The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !


Vyemm Raider
resolution wars are heating up on gaf.

famousmortimer said that BF4 is 1080p native (nonupscaled) for the ps4, he doesn't know xbone1's resolution, also neither MS nor infinity ward/activision have said what the native resolution of COD is for the xbone, they just said "it looks great" in all honesty this late in the dev cycle, if they go that route(it looks great) it isn't 1080p native either 720p or 900p(like ryse) and then up scaled to 1080p.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Btw:Adam Boyes Confirms: Call of Duty: Ghosts is Native 1080p on PS4 - NeoGAF

And I don't think you understand how "Lowest Common Denominator" works here.

That shouldn't be such an issue going forward, especially since minimum PC reqs on upcoming games are rising quite a bit.
The lowest common denominator increased. That's all that happened. Amazing how the PC reqs coincide with the console reqs. Yet, PC games never had a problem before with much higher end games and lower resource requirements. Like you said, it doesn't matter, Ram is cheap. It still doesn't excuse the fact that MAYBE 50% of the system will be leveraged in future games for years to come because why put more increased funding into higher tech development and optimization when you have more resources and no longer need those tricks, keep games the way they are today, cut costs, and profit is higher.

Notice Activision's cute little "COD players aren't gamers - they don't care if it is 720p or 1080p". Of course they will say that. With all these resources they now have they could pay 5 monkeys in Bananas to code the shit and release a new game every 4 months and as long as it sells, who gives a shit. And as you know, this is a follow the leader industry. And the leader isn't who makes the best games. The leader is which company can put out the most generic piles of trash with the least funding effort and still sell millions of copies.


Not sure why you care so much about how Activision optimizes their shit anyways. They don't exactly have a huge stable of titles and they have absolutely *no* influence on anyone when it comes to engine design. They are not a publisher known for setting graphical trends or pushing boundaries. About the only influence they have is CoD's gameplay. They are not an "industry leader" when it comes to graphics and engine shit and no one takes queues from them. If people did, we might have 60 fps as a gold standard (since that's their main goal engine wise), but clearly they do not.

Epic has way the *fuck* more influence on games then Activision does, since Unreal is by far the most used engine.



We wanted to shed some light on system software update version 1.50 for PS4, which will launch simultaneously with the system?s official North American launch on November 15th, 2013. By updating to system software version 1.50, you?ll be able to experience a variety of new features in addition to the basic functions of PS4.

The system software update 1.50 is approximately 300 MB, and will include the following features:

  • Remote Play
    Users will be able to access PS4 titles displayed on their living room TVs and play them on a PS Vita system over Wi-Fi networks by using PS4 Link (Depending on network environment or titles, remote play performance may vary outside of the home). We anticipate that most PS4 titles will be playable on the PS Vita system through Remote Play. The latest PS Vita system software version, to be released soon, will be required to use PS4 Link.

  • Second Screen
    Users can use the PS4 Link application for the PS Vita system, and PlayStation App for iPhone, iPad, and Android-based smartphones and tablets, to use these devices as second screens in supported titles. PlayStation App has the ability to enable users to interact with games with their mobiles devices. For example on The Playroom, a title pre-installed in all PS4 systems that requires PlayStation Camera, users can draw pictures on their mobile device screens and flick them towards the TV. The images then appear as a 3D object within the game.

  • Record, take screenshots, and upload gameplay effortlessly
    The PS4 system provides dedicated, ?always on? video encoding systems that enables seamless uploading of gameplay. Users can share their epic triumphs by simply hitting the Share button on DualShock 4, take screenshots or scan through the last 15 minutes of gameplay, tag it and return to the game?the video uploads as the user plays. At the PS4 system?s launch in North America, users will be able to share their images and videos with friends on Facebook and screenshots with followers on Twitter, though users will need to sign up for individual accounts to use Facebook and Twitter.

  • Broadcast and spectate gameplay
    The PS4 system also enhances social spectating by enabling users to broadcast their gameplay in real-time to game fans around the globe, using Ustream and Twitch live internet streaming services (users will need to sign up for individual accounts to use Ustream and Twitch). There are two ways for users to view live broadcasts. First, the Live from PlayStation application on PS4 aggregates streams from all PlayStation users. Second, users can spectate friends? PS4 gameplay from PCs, and applications such as Ustream, Twitch, and browsers, which are installed on their mobile devices. These applications can be easily started up via PlayStation App, and users can also use these applications to post comments to gameplay broadcasts. Furthermore, users with PlayStation Camera can stream camera images and microphone sounds along with their live gameplay broadcast.

  • Play as you download
    This feature enables users to play supported digital titles as they are being downloaded. The time it takes to begin playing will vary depending on game data size and network environments, and not all titles will support this feature When a game is purchased, users can start playing after PS4 downloads a portion of the data, while the rest of the game is downloaded in the background during actual gameplay. Games may be downloaded in stand-by mode.

  • Multi log-in
    A maximum of four users can log-in to a single PS4 system simultaneously. These players can use their own save data to play games, and also earn trophies on their own Sony Entertainment Network accounts even when playing a multiplayer game together on a single PS4 system.

  • Party (Voice chat)
    By using the Mono Headset bundled with the PS4 system, users will be able to chat with up to eight friends enjoying different applications or games. Furthermore, users can use Party to chat between PS4 and PS Vita systems.

  • Face recognition and voice commands
    Users with PlayStation Camera will be able to register their facial image onto their PS4 system, and login to their system using facial recognition instead of DualShock 4. Furthermore, users can use either the microphone of the Mono Head set connected to DualShock 4, or PlayStation Camera to navigate through the PS4 home screen (PlayStation Dynamic Menu) with voice commands to start up games and shutdown the system, among other features; please refer to PS4?s online manual for recognizable voice commands.

  • Background music player
    Users can enjoy gameplay while listening to music in the background with Music Unlimited, a cloud-based digital music service. Users can also voice chat with friends while listening to music. Learn more about Music Unlimited here.

  • Online Multiplayer
    PlayStation Plus members will be able to play PS4 titles online with other players via the network. PS Plus makes it easy for members to join available online multiplayer matches in a variety of ways, including the ability to easily join a game from a live stream broadcast or Party voice chats.

  • Blu-ray Disc and DVD player
    Users can enjoy not only gaming on their PS4 system, but also Blu-ray and DVD video contents. When using for the first time, users must connect to the internet to activate this feature.
Some features will not be available at launch, such as ?suspend/resume mode? which is a feature that keeps the PS4 system in a low power state and promptly takes users back to their game. We will provide additional information about system software update version 1.50 and features available at the PS4 system?s North America launch, and features that will be available after launch, in the near future.


So, the Gamestop website says my local store has PS4 controllers in stock now (didn't realize they were in when I went last night). They're being sold everywhere as soon as people get them in stock, can buy from Amazon too. I know where I'm going in an hour.


FPS noob
games are bloating up because textures are being stored uncompressed. you can see it for yourself, there are 2 versions of the pirated PC games the release and the repack, the only difference most of the time is the latter has everything compressed with 7z and is usually 50% or more smaller. steam downloads are compressed so you download the smaller version and unpack it into the full thing on hdd.

I'm sure some of it is speed, although a good compression will not really slow texture unpacking that much, but I'd guess fighting piracy plays into it too, the bigger the download/copy the more likely someone will just buy it. Marketing probably plays a big part too, with many people thinking "49 GIG GAME? IT MUST BE REALLY GOOD, THATS LIKE 10X BIGGER THAN COD3"

if anyone buys a ps4 controller try it out on pc, i might pick one up this weekend just to see how it works compared to 360 one. i think you'll need bluetooth controller on pc though


if anyone buys a ps4 controller try it out on pc, i might pick one up this weekend just to see how it works compared to 360 one. i think you'll need bluetooth controller on pc though
From what I've read it plugs right in on USB. It's a Dinput device though and it doesn't work with games that only use Xinput. You have to use a wrapper to get around it.


Final part of this went up:The PlayStation 4 controller: A close look at the touchpad, light bar, design, and everything else (part 4, exclusive) | GamesBeat

The grips
When you first play with the PlayStation 4 controller, you may notice that it feels better in your hands (outside of the previously covered improvements in the analog sticks, D-pad, triggers, etc.). Sony made several tweaks to the grips for a better fit, but they're almost easy to miss if you're not paying close attention. "When you just look at the DualShock 4, it may not look that different," said Aoki. "But when you hold it, it's really different."

The grips are longer, as you can see from the photos, and they're slightly thicker in the back as well. "A lot of people felt that the Xbox 360 controller fits in their hands [better]," said Aoki. "With the DualShock 3, you have to hold it. With the DualShock 4, you don't really have to hold it. It just stays in your hand. We kind of merged the good parts of the Xbox grip while still keeping that iconic PlayStation shape. "

It's no secret that the Japanese tend to prefer smaller gadgets - this was one of the contributing factors to their country's reluctance to adopt the original, gargantuan Xbox and its matching joypad. Aoki doesn't think the slightly beefier DualShock 4 will be an issue for that market. "The very first order from the management team was to keep the size dimensions. That's the Japanese way," he said, laughing. "But as we did the user tests, the controller became a little bigger. Since we had that data on why we needed to make it a little bigger and heavier, the management team understood. They approved. And [Japanese users during tests] didn't think it was too big. They felt the size was fine."

Weight, however, is another matter. [See below]
Besides the extra girth, the grips also received a textured surface on the back. It's still plastic and not rubberized, but it's not perfectly smooth like it's been in the past. "The bottom side is where you sweat a lot," said Aoki. "We made it a little more textured, so it helps keep from getting slippery after you use the controller for a while."

The back of the grips have a microtextured surface.

The overall weight
Sony is well aware that consumers consider the original PlayStation 3 controller, the rumble-less Sixaxis, to be way too light. ("It felt like a toy instead of a device," said Aoki.) The next iteration, the DualShock 3, picked up some weight, but the DualShock 4 will be even heavier. It's not heavy, but it definitely feels more substantial and solid. And that almost happened by accident. "The Xbox 360 controller - some people said it was too bulky, but a lot of people said that the weight felt good in their hands," said Aoki. "We were discussing trying to add weight, which is not something Sony really does. We always go for smaller and lighter. But that was more at the end of our to-do list, because we needed to fix everything else first. After we'd fixed the design and all the features, it became heavier than the DualShock 3. We had more stuff in it. We were thinking about adding weight on top of this, but in the end, it already had a weight that was pretty good."

According to Aoki, tests in Europe and the U.S. show that users find the DualShock 4's weight to be "perfect," but he admits that the Japanese feel it's a bit heavy. "They're used to the DualShock 3. There aren't many Xboxes around in Japan, so people are used to this weight. So, sorry, Japanese people!" he said, laughing.

Killzone: Shadow Fall's ter Heide agrees with his fellow European gamers. "It's probably the best controller I've had in my hands," he said. "It's more responsive and more like a natural extension of myself, which is ultimately what you want in a controller. The thing I like most about it is kind of intangible or difficult to quantify, but it's that build quality. It has just the right weight. It's really difficult to nail that, but it just feels right. Of course, this is me working at Sony, so I would be saying that about the controller, but I really do think so."
Definitely hitting the store as soon as it opens in 45 minutes.


Will it work out of the box with a PS3?
Sort of. It'll work with any game that'll accept a basic USB controller. Sixaxis stuff doesn't work, etc. Hopefully Sony puts up a PS3 patch that lets it fully recognize the controller.


The D-pad is the best d-pad I've personally ever used. It feels way better than the PS3's to me. It feels really crisp.
The Face Buttons feel good. More like the X360's, they've lost that slight tension that the PS3's has (since they're not analog anymore).
The Bumpers (L1/R1) are good, also feel a little more like the X360's, but even more solid.
Share/Options/PS Button are all pretty clicky and feel good. They are however feel kinda awkward to press. You have to be really deliberate in doing so.
Trackpad feels good to click for its button, can't test the pad itself yet though.

It's like they took out all of the "mush" that was in the Dualshock 3.

Sticks - L3/R3 feel good to click. Practically no dead zone on them and the resistance is just about perfect. The concave tops are excellent and the best I've used yet.
Handle Grips - Fits in my hands just as smoothly as the X360 controller. It feels exactly right. The microtexture surface on the back of the grips is a huge improvement too.
Weight - very slightly heavier than the DS3 and the weight is distributed better.
Size - Definitely noticeably bigger than the DS3, especially the handles.

Triggers (L2/R2) - Well, I think thismightsplit people a bit. The shape of them and how your fingers rest on them is perfect. Definitely the best I've used in that regard. How they feel when you press them is another matter. They are definitely not the total medicine ball mush that the DS3s were, but they're also not super-springy like the X360. It's kind of a mix of the X360 spring and how the resistance of the Dualshock 3's triggers "feel". It feels good, but it is "different". The triggers feel *way* better than the DS3's by a mile, but they're not better than the X360 triggers. That's not to say that they're worse, they're just verydifferent. I think the feel of them will take some getting used to.

Overall, I totally love it. It feels leagues better than the Dualshock 3 (which I *hated*) and overall even better than the X360 controller (especially the sticks' resistance/deadzone/grip). The stick placement feels right with the new handle grips & ergonomics and I think people hated the DS3 stick placement will get over it when they actually hold a DS4 in their hands.


Trump's Staff
With regards to trigger feel, how are you holding your fingers? Are your pointer fingers on L1/R1 or R2/L2?


With regards to trigger feel, how are you holding your fingers? Are your pointer fingers on L1/R1 or R2/L2?
I tend to hold my index fingers on which ever one of them I held last and use only them for the triggers/bumpers. You can really comfortably rest them on L2/R2 though, unlike the DS3.

Also, I think I could comfortably use my Index fingers for L1/R1 and my Middle fingers for L2/R2, from the feel of it, and I normally never do that with any controller.

On another note: Plugged it into my PS3. Works perfectly on a couple games I tested: Spec Ops: The Line (unfortunately though it uses R1 for Shoot and youcan'tswap it to R2) and Batman: Arkham Origins. Sadly, I only have like a 2 foot USB cable that works with the Dualshock 4 and that doesn't really work with my 60" TV.


Trump's Staff
Dunno why anyone is surprised by the 49GB game size. Both of the PS3 God of War titles are over 40 and Uncharted 3 is at like 45.


That article is fucking stupid. G-sync and dynamic resolutions aren't remotely comparable.

Read this post to see how G-sync works --G-SYNC - New nVidia monitor tech (continuously variable refresh; no tearing/stutter) - Page 5 - NeoGAF

TLDR: g-sync allows monitors to run on variable refresh rates. It makes games smoother. It's a true gamechanger.

I guess you could argue that both solutions are trying to smooth out gameplay and eliminate screen tearing, but they do it in two very different ways. Microsoft's solution leads to a reduction in resolution, i.e. worse image quality, while Nvidia's solution actually improves image quality dramatically.

I can't wait to get my hands on a g-sync monitor. It's going to be amazing.
Hmm did you read the article you linked? Because its pretty much the same thing. FPS and Refresh is directly related as it states in the article you linked. Tearing, stutter/lag especialy, are a function of refresh not matching the FPS being generated by the source. Gsync does it with the video card and monitor communicating with each other and refresh being changed, while xb1 claims the scaler can supposedly adjust resolution so FPS isn't swinging wildly. In a 100% efficient system, you would pretty much get 1 frame for every refresh cycle of the monitor. Its very similar. Now, i think this tech is just a claim at the moment. We have to wait and see how it bears out.

In regards to the lower resolution and and worse image quality, i still think thats up to debate. So, first of allHereis a split screen showing the raw computational difference in power between the 2 GPU's. This is a representation of the 50% increase in power fanboys rightfully claim ps4 has. like we all know, 50% more power doesn't equate to some amazing differance in quality. no one has claimed that, but there has been way too much hype regarding the PS4's edge.Next, here is a video comparing frame rates at sub HD resolutions again with 50% computing power hit on the xb1. The description for this video is "Even if Microsoft's CPU and fixed function silicon doesn't provide the frame-rate boost that the firm says it does, downscaling can ensure a feature complete port. Here's Crysis 3 running at various sub-HD resolutions with a 30 per cent compute penalty compared to a native 1080p presentation. A lot of shader code doesn't scale in a linear fashion, so downscaling by 30 per cent actually seems to produce higher frame-rates."


Oh, forgot one thing: The micro-texture surface on the back of the grips feels soooo much better than the slick plastic of the DS3.


Trump's Staff
Higher resolution is literally synonymous with higher image quality. You are retarded, Veil.