The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !


Scorpio will likely win on hardware, but why should I care when all the games are on PC too? Sony's always going to win because they have actual exclusives.

PSNow is coming to PC so the writing is on the wall for exclusives too.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
There's a huge difference between games actually running on Windows and a streaming service. PSNow is already available for PC, but it's pretty much just paying $100 a year for half-assed PS3 backwards compatibility. I've played every good game available on it already, so I haven't bothered doing the trial to see if the streaming itself is actually worth a shit (I'm highly skeptical of this). If Trails of Cold Steel 1 & 2 or Yakuza 5 get added to PSNow's library someday I might care.

And I'm still not sure how exclusives are supposed to die when Sony owns a bunch of studios and has publishing deals with many others. Just like Nintendo first party games will remain exclusive until the day they finally get out of the hardware business. I'd like you to be right as I'd prefer to only ever buy PC hardware and go back to ignoring consoles entirely, but I'm not holding my breath for that day to come.

Edit: Actually I see now that Trails of Cold Steel is on the list. Maybe I will give it a try soon after all.
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F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Yeah I should clarify. 1st party titles should die in a fire and be made available to everyone. However, the days of seeing 3rd party exclusives (Other than timed) are done. And hopefully timed exclusives from 3rd party are over.


FPS noob
I don't think Scorpio is going to make a dent in the PS4 dominance, simply because Microsoft seems to be internally having a massive fight between basically turning xbox into a Windows 10 system and those who want to keep a simple console for the living room. Every step along the way the message is confusing and mixed. Xbox games will run on PC. Oh wait, first party only and only if you buy digitally. Forza Horizon 3 is cross play. The demo is only xbox one though. They've also played their hand WAY too early, announcing Scorpio back in June 2016 with a holiday 2017 release date gives Sony a year to plan their counter move.

The PS 4 Pro was definitely a big mis-step, like a counter attack against an attack that never came. If they had just instead released the PS4 Slim that natively supports 4K but power wise is the exact same as the PS4, and $299, I think everyone would be happy. Instead now we're gonna have this weird PS4Pro thing, and probably at E3 next year they will announce the PS5 which will be 100% BC but also probably beat the Scorpio specs, for Holiday 2017 release, and Microsoft will be left looking like the underpowered chumps again.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Until you find out Scorpio comes with Occulus Rift for $449.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Yeah I should clarify. 1st party titles should die in a fire and be made available to everyone. However, the days of seeing 3rd party exclusives (Other than timed) are done. And hopefully timed exclusives from 3rd party are over.
If you're saying that, say, Bloodborne 2 has a chance in hell of being multiplat just because From Soft is technically a 3rd party studio, then I still have to strongly disagree. And while I think Square Enix probably learned their lesson about doing exclusivity deals with MS (Rise of the Tomb Raider PC outsold Xbone almost immediately, and the PS4 version will probably go even further) I think there will always be desperate studios in need of cash even if it means limiting their audience.


I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>
The hits keep coming:

- Fallout 4 and Skyrim mods: Sony won't allow them.
- Reportedly Sony and third parties might charge for HDR/4k patches to games.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Trust me when I say Spronk, Sony is about to alienate all their customers with very poor and unfriendly consumer decisions.

* Price increase for PS Plus
* Charging for 4k patches for previous games on PS4 to support PS4 Pro
* Limiting mods across all games
* PS4 Pro will only upscale most games to 4k.
* Dwindling relationship with 3rd party developers (They are starting to pull a Nintendo from the glory days back office style)
* Insert about 55 more in the next 6 months.

The lead dog is about ready to spoil on their riches and it will tank them for the next gen. Just like Microsoft did with the Xbox One.

Phil Spencer is going to see this and attack full force with Scorpio. People don't care about PC/Scorpio play on any device. People want to buy the most powerful console on the cheap and buy games for it.


Blackwing Lair Raider
For some odd reason this always seems to happen in the console world. Company takes the lead and then proceeds to completely shit the bed the following generation. Hell Nintendo has never fully recovered from their fall from glory after the SNES. Sony did it after the PS2, and MS (for the markets it lead in at least) did it after the 360. Thankfully I have a PC now so I can get the multiplats on it while I still play exclusives on the playstaytion.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
People want to buy the most powerful console on the cheap and buy games for it.

This is exactly my point though. Sony is making blunder after blunder lately, but in the end they still have a huge advantage with their games library and people will just bend over and take it. The most consumers can do to 'stick it to them' is not buy into this hardware refresh bullshit at all, but that pretty much never happens. I said I'd never buy a PS4 until it was at least as good as the PS3 at being a media center and yet here I am. The PS4 is still terrible at it (and so is the Xbone) but I caved and bought it anyway because I wanted to play Bloodborne. I can say now that I'll never buy a PS4 Pro, but honestly if there is an exceptional trade-in deal for my old PS4 this fall I will probably do it. If for no other reason than because my PS4 is long out of warranty, and also because I never upgraded the stock HD.


I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>
I can say I won't be getting a PS4 Pro, I already made the leap and traded in the PS4 when the One S came out, and only play multi-plats I can't get on PC there anyways. I usually own the major consoles each gen but just don't have time for that anymore.

I am all for more frequent console releases, they've got to earn my money though. I kept playing my Xbox because it was accessible (1080p streaming to PC is great) while the PS4 became an expensive Roku for my kids playing Netflix and Amazon.

Interested in whatever becomes of the PS5, by then Sony will have fixed some of this stuff, hopefully. If all my games by then are playable on PC I could easily see just being done with console gaming though. I am probably just EA embracing Play Anywhere (or some form of it via Origin) so I can play Madden on PC from just abandoning them now.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
This is exactly my point though. Sony is making blunder after blunder lately, but in the end they still have a huge advantage with their games library and people will just bend over and take it.

That is what Microsoft thought with the 360. How did that work out for them with the Xbox One?


Avatar of War Slayer
Its sad that sony is doing the stuff that MS did that let them win the past generation (or 1.5 generations? ehh) - its really stupid and I wonder where the pressure to do these things came from- other than well maybe just bad leadership heh.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
It's a cycle. MS will be taking the next generation of consoles. They adapt due to force of being shown the door through customers wallets. Sony, who has that advantage now, tries to see what they can get away with and ultimately pisses everyone off and the other company takes full advantage. Rinse and repeat until an Asteroid wipes us out.


The Big Mod
Sony and Microsoft ebb and flow between doing what's best for their customers and doing what's best for business. We should all be thankful that there is healthy competition within the marketplace.


FPS noob
Problem is when I see the 2017-2018 exclusive games lineup:

Microsoft: Crackdown 3, Sea of Thieves, Scalebound, State of Decay 2
Sony: The Last of Us 2, Horizon Zero Dawn, God of War, Spider Man, Death Stranding (Kojima), Days Gone, Crash Bandicoot remaster, and a bunch of Playstation VR exclusive games, exclusive maps for COD / Destiny / Destiny 2

To me its not even really a contest there, especially if you own a PC then a PS4 compliments it nicely

but yeah competition is good, hope Microsoft keeps the pressure up and good ol Nintendo enter the battle again (and probably fall right down sadly)


Avatar of War Slayer
Sony and Microsoft ebb and flow between doing what's best for their customers and doing what's best for business. We should all be thankful that there is healthy competition within the marketplace.

True, but its really annoying to swap every generation, because reasons.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
That is what Microsoft thought with the 360. How did that work out for them with the Xbox One?
The Xbone's downfall is more complicated than that. MS didn't just do one thing wrong, they did EVERYTHING wrong, on top of already having a slipping market share even before last gen ended due to the strength of the games Sony had towards the end of the cycle. Sony is currently fucking up with hardware, but the games library will get them through it relatively unscathed. Worst case scenario is that new buyers just won't buy the Pro over the Slim and old ones will stick with the original PS4. People aren't going to suddenly run out and trade their PS4 for an Xbone though, as long as Sony has the games to keep them around. (See: Spronk's list above) It's the same thing that keeps Nintendo alive even when they put out trash-tier hardware like the WiiU (and the Wii and the 3DS and probably the NX too).