The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !

Running Dog_sl

Sony is a massive R&D hardware company. The development of the cell chip, and all losses related thereto, was billed to the games division. However that technology has made them "free" money in other...
The Cell processor was a huge miscalculation from Sony. IIRC they sold their interests in it to Toshiba(?) for $800 million or so, after they'd invested $1.7 billion in it's development.

These days Sony makes more money from selling life insurance than it does making electrical goods, and not just a little more money, a lot more. Hitachi saw the writing on the wall earlier and got out of the consumer electronics business (and back into profit), but I'm not sure Sony can do the same. The days of being at the forefront of tech are long gone:

Sayonara Sony: How Industrial, MBA-Style Leadership Killed a Once Great Company - Forbes

"Very few companies could ever boast a string of such successful products. Stories about Sony management meetings revealed a company where executives spent 85% of their time on technology, products and new applications/markets, 10% on human resource issues and 5% on finance. Mr. Morita financial results were just that ? results ? of doing a good job developing new products and markets. If Sony did the first part right, the results would be good. And they were....

...As time passed, Sony fell victim to developing products for manufacturing, rather than pioneering new markets....Sony?s evolved a distinctly Industrial strategy, focused on manufacturing and volume, rather than trying to develop uniquely new products that were head-and-shoulders better than competitors.

...We see this across practically all the Sony businesses. In televisions, for example, Sony has lost the technological advantage it had with Trinitron cathode ray tubes. In flat screens Sony has applied a predictable, but money losing Industrial strategy trying to compete on volume and cost. Up against competitors sourcing from lower cost labor, and capital, countries Sony has now lost over $10B over the last 8 years in televisions. Yet, Sony won?t give up and intends to stay with its Industrial strategy even as it loses more money."

The Master

Bronze Squire
Which is why the games division got new management in 2008 and has been slowly becoming profitable ever since, the turn around on the PS3 was due to new management. The cell processor, overall, made Sony money (between the sale and the uses it was put to prior to that). Not every bit of tech turns a profit, but if all your tech at least breaks even and one in ten makes a huge profit, well, that'll do. The cell did a little better than breaking even. Bear in mind the project to develop the architecture started in 2001. I'll concede Sony's business strategy has been steadily going downhill in an overall sense. Cell is still a cool piece of tech though, 200 PS3s running in a network cracked an SSL certificate.

It was Toshiba, the cell was jointly developed by Sony, Toshiba, and IBM.


It should be added: no frame rate issue on X360/PS3 and embargo on info about the Xbox One version until the 15th.


FPS noob
I think I'm just gonna keep my ps4 pre-order and keep the machine as a backup in case my PC dies. if amazon matches b2g1 then killzone, knack, need for speed (new launch title) will be fun stuff to screw around with over the holidays. gonna be playing AC4, MW, BF4, etc on pc though.

will it be worth getting PS+ if you just have a PS4 though, or just wait a while until a good game is out?

Running Dog_sl

Which is why the games division got new management in 2008 and has been slowly becoming profitable ever since, the turn around on the PS3 was due to new management. The cell processor, overall, made Sony money (between the sale and the uses it was put to prior to that). Not every bit of tech turns a profit, but if all your tech at least breaks even and one in ten makes a huge profit, well, that'll do. The cell did a little better than breaking even. Bear in mind the project to develop the architecture started in 2001. I'll concede Sony's business strategy has been steadily going downhill in an overall sense. Cell is still a cool piece of tech though, 200 PS3s running in a network cracked an SSL certificate.

It was Toshiba, the cell was jointly developed by Sony, Toshiba, and IBM.
The Cell was/is cool technology, but I'm not sure anyone is doing much with it these days. IBM stopped making Blade servers using Cell last year and had given it up as a "dead end" in 2009, although they learned a lot from it.

Looking it up, Toshiba actually ended up selling the Cell plant back to Sony for about $600 million in 2010, so Sony made back $200 million on that alone! Toshiba seems to have abandoned the idea of putting Cells inside TVs.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
...developed for PS2 and upscaled.

Oh, so it was really easy to make PS3 games. Takes seconds to port them from console to console.
What were all of those developers thinking bitching the way they did early on?

Ut, just accept that you're a 100% failure in this thread and you have absolutely no credibility when it comes to this topic. "I play games!" Yeah, go shit in a hat.
No. It's a very easy concept to understand. With the main point being don't buy the console until year 3. Anything else is the same marketing hype being spun to generate interest in a system that won't be using any where CLOSE to it's full capabilites in the first 2 years. Quit buying into this shit you fucking sheep. And there are reasons why they have embargo's on the Xbox One's version of COD. Not that the game isn't being ripped six ways from Sunday in the press right now anyway and by countless users on meta critic.

Get used to this. Shit is about to hit the fan. Especially when these door stops are launched.


Silver Squire
Started getting games in today from Amazon for the Ps4. Killing me. Hopefully they ship the consoles out a little early.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Old news? Japan only? Go away Eyashusa?



Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Probably referring to MMOs or something. Very doubtful the actual story behind that post on twitter reflects accurately the implication of that twitter post.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
No. It's a very easy concept to understand. With the main point being don't buy the console until year 3. Anything else is the same marketing hype being spun to generate interest in a system that won't be using any where CLOSE to it's full capabilites in the first 2 years. Quit buying into this shit you fucking sheep. And there are reasons why they have embargo's on the Xbox One's version of COD. Not that the game isn't being ripped six ways from Sunday in the press right now anyway and by countless users on meta critic.

Get used to this. Shit is about to hit the fan. Especially when these door stops are launched.
It seems like you're saying that early adopters for virtually all technology are sheep.

How much do you expect the price of a PS4 to drop in the next three years? because that figure is the downside to purchasing it on release day. The upside is that you get those three years of playing it.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Honestly UT is giving sound advice and he has very valid points. The problem is I want my new shiny so fuck that. Now If I can only have the willpower to stop from picking up a VITA.


Life's a Dream
buy it used online.

I snagged a perfect condition vita with a 32 gig memory card and 2 games for $170 total. Well worth it. So yeah, Craigslist is the win. I just had to drive into Philly to pick it up from the dude.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
It seems like you're saying that early adopters for virtually all technology are sheep.

How much do you expect the price of a PS4 to drop in the next three years? because that figure is the downside to purchasing it on release day. The upside is that you get those three years of playing it.
Agreed. Early adopting is part of the fun of being a tech-nerd. I don't feel sheepish in the least for buying a PS4 on release. What am I saving exactly by waiting 3 years? Maybe 100 bucks at the most? Ut is sounding so fucking salty. Relax, dude. I'll let you watch my live-stream.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
It seems like you're saying that early adopters for virtually all technology are sheep.

How much do you expect the price of a PS4 to drop in the next three years? because that figure is the downside to purchasing it on release day. The upside is that you get those three years of playing it.
Sorry I should clarify. Anyone that purchases a launch day edition console * This generation * not any other product, not any other mix, not targeting early adopters for any other technology (Which these consoles are not early adoption when it's a product revision on-going for the last 20 years) needs to have their head examined.

1) The games themselves will be upscaled until design teams take advantage of the hardware. Minimum of 2-3 years. And really. People here were actually comparing Call of Duty games as the basis for graphical improvements... 50 developers from the original Crysis on PC just jumped off a cliff at reading that. Good work at killing cool Europeans.

2) Hardware design/engineering flaws which have continued to hamper quality for the first 1-2 years of any given console. IE: Better to wait for the first revision.

3) Price will be reduced easily within that time frame, probably twice over.

4) The library of either system for the initial launch and beyond when looking at exclusive games reminds me of a one man golf clap in a 500 gallon trash can.

Edit: We can stop with the early adoption speak. This isn't early adoption. Buying a Playstation One or Original Xbox is early adoption. Buying the 4th generation of said technology for a Sony device or 3rd generation from a Microsoft device puts it well passed the growth stage in a product lifecycle.

Honestly UT is giving sound advice and he has very valid points. The problem is I want my new shiny so fuck that. Now If I can only have the willpower to stop from picking up a VITA.
Thanks buddy

This should help you to stop picking up a VITA. 32GB PlayStation Vita Memory Card: Video Games