The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I'm thinking about snagging Killzone after watching this. It's about the only launch title I'm semi-interested in at this point:



I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
How does it not make sense? Assuming he works in the industry, the info he's leaking could get him fired and sued. He posts like a retard when leaking to avoid any kind of similarity in his normal writing habits. There's also the possibility he's the world's worst typist.

Go outside and get some fresh air, Tuco.
Because 1: typing like that is no more effective than typing short, concise messages that get to the point and avoiding any real personality in the text. 2: If he wanted to be more secretive the first thing would be to not leak stuff on a forum like neogaf.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Nobody is saying it's the best way to go about it, but thereasonbehind it makes sense.


Praise the great baby Jesus:Why Killzone Shadow Fall is almost 40GB (it used to be 290...)

Whether played from hard disc or Blu-ray, van der Leeuw is particularly proud of how fast and seamlessly the game loads; it's been a pet project for the tech director, who hates how slow modern games have become to operate.Guerrilla has completely eliminated in-game load times after an initial 30 seconds, and removed all logos and splash screens from the game's start-up routine.It may take a while to download Killzone Shadow Fall, but once you have it, the game comes to you very quickly indeed.

"To me, that's still something that fills my heart with joy when I see it.You insert the disc and go straight to menu," he says. "People here worked very hard...We had to ask legal and Dolby, the epilepsy warning stuff, the logos from Havok - we had to negotiate with them that we could put it in the credits and not the title screen...All the rules are built around the previous generation. I'm really happy that we're one of the first ones in, and I hope it's an example that people are going to follow.
Fuck splash screens. Fuck them so hard. Hopefully more people follow Guerrilla's lead.


As a home theater installer for 6 years an an audio video integrator for 6 more, I fully understand and appreciate the differences between HD resolutions. Most people understand that what is happening on their displays is a combination of a lot of factors. Monitor quality, source resolution, monitor native resolution, Upscaling, downscaling, and several other factors. The simplest one being distance from your display. Everyday when you watch cable, sat, or internet videos, you are watching different native resolutions and scaling combinations. I've never heard anyone ever comment in dismay that an image is upscaled 720. The differences between these 2 resolutions impacts a very small subset of people. Go ahead and keep arguing it, its not a significant impact on gameplay for the vast majority of users.

Lets be clear here, that its only rumors that even hint at at any kind of resolution difference between the two consoles. Day one we are going to be inundated with even more screens of blown up images showing every bare detail of both consoles, and we will see the truth of the matter. Multiple sources on more than a few games have stated they are shipping with 1080p on both consoles and upscaling on the xbone is pure speculation.


There has been a lot of talk about the comparative specs between xb1 and ps4, I do think if all you look at are technical specs, the ps4 comes out ahead. I think its clear from last generation, that doesn't translate to comming out on top. Everyone agrees that the games are whats going to matter.Digital Foundryhad what to me looks like an interesting interview regarding the hardware for xb1. I think a very interesting question and relevant to the current talk in the thread is this.

Digital Foundry: With the recent disclosure that Ryse is running at "900p" and Killer Instinct at 720p, and that launch titles were profiled to balance the system, what are the limiting factors that prevent these tiles running at full 1080p?

Andrew Goossen: We've chosen to let title developers make the trade-off of resolution vs. per-pixel quality in whatever way is most appropriate to their game content. A lower resolution generally means that there can be more quality per pixel. With a high-quality scaler and antialiasing and render resolutions such as 720p or '900p', some games look better with more GPU processing going to each pixel than to the number of pixels; others look better at 1080p with less GPU processing per pixel. We built Xbox One with a higher quality scaler than on Xbox 360, and added an additional display plane, to provide more freedom to developers in this area. This matter of choice was a lesson we learned from Xbox 360 where at launch we had a Technical Certification Requirement mandate that all titles had to be 720p or better with at least 2x anti-aliasing - and we later ended up eliminating that TCR as we found it was ultimately better to allow developers to make the resolution decision themselves. Game developers are naturally incented to make the highest-quality visuals possible and so will choose the most appropriate trade-off between quality of each pixel vs. number of pixels for their games.
The answer continues in the article, but can we agree that frame rates are a more significant issue than resolution? If we can, I think this is a pretty interesting feature, that i'm curious if PS4 has. Obvioulsy ps4 fanboys probably don't think it needs it, but any other thoughts? To be fair, I could see some developers using this as an out, and admitedly maybe this is where cboat is getting his "juice".


I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>
Haven't read it all, but that Killzone article has alot of good info in it. Have to download 7.5gb and that gets you the first level and infrastructure so you can start playing, etc. First solid details on how much of a title you have to download before you can play it I think.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
The answer continues in the article, but can we agree that frame rates are a more significant issue than resolution?
Too general a question. How much of a tradeoff will there be between frame rates and resolution? I'd rather have 1080p at 30 FPS than 720p at 40FPS.

Also depends a lot on the game. You can't just make a general statement that's really applicable in any useful way.

Also, I think it's kind of hilarious that you're wondering if the PS4 will be able to downscale itself. Yeah, I'm pretty sure a developer can choose to make those same kinds of choices.


I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>
I'm OK with that as a general statement, some of the nicer games that wowed me last gen were games like COD2 which ran at like 490p or something but were amazing in both design and visuals. That ship sinking level was awesome and it just kept going from there. Uncharted 3 was 720p, etc. Sure if Geometry Wars was 720p I'd wonder what crack the developer was smoking or what was wrong with the console. I'd take reduced resolution over reduced detail most of the time but it's certainly a measured tradeoff that can only go so far.


Lord Nagafen Raider
What I don't understand though... if the game has a 30 second load time initially... isn't that the PERFECT time to display splash screens?


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
What I don't understand though... if the game has a 30 second load time initially... isn't that the PERFECT time to display splash screens?
Maybe they mean the very first time you play the game. Otherwise, "You insert the disc and go straight to menu" doesn't make a lot of sense.


Forza 5 supposedly at 1080p60.

Exclusive Forza 5 Gameplay Trailer - GameSpot

I cannot tell the difference between this video and when I played Forza 3 at a friend's house on the 360 3 years ago.


This is called next gen?
I'd get your eyes checked, man. Forza 3 looked like shit - Horrible aliasing everywhere.

I think Forza 5 looks great, personally. It's the only exclusive I find remotely interesting. It's also great that they finally got Spa into the game - love that track.

Edit - Here's a thought; where's the gaming equivalent of the iTunes movie trailers website? Most of the game footage I've seen recently has been low bitrate and low resolution, making the games look worse than they are. Youtube quality is fucking awful, yet it's all we get. Why has no-one stepped up and started an HQ game trailers website yet?


Vyemm Raider
So many new threads dont feel like starting another, however PS3 support still seems to be pretty dam strong and this game looks pretty fun. Too bad i dont own a ps3 anymore.



They used to, back when they used to serve high bitrate .movs and .mp4s, but they only have low bitrate, poorly encoded h264 stuff nowadays. has the best quality I've found but, unfortunately, they don't get half the stuff the other sites do.

Edit - Perfect example of how shit Youtube quality is.

The new 1080p Killzone:ShadowFall trailer was 200~mb on GamerSyde, while the same trailer on Youtube had a file size of 40~mb. That's 1/5th of the bitrate.

It's the same with movie trailers, too. The new Captain America trailer .mov from the Apple site was 175mb, while the Youtube version is 36~mb.