The Animated GIF Thread


Bronze Squire
I like the nice mix of pix to narrative in Dr Neir's posts.



Tranny Chaser
I understand the point of the "Of Science". Grammy or Emmy awarded special gold star for Peace is a joke in Academics compared to everyone else in Nobel achievements. I can agree with that. I do not care to list all the current and past Olympic Athletes ever that are in Engineering and other Sciences or other areas of humankind advancement. It's not my error of judgement or knowledge with the subject. Thanks for the gentleness.

The point was favoring Olympic Athletes over the "Common Reject" and "Corrupt Families" in a form of power. Your assessment to devoid Athletes from having a greater gene pool % over never achieving a Nobel in Science or betterment of "Humankind" is off mark. I would personally welcome it more than current gene pool. On any given day of the populate I bump into, 80% tend to be just walking Meat. Personal opinion of course.
It's good you acknowledge your mistakes
Now let's clear up the the last couple of your misunderstandings: I'm not Dumar, nor did I say anything about common rejects, corrupt families, gene pools or anything of the sort. That's your interpretation, not my words.
I said:
Why would you want the world populated with jocks? Athletes do notspend their livesresearching mechanism of disease or productive scientific discoveries.
It's not hard finding people with an academic degree in sports. We've been over that, remember? A degree doesn't mean one actually achieves anything defined by what I said above. And even one manages to find someone extraordinary, there is stillno Science Nobel Prize Laureates whom dedicated their life to sports, and then happened to stumble upon a ground breaking scientific discovery worth a Nobel Prize. If you think that's how it works, you don't understand what a Nobel Prize in science is nor why it's given.

Let me put it in seriously simplistic terms: What makes up muscles is dynamic on a cellular level, proliferation, hypertrophy. That is not the case with the brain. We cannot replace lost, damaged, or general lack of neurons or commissural fibers. The difference and what is achieved with either is the foundation of my argument. It's a neuronal chain, that controls our muscles, and receives input to make this meaningful - afferents, efferents - or the muscle atrophies and dies. I could see an argument in that exercise potentiates neurons, in that NMDA receptors involved in learning are upregulated. But to what extent is that more beneficial than simply having a vaster neuronal capacity and commissurals and applying it to science? Why is Stephen Hawkins smarter than any athlete on the planet? We've shown some drugs can do the same. It brings us back to why we don't have a single dedicated athlete whom is also a Science Nobel Laureate.

Here is your gif:


Tranny Chaser
Thanks for proving his point I guess.
And not sure what the put up or shut up bit is about. But that's okay, he called me faggot, which clearly makes him tough and cool.
Listen girls, I was responding to the good Dr Neir whom had the decency of posting interesting points and facts, albeit was wrong about my points. You guys went straight for the ad hominem. I respond in kind to this, and now you cry like little girls that I did? Man up, put up, or shut up - add to the discussion you butted into or stay out of it. Mkay? Mkay.


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
I do love how you feel it's your right or duty to evaluate people's posting. It makes your own posting complete shite, but, please. Continue.



Tranny Chaser
I do love how you feel it's your right or duty to evaluate people's posting. It makes your own posting complete shite, but, please. Continue.
You commented on my post first, you dolt. You're the one asking for a whooping going straight to ad hominem - I didn't come to you, here, now did I? Keep digging that grave.