The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !


About Buckley's video: I disagree with one of his point: waging the console war is not (only) about feeling defined by the console you own and feeling attacked when someone attacks the console of your choosing, it's (also) about caring about the video games as a medium and since the different console manufacturers have an impact in the form of the medium and have different philosophies concerning this medium, it natural to be interested in the success of the manufacturer whose philosophy most align with yours (or hope for their collective failure).


About Hulu & co. behind a paywall: I am glad it's not behind a paywall on the PS3 (and 4) because I checked some stuff on MUBI and I am not sure I'll subscribe to PS+ considering I hardly ever play multiplayer games (Journey, Demon's Souls, Dark Souls are the only ones I can think of) and I really don't care much about free games considering I have a tough enough time playing through the game I want to play (I am currently playing Dark Souls and I have still Vanquish and Heavy Rain laying next to my PS3, with a list of a dozen released games I want to buy - and let's not mention older games... I have a 100+ unopened oldies on a shelf by me as I type this, with a pile of 20ish "must play" that has not moved in three years... damn).


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I sold my PS3 a long time ago and honestly had no idea PS+ existed. Everything I have read thanks to this thread makes it seem like a superior service. I just find the whole paywall for netflix to be a non issue for most people. I think the bigger gripe against live is how much they charge for patches. That to me is something that is a hell of a lot more important then the netflix thing.
Add more to that pile. I forgot about their ridiculous patching system. Supposedly designed to make sure designers and publishers were held to quality and didn't need to patch a game fifty times to make it work. When in actuality it's just another way to gouge publishers and hamper patches for customers on that console, not to mention because of it, even if a publisher wanted to give free DLC to their customers, they can't because they will need to charge to absorb a cost. Nintendo tried to hamstring publishers in different ways then this in the 80's and they still have almost zero third party support. Nintendo however can live off its first party titles. Microsoft, not so much.

But yeah playstation plus is a must have even without multiplayer. 49.99 a year for 6 free games a month. It paid for itself when I have played sleeping dogs, demons souls, little big planet, and deux ex revolution to name a few, for free with the service. It paid for itself in one month. Not to mention the great gaming deals and true one hour play of a game.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
My inner asshole wants the Xbone to win just to shit on the circlejerk. Because that would be funny and also because scat circlejerks are the only way I can become aroused.


My inner asshole wants the Xbone to win just to shit on the circlejerk. Because that would be funny and also because scat circlejerks are the only way I can become aroused.
This won't happen because consumers like cheaper products.

Want to hear my crazy fucking prediction for next gen?

Killzone becomes the new Halo after PS4 dominates sales.


Doubtful... I always assumed part of the Halo success was the good game design of their multiplayer, not only the volume of people owning Halo and I don't think Killzone's multiplayer is considered to be very good.


Doubtful... I always assumed part of the Halo success was the good game design of their multiplayer, not only the volume of people owning Halo and I don't think Killzone's multiplayer is considered to be very good.
Well the new Killzone is nothing like previous Killzones as far as gameplay is concerned. No reason to believe the online won't be changed also. The single player is more open world and non-linear.


Molten Core Raider
The video they used for the PS4 unveiling looks like it's going to be a shitty game with lots of scripted events.


Life's a Dream
No, he's talking about this. I didn't watch it... but it's the Killzone game play trailer thing from the PS4 E3 event.



FoH nuclear response team
Doubtful... I always assumed part of the Halo success was the good game design of their multiplayer, not only the volume of people owning Halo and I don't think Killzone's multiplayer is considered to be very good.
Don't kid yourself, Halo 1 multiplayer was some of the worst balancing in a game I've ever seen. Pistols killing faster than assault rifles with 10x zoom and as default starting weapon, there was zero reason to ever use the AR unless you ran out of ammo on the pistol.

Don't get me wrong I played the fuck out of Halo with my friends and had a blast doing so, but I think the sole reason that game became so popular was how easy it was to get 16 friends playing at one time. No one could afford the computers at the time for LAN parties so this was a very cheap alternative. This of course is just my opinion but I know that's how it went down in my area.


FoH nuclear response team
Sorry for the double post but what's this I'm hearing about Xbone backtracking on their Indie policies now?

Zombie Thorne_sl

Have PS4 Battlefield bundle preordered...

I will possibly pick up an Xbox for Forza 5, depending on additional info they show for it as it gets closer to launch. It looks amazing right now, but not amazing enough to justify a console for one game. I'm a car nerd so that could easily change as more and more info comes out about it.

I bought a PS3 mostly for GT5, so i cant really say much. I didn't use it for anything other than a bluray player until The Last of Us (game of the generation?) Now I have a PS+ membership and am playing through the Uncharted games.


Yeah, I use my PS3 for netflix all the time. I also don't have an xbox live subscription.
But do you not have a Playstation Plus subscription? That is the rub. How many people are using the free features that are actually paying for a sub anyways so it wouldn't even matter.


you got dumb friends bud
No I just have friends that don't need their graphics to the nth degree and if they want a truly amazing graphics game they play it on their awesome PC's. They have consoles just because some games don't come out on PC and where their friends are they are. They don't leave all their people just to get some slightly better graphics when we aren't talking Wii quality graphics on the XBONE.

They know they are picking the "wrong" console. They just don't care. That's where their friends are, that's where the exclusives they like are.