Suggestion for amazing LAN games?


Golden Knight of the Realm

Basically, I've decided to host a LAN event for some friends during the holidays, I mean what other way could you have a house warming party (new apartment, yay) and combine it with something you love?

So, the question of strong male body odour aside, does anyone have good suggestions for LAN games? Most people should have decent machines, but I think trying to play games like Battlefield 3 will just end with headaches (plus I suck donkey ass at fps, seriously)

The current potential list looks something like this:

Starcraft 2
Torchlight 2
Diablo 3
Quake 2
CS: Source
Heroes 3
Warcraft 3

Any suggestions for games that are cheap off steam or so are greatly appreciated. Mainly, I'd love a co-op RPG. I mean, when will we get a multiplayer skyrim-esque that isn't an MMO? I'm derailing my own thread, damn.

Anyway, suggestions please!


That guy
Was going to suggest the original Tribes myself. Game is a blast if you got enough people.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
RTS games are a terrible idea due to the skill level involved. If you have one player there who actually plays on he will dominate the entire lan party.


Golden Knight of the Realm
oh I know. we have one actual progamer who will attend (swedish sc player sjow) but the rest of us are on semi-equal footing. Thing is, we'll most likely play UMS rather than ladder games, so stuff like observer madness, lurker defense from original starcraft and whatever is cool from war3/sc2.

Personally, I'm looking wayyy forward to having some awesome long heroes 3 games. Hope I'll get people in on the idea of that.

Thanks for the suggestion of NWN. I haven't played it so it might be worth checking out. Cheers!


RTS games are a terrible idea due to the skill level involved. If you have one player there who actually plays on he will dominate the entire lan party.
This is pretty much the single reason i stopped playing Starcraft back in the day, in our merry band of lan friends we had a single guy that dident understand the concept of playing for fun


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Serious Sam? I can't remember if it's co-op or 4 players or what, but should provide a few hours of fun albeit it's not pvp.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Dungeon Defenders. The base game is $15 on steam, and the maps support anywhere from 4 to 16 players.


Diablo 2, hardcore. I've done an all-nighter with some friends on LAN starting at level 1 and playing straight through. It is a blast until @ 4AM one of your friends dies and then he has to sit out

I urge you to give Nox a try. It's like a high speed diablo 2 with much better pvp. There's also a co-op mode called quest. It's3 bucks on gog. Lan works but if you want to play on the net you'll need to dl westwood online. I'm not sure if quest is included. If not you can find the patchherealong with other things... like a map editor.

The guy has ground art turned off. It doesn't normally look so bad. There's also another class not featured in the video called conjurer. They wear leather armor, summon monsters to fight for them, and use bows along with a few attack spells and buffs. You sadly only catch a few glimpses of the level design, which is pretty damn good too.

This game is really brilliant. It's a shame Nox never got the attention it deserved.


Missed a couple and with steam sales coming they should be cheap to pick up

Team fortress (the co-op is pretty fun) and hey its free
Left 4 Dead 2. If you can get some 4v4 action going its a blast.
Half life 2 death match. Yeah i know old game but it had some good stuff
the new Xcom is pretty decent multiplayer but limited on how many players you can get in one game
World in Conflict. You can do co-op vs bots which is always nice.

Just some games we played at a lan i hosted over labor day.


Trakanon Raider
I don't think you are going to discover any hidden gems, most LAN games are rather ancient
Unreal Tournament 2003/4 is probably the only obvious pick you missed. If you have sjow attending you can do some asymmetrical teams on melee maps, even though SC2 sucks a dick in any gamemode but 1v1 imo. It also depends on how many people you have, if you have 10, you can break out dota which should keep you entertained for a while, if you have 8, L4D 2 is great and so on.



Bronze Knight of the Realm
I assume you'll have internet but remember you require a connection to play SC2 and D3


Trakanon Raider
Hey, I can contribute here! I just finished my game room at the start of the year, and have a 6 pc setup for weekly LAN stuff. Here's what I've found as hits and misses by genre.

RTS - Any real time strategy games are risky, just because you always end up with one person who is good enough to take on 2-3 others alone. After a while it ended up that we would have to play teams, trying to balance that out as much as possible. Even then, its not a whole lot of fun when 4 of you lose to the 2 man team. Generally we don't play RTS anymore, unless it ends up that everyone is equally terrible.

Build games - Games like Terraria and Minecraft are also usually a miss. You end up with a few people who are really into it, and a few people who just aren't, which equals boredom and going home early. IT's also really hard to not just go off and do your own thing in those kind of games, so eventually you end up with a couple people working together, and the rest all just off doing their own thing. At that point, why are you having a LAN party?

Turn based - You mentioned playing Heroes 3. I had the same idea. PARTY KILLER. Heroes can be a lot of fun with 2-3 people sure, but any more than that and you are often waiting 15 minutes+ for your next turn. Emphasis on the +. Often, by the time a player gets his next turn, he has forgotten what exactly he was even doing, which slows things down further. I even had the bright idea that we would do kind of a multiple game setup, so we would all be swapping in and out of another game while running over and hotseating a game of heroes. All that did was make people groan when they had to go take their turn. Great games, just no fun at a LAN party.

FPS - You pretty much can't go wrong with anything here. I'm not that big into FPS games myself, but with a group of people, you can't help but have fun. I've found a lot of younger\older players have a lot more fun with a slower paced FPS (tactical FPS?) than with a fast paced game like Quake or UT. Well, they still have fun with those, but tend to come in last place every game. I bought a bunch of copies of Far Cry 2 for the PC's and people love that. Seems like anyone can win a match at that, even people who generally never play games, lots of fun. Ohh and Borderlands if you only have 4 people. That tends to be the default for 4 at my house since BL2 came out.

RPG/Adventure - Most people seem to like these as well. Dungeon defenders, Torchlight 2, Diablo 3 have all gone over well. I personally feel like they are not AS good at fostering a great time as some of the FPS's, as everyone is working together, but again, just kind of doing your own thing. The most exciting thing that can happen is basically "Is this +10 cool mace good for you?" - "Yeah man, that's a huge upgrade!" - "Here you go." - "Thanks.". You never have anyone screaming or laughing their head off, but everyone does have a good time.

Simulation - I bought 6 copies of one of the need for speed games. I've never been able to talk anyone into playing. No one wants to race around in my house for some reason. Sounded fun to me!

OVERALL, I would say that you are a lot safer with any game that lets your group play together (as much as I hate to say that, as that's not my preference), because either you all lose and everyone has fun, or you all win and everyone has fun. No one likes losing at everything all night. They don't leave happy, and tend to leave early if that's the case. FPS games are almost always a safe bet, but you might want to switch the style up a couple times to make sure everyone's having a good time (Do an hour of capture the flag, an hour of deathmatch, an hour of humans on a team vs increasing difficulty waves, an hour of a slower fps, etc). You can probably throw in a couple RTS matches in there as well, but I guarentee after a couple of games, the people not doing well will want to go back to FPS or whatever. RPG games tend to be an all night type of thing, expect to play only that game for 5 hours once you turn it on. In the end, its hard NOT to have fun at a LAN party. Do your best to manage it, suggest changing games if you feel like someones not enjoying what you guys are playing, let people take breaks pretty often, just watch your party and try to be a good host is the main thing.

Lastly, if you think you might want to do this regularly, watch Steam at the big sales, the summer sale is mainly what I look for. Wait for a game to be $3-$5 and buy 1 or 2 4 packs. Set up 4-8 steam accounts for yourself (lanparty1, lanparty2, etc) and give them all a generic password. Gift all the extra copies to them. It's still really cheap and a solid way to make sure everyone can play. A ton of games are just more trouble than they are worth to pirate anymore. You will find accounts 1-4 will have most of your games ( no reason to buy 8 copies of Left for Dead 2 when you can only play 4 player, etc), with a few games ending up in overflow. Also watch for humble bundles. 5 games for each of your extra accounts at $1 per account? Yes please.

Hope that helps!


Blackwing Lair Raider
tf2. its free. its good. its team based. there's good potential to abuse the people you frag.

tf2. we've wasted months on it.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Battlefield 1 with Desert Combat was always my favorite lan party game. We used to do a party about once a month and split up into teams for capture the flag or whatever. It's kind of a pain in the ass to set up initially but definitely worthwhile if the same group is going to stick together.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
If you're playing SC2 and you find one person is way better than everyone else just make him play Terran and allow the terribles to play Zerg. It should be a fairly even matchup at that point.