
Golden Squire
The Level of Effort on something of that nature is probably too much going forward. Not saying it won't ever happen but they seem pretty content making the stories going forward specific to the factions as opposed to the classes.


Yeah, they basically said it's not in their plans, but who knows what the future holds, which is pretty much their tagline for anything that they haven't made public :p they are horrible for releasing information, apparently there is going to be some 2.9 information in the next week or so. The game needs a full expansion horribly, it needs a good influx of new models and a new story its kind of looked the same for two years now. If it wasn't for PvP I would have unsubbed ages ago


Blackwing Lair Raider
Picked this back up and re addicted a few of my friends. Have rerolled a half a dozen alts, swapped to a Jedi Shadow as my main, finally relearned how to play my original main, and come to the conclusion that I'm hopelessly in love with this game again. I can barely remember why my group quit the first time, most of us never made to cap or finished our respective story lines on any of our toons.

Just a quick question for anyone that has been hanging around with the game on the regular, how frequent are patches and any hope this may see another xpac? I have a bare minimum of 8 play through's ahead of me so, I'm in no danger of running out of content soon, but just curious if I can actually get comfortable long term with this.

I'm also very interested to see what kind of impact the new Star Wars movie may have on subs for this game. Am I alone in other games within the same franchise or relative theme making me want to play the corresponding MMO or major title? My friend got me to fire up a stupid Star Wars card game on my phone and boom, I started having withdrawals from this.


2 Minutes Hate
It's a decent DIKU game with friends and they've added a ton of stuff. I personally don't think there is enough there for me to play. Tab target combat really bores me. If this was at least the minimum of Wildstar or at best TERA's combat I would be playing for sure. Alas, it is not.


Golden Squire
Picked this back up and re addicted a few of my friends. Have rerolled a half a dozen alts, swapped to a Jedi Shadow as my main, finally relearned how to play my original main, and come to the conclusion that I'm hopelessly in love with this game again. I can barely remember why my group quit the first time, most of us never made to cap or finished our respective story lines on any of our toons.

Just a quick question for anyone that has been hanging around with the game on the regular, how frequent are patches and any hope this may see another xpac? I have a bare minimum of 8 play through's ahead of me so, I'm in no danger of running out of content soon, but just curious if I can actually get comfortable long term with this.

I'm also very interested to see what kind of impact the new Star Wars movie may have on subs for this game. Am I alone in other games within the same franchise or relative theme making me want to play the corresponding MMO or major title? My friend got me to fire up a stupid Star Wars card game on my phone and boom, I started having withdrawals from this.
You can see from my posting history that I am hopelessly attached to this game. While my sub has never lapsed I did take an extended break around the middle of last year (even played WoW for a bit) but there's just something about the setting that keeps me going. I dabble in pretty much every aspect the game has to offer, from crafting, to Flashpoints, to Operations, to PvP (Elite Warlord even), and even GSF. I'm currently focused on doing as much as I can to prep for the Strongholds expansion so my two-person guild (wife and myself) can snag our own Guild Flagship. Mostly just running Dailies and dropping a portion of it into the guild bank.

To answer your questions. Patches are on a 3 week cycle not including high priority bug fix patches. The first patch will always be the "Content Patch", and the next two will be minor patches with varying degrees of stuff added. Tomorrow is 3 weeks from 2.8 so it'll be 2.8.1 and in three weeks we'll have 2.8.2. 2.9 is Galactic Strongholds and it'll be interesting to see what comes along with it. They've only hinted at a few things, minor reveals on some others, but have been mum about content beyond it. GSH (as it is known) is a "free" expac. There is a planned "paid" digital expansion coming later this year that we have zero information about. I've got my money on it being part of the current Forged Alliances story content though.

I don't think you'll see much change from the standpoint of the movies, just because we're talking about thousands of years of difference when it comes to the timelines. At best you might see them integrate some of the creatures that show up.

So what server did you decide to play on? I'm on The Ebon Hawk which is the second highest population server at the moment (Bergeron Colony is the highest). It's a little odd since both servers are RP servers but TEH has a lot going for it. Pretty decent PvP community, Pick Up Ops groups pretty much every day of the week (most of which aren't doomed to failure), strong GSF community. Imperial side is heavier in overall population which has caused issues with Pub PvP (mostly because a lot of people on that side haveno ideawhat the fuck they're doing) but a lot of people have toons on both sides. I know arterial plays on Jedi Covenant and at one point a couple of others were playing on TEH but by and large the RR population of SWTOR players is slim.

Now is a good time to pick up too. Tomorrow starts a week of double exp. I plan to finish off my Shadow so I can at least cause as much havoc on Pub side as I do Imp side (assassin main).


Molten Core Raider
Sad story about TOR...i hate space games and the whole sub-genre; I ignored that hate to play it. I normally had been focused on high end competitive rating for like 13 years at that time, yet I tried PVP and fell in love. Fast forward many pain staking months a head filled with being lied to repeatedly and zero things being delivered that were promised and finally me and everyone I played with gave up since our like year long "pre-season" to ranked consisted of basically playing only 1 other guild since their was limited ranked teams to begin with any they got curb stomped so bad they refused to queue since they didn't get to play anyone near their level. Worse off, the 1 team that provided a hell of a good challenge for us didn't queue up until like 1 AM.....working 70 hours a week and waking up at 5 AM makes for a very tired and fustrated Turbo especially when the fuckers didn't queue that night.

Such a sad story.....only good part is it did get me hooked on pvp like a drug since I started at the begining and had some great success. I'll never play a god damn space game again (sorry just drives me batshit crazy outside).


Blackwing Lair Raider
We are all on The Shadowlands server, we were auto transfered there after our long absence, so it's just kind of where we all stayed. I'm going to be spending every second of July 4th weekend taking advantage of that double xp for sure. I need to get in and look at how guild advancement works, we are in a random casual pick up guild for the free 10% xp atm, need to see if it would be worth while to drop and make our own again. Got to reach out and check on some other friends as well. I hadn't seen anything about that new Stronghold update, I'll have to find a better place to try and glean info in the future. The IP has always grabbed me, and I've wanted a decent space themed MMO for awhile, though fantasy is definitely my bread and butter. Galactic Starfighter stuff is starting to draw me in now that I've punished myself enough to start getting unlocks and figuring out the damn control scheme. Actually enjoying random pvp matches as well, and holy hell I never knew Huttball could be so god damn fun.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I think I'm one of the 12 people in the world that love the space missions, where you pilot your ship on rails and shoot enemy things. I don't know exactly why, but it's hylarious. It helps that my son loves to sit on my lap and helps me fight the evil imps with random rolls.
I always approached swtor as casually as possible (every game nowadays is 100% casual for me) and I don't mind paying for a sub when I pick it up. I still have a lot of stories to play through, combat may be old school, but I love SW so much that I completely ignore the mechanics and just roll with them. The voice overs are very well done, space is fun, flashpoints are quite interesting and well done.
I hope I'll make it to the level cap with a character or two soon to try operations, tank shadow and/or healing i-agent very likely.
No matter how hard I try, SWtoR keeps calling me back (just like WoW and GW2, damn me and my addictions).


Golden Squire
Patch today starts the double comms/credits for the ground PvP.

I have a feeling I'm going to have to a carry a few games over the next few weeks.


It's a decent DIKU game with friends and they've added a ton of stuff. I personally don't think there is enough there for me to play. Tab target combat really bores me. If this was at least the minimum of Wildstar or at best TERA's combat I would be playing for sure. Alas, it is not.
I feel exactly opposite. I prefer tab target combat and I'm not looking for a twitch MMO. My biggest gripe with Wildstar and ESO was the combat was so vastly inferior for group play compared to WOW for me.

SWTOR has a lot of issues, but the combat is much, much more fun than any of the recent MMOs.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
So I was resubbed back in feb-March. I still felt like the combat was piss poor responsive. I was on my jugg.


I think I'm one of the 12 people in the world that love the space missions, where you pilot your ship on rails and shoot enemy things. I don't know exactly why, but it's hylarious. It helps that my son loves to sit on my lap and helps me fight the evil imps with random rolls.
I always approached swtor as casually as possible (every game nowadays is 100% casual for me) and I don't mind paying for a sub when I pick it up. I still have a lot of stories to play through, combat may be old school, but I love SW so much that I completely ignore the mechanics and just roll with them. The voice overs are very well done, space is fun, flashpoints are quite interesting and well done.
I hope I'll make it to the level cap with a character or two soon to try operations, tank shadow and/or healing i-agent very likely.
No matter how hard I try, SWtoR keeps calling me back (just like WoW and GW2, damn me and my addictions).
If you haven't yet, you should try GSF PVP with a premade group using voice chat. Its a helluva lot of fun.

After playing it a while reputations get built up and you know who on your team as well as the enemy team knows their shit.


Compared to what? Combat is your typical tab target mess. I don't see how it's any less or more fun than any other tab target system.
See, I find TESO and it's faux actiony combat and Wildstar with it's focus on the telegraph light show far worse than WOW or SWTOR and it's simple and meaningful combat.

My issues with MMOs are rotations and rote gameplay. Adding actiony combat adds more rote crap for me to do, and takes away tab target combat which I enjoy.

I hate twitch combat in MMOs. Twitch and rotations is the worst of both worlds for me in group based games.


Blackwing Lair Raider
My little group has been having a blast. I've got a half a dozen toons up to 11-12 sitting waiting on Coruscant/Dromund, my original main Commando is up to 46, and my new Shadow main is up to 27, would be higher, but only been playing with my roomie. I've got 4 people directly to resub and by extension another 4 people to sign up. Should get a finders fee lol. Enjoying the double xp, though I've been skipping tons of quests, and just rolling through class quests because everything greys out so fast. Been having to switch to my highest toon to farm credits, to feed the hungry little alts.


Golden Squire
Using this weekend to finally get a Shadow up to max. I just dislike the Republic side so much though. Though Consular Dark Side choices are good for the lulz.


Compared to what? Combat is your typical tab target mess. I don't see how it's any less or more fun than any other tab target system.
Combat style is pretty much a personal preference, for me I like the large amount of abilities in swtor, and the 1.5 GDC gives me a bit more time to react in my old age :p That being said I really disliked most of the recent MMO"s combat, I dont really care for the GW2/WS style either


Bronze Knight of the Realm
This is a dumb conversation. It IS wow combat, but with straight up less depth and at launch suffered from janky shit stiffness due to animation locking and inconsistency. If you want a slow GCD go play FF14. If you want a 1.5 second GCD SWTOR is strictly worse than wow.

Wow has a ton of depth that has been added in over the years, but given that this game is a carbon copy of it at its most base level, it's asinine to be like "SWTOR IS GOOD CAUSE COMBAT SYSTEM IS GOOD".