Suicide Squad (2016)


But there were already a wide range of joker portrayals when Ledger came up with his
There really wasn't. There was a TV Joker, a Movie Joker, an animated Joker, and a comic joker. All were extremely similar, and had the same backstories.

Nothing even came close to what Ledger was doing. It would be like complaining that Hammel put the true voice to joker, and you weren't a real fan if you liked Ledgers version.

The Ancient_sl

But there were already a wide range of joker portrayals when Ledger came up with his. There aren't a wide range of Harley portrayals. And I'm not saying that you can't ever change the character, you just need to come up with a good explanation the first time she doesn't sound anything like the way she's always sounded in the past. And this new shitty origin story (assuming it's right) isn't a good explanation, it just means that this 'version' of Harley isn't even really Harley.


For the look of Harley in the comics she's went through over a dozen design changes since the Batman animated show.


Silver Knight of the Realm
There really wasn't. There was a TV Joker, a Movie Joker, an animated Joker, and a comic joker. All were extremely similar, and had the same backstories.

Nothing even came close to what Ledger was doing. It would be like complaining that Hammel put the true voice to joker, and you weren't a real fan if you liked Ledgers version.
The comic joker has went through as many iterations as people that have penned a batman comic. Morrison even gave a distinct reason for it in RIP. He's random, he changes, its the entire impetus of the character. Batman boxes him in, the Joker changes the box. Batman figures him out, so he changes his core identity.

His life is multiple choice.

Harley has bee very, very, distinct since the 90s. Even the modern stuff is just a variation of a theme.


None of the iterations came close to what Ledger put on the screen.

And Harley has drastically changed over her course in the comics since the 90's animated show in design,tone and independence.

DC has always been in a constant flux when it comes to their characters, way moreso then Marvel. Anything they do can immediately be explained off with parallel earths.
It's silly to say after all that a different DC universe has to be upheld to laws of a previous one. Tons of elements of the new DC cinematic universe have been changed.

The TV shows are the ones being more faithful.


Mr. Poopybutthole
None of the iterations came close to what Ledger put on the screen.

And Harley has drastically changed over her course in the comics since the 90's animated show in design,tone and independence.
She didn't change drastically, she evolved gradually. If you trotted out present day Harley back in 1993, people would be reacting the same way.

Margot Robbie's Quinn doesn't look a natural progression of the character, it looks like a complete reboot of the character who has only vague superficial similarity to the original.


Margot Robbie's Quinn doesn't look a natural progression of the character, it looks like a complete reboot of the character who has only vague superficial similarity to the original.
Duh, like everything in the new Nolan verse...

in fact I could change your statement to

Heath Ledger's Joker doesn't look a natural progression of the character, it looks like a complete reboot of the character who has only vague superficial similarity to the original.

And it would be the same damn complaint...


Trakanon Raider
Will Smith in the trailer is cringe-worthy. Every time I watch it I hear the 'Everything Wrong With...' guy. "We're some sort of suicide squad?" (Roll credits) And I swear in almost every Will Smith movie he has some variation of the phrase 'let's go save the world' uhhg.


Heath looked totally different, i will give you that. But the essentials were there. His voice was good, his laugh was perfect. The outfit colors were as they were supposed to be, the green hair, the make up colors, everything was there in a altered way, but it hit pretty much all the marks. As been said before, he hit it spot on as the joker while you haven't even seen his face. Just his voice and the way he talks. I must admit, Jared Leto for little voice we have, is spot on. His clothes, i don't know yet, because he has pretty much only been shown without a shirt on, god knows why, because i cannot remember ever seeing the joker not fully dressed.

Now Harley has always been, red and black, or red and dark blue. Not baby blue and pink. ALL variations of her have that annoying accent and high pitched voice, which immediately let's you know she is quite a few sadwiches short of a picnick. She better throw in some Puddin's or call the joker Mistah J. Just to get at least a bit of shown effort of playing a big fan favourite in the DC universe. She doesn't need the big mallet or the jester hat, just hit the checkmarks that define a character, in Harley's case, it's the voice and the colors.

It almost looks like they are trying too hard, but look at the wrong stuff. Leto's joker is almost trying too hard to get out of Heath Ledger's shadow.


And Deadshot also isn't black..., and when did Superman ever kill people? etc etc.

What you nerds want is an exact copy of the animated version in a cinematic universe that doesn't want any part of it.

Give the chick a chance, if she can't sell it it won't matter if she did a faithful version, or not.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Ledger didn't really look radically different though.


And Superman has killed several times. Typically only when he's forced to, although in Injustice: Gods Among Us he walks into a courtroom and puts his fist through Joker's chest. And in the very beginning Superman killed all the time, or left people to die without a second thought. He only gradually evolved into the 'no killing ever' type.

Hell, as recently as 2007 Batman let some criminals burn to death while he was fucking Black Canary right in front of them.


The way he portrayed that character was radically different, so much so they still won't touch that version even in the comics.
That voice, the way he dressed compared to his slick predecessors, etc puts him so far apart to anyone in that photo.

It's a stupid complaint given all the changes they make in the Nolanverse..


Injustice: Gods Among Us he walks into a courtroom and puts his fist through Joker's chest.
Did you really just quote a fighting game Created by Netherealm with an entirely rebooted universe to explain away why another rebooted universe doesn't work.

Just Stahp

Hell, as recently as 2007 Batman let some criminals burn to death while he was fucking Black Canary right in front of them.
You realize that was All star Batman and Robin, the famous god damn Batman? A book that they let Frank Miller do whatever he wanted in, and has no continuity with anything. This is the same book that Robin tortures green lantern in,and send him to the hospital in critical condition. /rolls eyes


Mr. Poopybutthole
Did you really just quote a fighting game with an entirely rebooted universe to explain away why another rebooted universe doesn't work.

Just Stahp
No, you asked when did Superman ever kill people. I answered. He also killed Zod, Ursa, and Non at the end of Superman 2. He killed Doomsday in both the comic and the Doomsday movie. He unquestionably caused innocent bystanders to die when his fight with Darkseid leveled half of Metropolis in the series finale of JLU, just like his fight with Zod in Man of Steel.


He also killed Zod, Ursa, and Non at the end of Superman 2
WTF, lol.

You are reaching so far right now its crazy

Hey guess what? Batmans used to use guns, and kill all kinds of people LMAO

It's as insane as complaining about one character being rebooted in a totally rebooted universe, o wait..


Mr. Poopybutthole
He strips them of their powers and drops them into a bottomless pit. So either they land at the bottom and die, reach the earth's core and die, or it really is a bottomless pit and they fall endlessly until they starve to death. They actually edited in footage of the Kryptonians being taken away by the police in the TV version of the movie, presumably because of the direct implication that Superman caused their death in the theatrical cut.



Here's my prediction. DC will start drawing the character like the one in the movie the year after it is launched. I have faith she will pull it off.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I have faith she will pull it off.
Full Definition of FAITH

b (1) : firm belief in something for which there is no proof

I mean we'll have to see how it's written. Even the best actor can't produce gold when they're shoveling through shit.


<Prior Amod>
Yea but the problem is, everyone just thinks of the OG Sorkin voice, like when you're just reading this.

You hear her saying that in Sorkins voice, you know that the writer (TT) was mouthing out the words in Sorkins voice when he wrote it. That voice is Harley.

It's like giving Hawkeye a Katana, and saying, "ok go be hawkeye now" or giving Capn Boomerang a nunchucks.