

<Prior Amod>
fuck it, my pony is gonna be the black girl, either shit and dumb ppl are just magically falling into her lap, or shes a magical leprechaun

i hope her team loses again tho, then i wanna see the fat asian work w/ the gay fag and say

"yo, you want this cunt to be your number 1? once you get rid of me, she'll get rid of you next"

i hope they don't merge until it's only a survivor palau situation


<Gold Donor>
When Jeff showed up I was certain the tranny had killed her dad and police just found the body.



Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
^^ She's making for good TV so far but I bet having that roller coaster of emotions in camp gets old pretty quick. I definitely wouldn't tell her any secrets.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
The tranny didn't make it to the end of Ep1. He was taking too many brain drugs and they were afraid the stress would crack him so he was medically removed. I have a feeling that they knew it all along but they just wanted to put him/her on there anyway so they let him come for 2 days. He didn't seem particularly surprised when Jeff came to remove him.


New title pending...
<Bronze Donator>
After how terrible last season was, I told my wife she could watch this season without me. I'll check in here from time to time and see if maybe people say it's worth watching, but I feel like this thread has been quiet the last few seasons.


<Prior Amod>
After how terrible last season was, I told my wife she could watch this season without me. I'll check in here from time to time and see if maybe people say it's worth watching, but I feel like this thread has been quiet the last few seasons.
thats b/c even b4 covid survivor has started to suck w/ their super idols and super islands and bringing back survivor retards like rob and sandra
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Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
just wanted to say that oh my god the people are atrociously ugly this season

Yeah I skipped last season so have/had no concept of the format changes. So far it is pretty bad but most seasons are filler up to the merge anyways (with some exceptions). These people so far range from forgetful to aggressively annoying.

Dislike the constant use of B roll and slow motion during all their sob stories. Everyone gets a sob story. Pause the show for the tranny’s life story and struggles, pause the show for the lady whose brother was a nurse and died of COVID, pause the show for the Muslim to tell his story. All complete with fade-in/fade-out and family photo overlays and crying and hugging. It is just over produced too much.

I do like the going back to losing flint and trimming back of food / supplies. That seems like good job making it more old school.

The new idol, shot in the dark, whatever rules are a little over complicated. Couldn’t make heads or tails of “Three people have to say this phrase and you get +1 vote, but if the rooster cries at midnight and last drinks merlot from a man’s bowler, your votes don’t count.” Seems like a good idea run amok. The “bad” idol thing would have been cool and make running off to find hidden immunity idols more risky, never knowing what you’d pickup. The game got stale when every episode was about oeiple finding new idols. They just need to work these rules out and pare it back maybe.

First episode was lulz though with who went home 1st. So won’t spoiler that for now. We’ll probably forget to watch and catch up. Maybe remember a night nothing is going on. Strange that Beyond the Edge comes on at the same time. Seems like it’d make more sense for CBS to stagger the survival shows how Fox staggers Godon’s cooking shows. Maybe they figure Survivor is a good lead in for viewers. With any luck we’ll see Ray Lewis kill someone.


<Prior Amod>
just wanted to say that oh my god the people are atrociously ugly this season
they are ugly b/c they are no longer pulling from all the white actor wannabee's in hollywood and trying to find real ppl in america cuz they need to reach 50% bipoc
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Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
The weird phrase idol was okay last season. I don't know if it will work again after the players have seen it before. It is getting complicated but I think they need to keep changing things because everyone has studied 40 seasons worth of Survivor now and this last round of twists where every advantage has a downside as well is better than just putting more and more idols in to the point where Cirie got voted out because she was literally the only person at tribal that didn't have some sort of idol.


Trakanon Raider
Man I thought this season was gonna somehow avoid all the “identity politics” shit that we had last season. So far it really had. But tonight at tribal the nogresses made it about race and then wanted to act like everyone else was just blaming them for things outside of their control. Meanwhile Channele was voted out for being a liar and untrustworthy, and Rocksroy just overplayed the whole guys alliance thing and got bucked on. But naw… they black on the jury and so it must just be a bunch of raycist crackers voting out minorities.

Im just glad they played their idols cause I really do think when Des said she was gonna play hers it was a bluff.
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<Gold Donor>
lol, I thought Jeff already solved racism with the prior "all-black alliance" season when he cured trannys and phags with the "cum in whoever identifies as people" instead of "come on in guys" schtick.

Wonderful idea with the open vote though, anyone who doesn't vote for evil whitey causes a massive chimp-out.

At least with all-black seasons the juries will be lit, ponderosa will need to beef up security.

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Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Lol thanks for playing your idol. We’ll just vote you out next week and now it will be because you’re black.
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Molten Core Raider
just caught up on the episode

so to be clear... a bunch of white people get voted out in a row, not racist. Two black people get voted out cause of their personality deficiencies... racist?

And i love how after jonathan got shut down, all the whities were scared to peep up again. you can't argue cause that by itself is racist lol


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Who knows how the whole conversation played out. Probst, at any time, could have pointed out exactly what you mention. He also could point out the 4 black winners in 40 seasons and how that’s almost exactly on par with population statistics. Not to mention the Asians, Latin American, Women, and others that have won. He could have also pointed out that there are more minorities and blacks in this season so statistically they could have back-to-back eliminations.

But they wanted to make a point and have a pity party in front of everyone. Be interesting to see what happens at the start of next episode and then the finale. I’ll probably eat clear broth before watching as to not stain the floor and furniture.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
No way Probst is going to do anything like that. His job is to ratchet up the drama, not cool it down. It will be interesting to see what the fallout from that tribal is down the line though.


<Gold Donor>
Survivor now 0-2 on joggers-steal-your-idols scam, next season will just be a dagger wrapped in a note saying, "Do what you do best."

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<Gold Donor>
That was a satisfying episode, as soon as he started whining that he can't vote I was thinking "You've got your hat, just start lamenting that it needs accoutrements."



Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Amanda wasn't the best survivor player, but she was the hottest. Especially towards the end of the seasons where every ounce of baby fat had melted off of her as shown above.
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