The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !


A Mod Real Quick
I don't even shop at best buy unless I feel like being swarmed by a bunch of puny faggots that think they know a whole bunch of shit. When someone comes up to me and goes "hey is this computer thing good?????" and I give them the ups and downs of it, then they go "Oh well I already bought it, the guy at best buy told me it was good for listening to music and watch videos and stuff".. I cringe. A piece of my heart breaks.

I also love how they swarm you when you don't want them, but then when you need them to get Product X13 that's way up in the rafters, no one can find the one dude with the key for it and it takes 30 minutes. Fuck that fucking shittyass fucking shithole.


Vyemm Raider
I work for BBY and I absolutely agree, that is unless you are an employee. I pre-ordered my PS4 along with some other stuff and you better believe if it comes to me or the customer, the customer is going to have to wait.
Haha, i never shop there unless absolute last option and im being impatient. I remember when Halo came out and nearly every store took too many preorders and customers were livid and bitching up a store. I couldnt help but laugh wondering why the fuck people would even shop at BB.


Haha, i never shop there unless absolute last option and im being impatient. I remember when Halo came out and nearly every store took too many preorders and customers were livid and bitching up a store. I couldnt help but laugh wondering why the fuck people would even shop at BB.
Consider that mostly only people with traditionally "normal" lives shop at Best Buy. Not to take this too far, but you also have the fact that most tech savvy people who are bonafide people persons are quite rare. What you get in most Best Buys are far more A) nerds with bad social skills or B) know nothing morons with good people skills (salesmen) and a less common smattering of C) nerds with good social skills and D) morons without social skills. That's what I think anyway.


Bronze Squire
I will agree totally. Some of the people I work with I wonder how the fuck they got hired. I can think of at least 3 socially awkward people that are sales people and tons that think they know their shit when they don't. I have been fucking with our gaming associates telling them that every xbox one they let get pre-ordered they are failing the customer.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I've got in-laws that are terrified to buy anything without a store warranty that they have a brick and mortar location to deal with. Don't ask me why - I've tried to convince them against...


Bronze Squire
For now anyway the no tax thing applies. If stuff keeps up, it may not for much longer. I don't get it either TBH but we have many customers that rather deal with a physical location. I really don't get the whole physical location thing personally and I keep saying it is only a matter of time before my store get downsized to a smaller store. I don't see how huge box retailers are going to survive for much longer. The only reason I don't buy everything online is obviously my discount, otherwise I would. The only thing that always worries me about online ordering is I know how UPS/Fedex throws shit around.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
On the FedEx/UPS thing that's part of why good shippers (Amazon being one) have a very solid reputation for replacing broken stuff.


Amazon charges tax here in AZ now, however NewEgg currently still does not charge taxes.

I also get my 3-5 day free shipping from NewEgg the next day as well. Love having them ship from Cali to here.

Who shops at Best Buy anymore?
When you have Amazon and New Egg you can get shit from with no sales Tax and better support.


Trakanon Raider
Amazon charges tax here in AZ now, however NewEgg currently still does not charge taxes. I also get my 3-5 day free shipping from NewEgg the next day as well. Love having them ship from Cali to here.
Move to a state that doesn't have sales tax, boycott the stupid consumption tax.


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
On one hand I dig that Oregon has no sales tax, on the other our roads suck donkey balls.


That guy
Sales tax >>>>>>>>>>>> Income Tax. Fuck living in a state that has income tax over sales tax.
Which is why I leave my home of record as Florida instead of changing it to North Carolina while I'm stationed here. Would rather not have to deal with that bullshit on my W2's every year when I can just pay zero in state taxes.


Sales tax >>>>>>>>>>>> Income Tax. Fuck living in a state that has income tax over sales tax.
Can't you deduct your state income tax from your federal taxes? Can't do the same with the sales tax. So unless you save more than a third of your income, a 3% income tax means you pay less in taxes total than a 3% sales tax. Anyway, this is way off topic.