past 12 games but it still isn't shooting up my MMR like it used to when you went on a streak.


Trakanon Raider
Didn't they shrink the ranks ? I remember it took me ages to start hitting master players last time I tried and didn't even get promoted before I gave up. Diamond guys were pretty obvious


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Didn't they shrink the ranks ? I remember it took me ages to start hitting master players last time I tried and didn't even get promoted before I gave up. Diamond guys were pretty obvious
IDK I posted a thread on ATT and it ranged from "Just play more" to "Yes this is a problem." Personally I find it absurd that I need to grind out ~100 games to finally get matched against people of similar (or correct) MMR. I can only faceroll so many people who lose to my opening attack until I get bored.


One of these days I'm gonna try to play again when I'm not completely shit faced. Losing to a 2 base push when I'm up by 40 supply because I have 3 different combos of units mixed through 3 different hotkeys sucks haha.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Damn Protoss freak the fuck out when you 14cc. It isn't even that much more economical than 12/12 reaper.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Did it twice on Deadwing but I'm moving 14cc to being my standard 3/4p map build. Will probably 1rax FE on King Station. Though I feel if the Protoss double nexus behind my 14cc I'd just move up to 5rax and all-in them off a 2base SCV pull. Kind of doubt they'd be able to hold that especially considering the layout of most 3rd bases. Terran can enter their midgame army about a minute or so faster going 14cc than 12/12 so I really don't think double nexus is the right call.

Honestly the best way to deal with it may be to go immediately to Star, make an oracle and 3 gates behind that. Push the front while pulling marines away with the Oracle. I imagine that would be an easy win unless I scouted it and made a turret in my main.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Does Flash build widow mines at all? Ignoring the focus of the recent balance changes and simply straight up winning.


Trakanon Raider
He seems to prefer to hammer the protoss into the ground through macro, but he was getting a bit sloppy at the end


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Does Flash build widow mines at all? Ignoring the focus of the recent balance changes and simply straight up winning.
The only time most Terrans build WM is if the Toss opens Templar or Gateway timing. Versus Colossus + Observer they are basically a donation unless the Toss is off the rails retarded.

edit: Oh also 111 WM drop builds. But I don't see those too often at the absolute highest level of play. In general the builds Flash went for are the standard where you get the Reaper out to scout the opening gambit (ie: proxy stargate, gates, expand) then jump in again at 6:00 to 6:30 to check their next tech choice. I believe Flash did basically the same thing every game outside of the game he went 14cc. 12/12 reaper, pull workers @ 100 gas, expand, 2x Rax, workers back in gas + 1gas is the pretty standard way to play TvP.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Still trying to wrap my head around the fact you can see burrowed window mines without detection, yet banelings are invisible. No surprise people don't rely on them.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
It is very difficult to see them when burrowed. Similar to seeing burrow-move roaches. The only way to really notice that they're burrowed and moving is to already know they're there.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I guess when you're playing with your eyes closed.

I've seen it all the time, drops approaching my widow mines, but then they turn around because they can see them. Dropping into burrowed banelings on the other hand... and even with a scan, try spotting those under a dozen mining drones. Unless you can hide the mines behind a building or a cactus or something, they're easily visible.

The key difference to roaches is that when the burrowed mines come into view, the ground changes. The graphic appears there. That is very, very easy to see.