The Authoritative Final Fantasy & Bravely Default thread


A Mod Real Quick

Wow, her costume looks gorgeous in motion. She looks awesome in the scene with those glasses too.

Everything looks pretty fluid in combat too, I have hope.
So.. action RPG?
Not sure how I feel.



It looks like it's a slightly modded version of FFXIII-2's battle system, so removes menus for buttons assigned to abilities (I think). It won't be an Action RPG in the Kingdom Hearts sense of the genre though; it's just made to look more flowing.


<Silver Donator>
So.. action RPG?
Not sure how I feel.
Combat looks like normal FF, modern FF that is, it's APB but fast paced and combo based. Also there's a clear distinction between the combat scenes and the exploration scenes, which implies typical FF "run around then suddenly get into a fight" system. The exploration does look like it offers more freedom of movement with jumping and stuff. Both of these doesn't really mean action rpg, in the genre sense(say like zelda is), it's not old school FF combat but it seems in line with the more recent games.



Lord Nagafen Raider
This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Square Enix Co., Ltd..
Fucking Squeenix. Found this trailer on Dailymotion - I assume it's the same - for anyone that missed the youtube one.

It looks... decent. The new costume does look quite good in motion, but the whole Majora's Mask time limit frightens me - it's one of the attributes of that game I absolutely hated. Beyond that, I just can't shake the stigma of it beingyet anotherFF13 game. The original left such a sour taste in my mouth. Trying to finally finish it (tutorial hour 14 so far!) again in anticipation of the (backordered) XIII-2 I grabbed during the sale, and the more I play it, the more I remember why I just gave up and walked away from it. At this point, the only thing even remotely enticing about anything XIII-related is the slight sliver of hope that Versus will A) actually release one day and B) be decent.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
in the interview...director said something about..exploring and shit...Day and Night etc... One thing that Majora's Mask had going for was atmosphere, sense of chaos, and crazy horror shit..perfect for the End of the World

..but FF13? Hump....


Avatar of War Slayer
You honestly felt the Alexandria event was comparable from an emotional standpoint? To each their own I guess.
What about everything involving Vivi?

Rydia was like what, 3 lines? and a few sprite emotes? everything there? was you creating it. it was your imagination and YOUR like of Rydia filling in the blanks.


What about everything involving Vivi?

Rydia was like what, 3 lines? and a few sprite emotes? everything there? was you creating it. it was your imagination and YOUR like of Rydia filling in the blanks.
Vivi's story was fantastic, especially with it intertwining with Kuja's story too (Which I also found to be great).


Avatar of War Slayer
Eiko in FF9 IS Rydia. but now with dialogue, and FMV, polygons etc. No one likes Eiko. A good example of them having the power to fill in the blanks for you, and you not liking what is in them.

Beatrix/Stiener were fantastic. Vivi was one of the best FF storylines of all time. top 1-3 easy. The rest of 9.. had alot of the problems the others did, just with a nice classic FF coat of paint.
card games breaking pacing already mentioned. Fucking necron out of nowhere. uncomfortably effeminate and annoying Kuja. Main character is the LEAST interesting character.

Another example FF12 and FF6 are very similar really in party dynamic. know how everyone hates Vaan? and its really Ashe's story?
Terra is not the main character in FF6. Locke is. (and world of ruin Celes is of course)The story revolves around Terra, but you play Locke in the world of Balance 95% of the time. but unlike 12, we don't shit around on locke with small talk. if FF6 was remade. oh god, would we. We would have soliloquy by Locke, side stories, FMV, etc with him every 5minutes, with the party as he laments his dead GF, and flash back after flash back. the limits of the tech kept them from doing this. Granted, ashe is terra, and locke is balthier. really Baltheir should have been the main character there and it would have worked better.. Vaan is more Sabin. But that wouldn't have made much of a difference, as we don't really spend all that much dialogue on them.
Imagine the Cyan, and Shadow dreams in FMV? with annoying cutting. and it would seriously be LESS memorable then the original.

The Ancient_sl

Eiko in FF9 IS Rydia. but now with dialogue, and FMV, polygons etc. No one likes Eiko. A good example of them having the power to fill in the blanks for you, and you not liking what is in them.
No, noone like Eiko because they made her unlikeable. Noone like Porom either, you are dismissing nuances that were there in both games. They didn't just "fill-in" the blanks, they filled it in with shit. You are basically saying that no one would have liked Rydia if they had written more of her, when the more accurate statement is that no one would have liked Rydia if they had written more of her in the style that they've been writing recent FFs, whichisn'ta point in recent FF's favor.

Vivi storyline was good. Easily the best(only?) thing 9 had going for it.


Avatar of War Slayer
I don't think you are getting it.
in earlier game there were just set pieces, there was no character development. These set pieces defined the characters 90% of the time. We would get bits and pieces occasionally, but rarely anything but a line or two.
With better tech, we got character development, and more detailed art. And that was a whole lot of NOPE. As we realize, the characters most often, kindof suck.
Rydia, the 10yr old actually TALKED. yes, you would hate her. Keeping it simple, kept her likable. Her character was, summons awesome shit. that was her personality.

No one is defending the new ones. The characters suck. But we are saying its more of a product of tech, and giving too much freedom to piss poor writers, then anything else.
The old ones, were not works of genius. The simple nature worked in their favor.


Eiko in FF9 IS Rydia. but now with dialogue, and FMV, polygons etc. No one likes Eiko. A good example of them having the power to fill in the blanks for you, and you not liking what is in them.

Beatrix/Stiener were fantastic. Vivi was one of the best FF storylines of all time. top 1-3 easy. The rest of 9.. had alot of the problems the others did, just with a nice classic FF coat of paint.
card games breaking pacing already mentioned. Fucking necron out of nowhere. uncomfortably effeminate and annoying Kuja. Main character is the LEAST interesting character.

Another example FF12 and FF6 are very similar really in party dynamic. know how everyone hates Vaan? and its really Ashe's story?
Terra is not the main character in FF6. Locke is. (and world of ruin Celes is of course)The story revolves around Terra, but you play Locke in the world of Balance 95% of the time. but unlike 12, we don't shit around on locke with small talk. if FF6 was remade. oh god, would we. We would have soliloquy by Locke, side stories, FMV, etc with him every 5minutes, with the party as he laments his dead GF, and flash back after flash back. the limits of the tech kept them from doing this. Granted, ashe is terra, and locke is balthier. really Baltheir should have been the main character there and it would have worked better.. Vaan is more Sabin. But that wouldn't have made much of a difference, as we don't really spend all that much dialogue on them.
Imagine the Cyan, and Shadow dreams in FMV? with annoying cutting. and it would seriously be LESS memorable then the original.
I agree that Zidane had one of the most boring stories of a Final Fantasy protagonist if taken as just him, but I think it goes up considerably if you take into account that Zidane's story is pretty much Kuja's story, and they only have any worth with each other. (If you took this into account, I apologize

Lightning has really boring story for the most part to be honest, she just looks really good \o/


The Ancient_sl

I don't think you are getting it.
in earlier game there were just set pieces, there was no character development. These set pieces defined the characters 90% of the time. We would get bits and pieces occasionally, but rarely anything but a line or two.
With better tech, we got character development, and more detailed art. And that was a whole lot of NOPE. As we realize, the characters most often, kindof suck.
Rydia, the 10yr old actually TALKED. yes, you would hate her. Keeping it simple, kept her likable. Her character was, summons awesome shit. that was her personality.

No one is defending the new ones. The characters suck. But we are saying its more of a product of tech, and giving too much freedom to piss poor writers, then anything else.
The old ones, were not works of genius. The simple nature worked in their favor.
No, I'm getting it, and I disagree. Just because the "filled in-gaps" are filled in poorly today does not mean that they would have been back then. There is no basis for that assumption.


Lord Nagafen Raider
No, I'm getting it, and I disagree. Just because the "filled in-gaps" are filled in poorly today does not mean that they would have been back then. There is no basis for that assumption.
Honestly I think it's less about filling the gaps poorly and more about filling the gaps at all. Everyone forms an opinion about those characters based on what they're given, and then finishes painting the picture on their own, generally in what you would consider a favorable light. If those details are painted in, the finished product rarely matches your ideal of the finished product.

Donnie Darko would be a good example. The original movie left a lot of assumption up to the viewer. When the Director's Cut came out a few years later, there was a lot of hand-holding involved to spell out exactly what they wanted to portray, and a lot of people disliked it because it didn't match up with what they had envisioned it to be.


Mr. Poopybutthole
What storytelling moment in 9 was comparable to Rydia's Mist dragon popping up out of nowhere and saving your ass? I won't argue against your opinion, I'd just like to hear it.
Brahne eating it and Dagger going silent mode for the next several hours of gameplay. If you are invested in the characters (I may be the only one, but I was invested in Vivi/Steiner/Zidane/Dagger from like hour 4) it is an incredibly powerful scene and the repercussions are felt gamewide. The Lifa Tree scene is 10x the Alexandria/Alexander scene. Garland showing up and raping stuff is almost deus ex machina territory, while the Lifa Tree incident is basically the realization of a power grab gone wrong.

Rydia showing up is a great scene and one I definitely remember loving as a kid. Now though... I realize it for what it was. The reintroduction of a character in a dramatic fashion. If Yang showed up and kicked the Shadow Dragon to death it would have probably have been similar in how awesome the scene was. Rydia had such a minimal part leading up to that moment that it really does stride into the DEM territory. It is explained afteward, but when it happens it really is out of left field to the point of almost being silly. Brahne getting killed and semi-reconcilling with her adopted daughter is easily as moving and as surprising as it should be... who the fuck thought Kuja was the -real- badguy at that point unless we used Japan Logic to solve it. Golbez being Cecil's brother is really one of those JAPAN! style tweests that really didn't need to be there but does add to the story. Zidane being a construct designed to obliterate life on Terra that gets accidentally reprogrammed isn't a twist; it is a decisive story angle that makes complete sense in the context of the story.

I freely admit, I'm one of the very, very few FF9 lovers. The story it contains trumps the crap out of basically everything in my opinion minus that stupid goddamn Necron fight. Everything else was well written and made sense from a story standpoint. Rydia randomly showing up 10 years older going "Oh yeah Summons land is different time and I followed you k?" is not nearly as well planned out. And of course, since Gavinrad likes pointing it out... this is just an opinion. Take it for what it is.

General Antony

Vyemm Raider
Final Fantasy XIII-2 is one one of the best RPGs I've played in a long time. It's a huuuuge step up from FFXIII and I highly recommend anyone who skipped it this year after being turned off by FFXIII to go and give it a shot, it's definitely worth playing and a solid game.
Not sure how you can say this with a straight face. Two playable characters? Really?