StarCraft 2


Toe Sucker
I'm actually going to do that too, I don't remember fuck all what happens in WoL, and i'm pretty sure i only got like 8 missions into HOTS before I dropped it for something else


Tranny Chaser
I fully expect they will announce a HOTS exclusive Carrier or Zealot hero that comes with SC2: Enter the Void


Registered Hutt


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I'm playing through the original SC and SCBW campaigns for LotV and it amazes me how as a kid I had so many issues with most of these missions. Now it just feels like build SCV, build marines, go win.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
So LotV beta is ending and I can't help but feel SC2 is doomed. I liked LotV when it first came out. It slowly started getting worse. They shifted all their extremes into more middle results which just lead to a washed out product. 3 base is the new 2 base. Harassment is pretty much low cost high reward. Also harassment is mandatory. I liked when they removed macro mechanics so you could focus more on the actual strategy/micro aspect of the game. That was thwarted. The new units are largely uninspired and, in the context of Terran, just don't really fit. I don't see the game lasting much longer than a 3 years or so especially if Blizzard abandons the game. The changes in LotV to revitalize the genre and game in general are just not there. HotS felt like WoL+ and LotV just feels like HotS+ at this point.


Trakanon Raider
I haven't played much, only a bit around the time when they removed all the macro and as a toss, I really wasn't missing it. Zerg can still do the most disgusting turtle with spores/lurkers/spines/vipers/corruptors and if you somehow trade favorably, you have to deal with an instant techswitch that is almost unpredictable. Then they started fucking with photon overcharge and other stuff and I lost track of all the changes, but Adepts didn't feel that badly designed.

Yeah, I'm pretty underwhelmed, I still have the CE preordered just so I have the complete collection, but I won't jump into the MP before christmas at least.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
The stupidest part is since Blizzcon and LotV release around the same time the KeSPA houses were all focused on HotS. So the best testing is with foreigners. So the game will probably be abysmally balanced when it first comes out.


Yea, I hate to say it but this went from day1 for me to wait and see. It really feels like Blizz doesn't even care about anything not-Overwatch or Hearthstone at this point.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Campaign will still be well done I'm sure. I really enjoyed the prequel missions at least.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Yea, I hate to say it but this went from day1 for me to wait and see. It really feels like Blizz doesn't even care about anything not-Overwatch or Hearthstone at this point.
The esports scene swung heavily in favor of the team based games (CSGO, DOTA, LOL). Hearthstone is one of the few non-RTS 1v1 games with any success, but I do feel a large part of that stems from the fact that there is a decent population of folks who were just starved for a good collectable card game and has a lower skill entry point that makes it more accessible, plus you have people who are familiar with the concept (MTG, Pokemon, etc).

It is kinda sad, but inevitable. All the money is in the MOBA and FPS scene right now.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Hearthstone may be more popular to view on twitch but when it comes to competitions SC2 still reigns over it. I don't think anyone takes HS competitions very seriously. SC2 isn't as big as the three you mentioned but it is still in a relatively healthy state. You can exist without being #1.

I still think SC2 is the best spectator esport game. I tried to get into watching competitive CSGO and possibly I didn't care for it because the nuances were lost on me but it felt like just staring at a corner waiting for someone to peep and shooting them and trying to counter that with grenade usage. The action was too short and the games were too repetitive for me to stay engaged.

Also the eco changes have made it so weird cheeses and build order losses are mostly a thing of the past. Which honestly was the most frustrating part of playing SC2. You could go in with a plan but then random shit occurs and your plan falls apart. In LotV since you start with a healthier eco you have the opportunities to get that ebay up to make turrets and things of that nature. I was just playing a TvP the other day where I had this gut feeling something was off. So I just randomly made a turret in my main. Sure enough DTs were in my base a minute later. In HotS you can't really just invest 100m like that willy nilly without complete knowledge because minerals are so precious early on. I think LotV you can be a bit more loose and make up some gaps with well executed play instead of extremely refined builds.


Trakanon Raider
You say that now, wait until it settles down a bit more.

Honestly, I never felt like you could plan out builds past like first 20 workers anyway. After that, you have to account for the map, the scouting info, what you lost/gained, etc. Maybe at the highest level where only a build x makes sense in a given situation, but until then the most important stuff was careful scouting for proxies. I lost to most cheese like once or twice, then they were easy points.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
You say that now, wait until it settles down a bit more.

Honestly, I never felt like you could plan out builds past like first 20 workers anyway. After that, you have to account for the map, the scouting info, what you lost/gained, etc. Maybe at the highest level where only a build x makes sense in a given situation, but until then the most important stuff was careful scouting for proxies. I lost to most cheese like once or twice, then they were easy points.
Possibly but since you hit the ground running it is far more forgiving. You can't really lose to worker cuts off 1 base now.