The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !

Running Dog_sl

Hmm DR3 is only Xbox game ive paid off so far. Thats pretty lame is accurate since they claim the game is locked and firm at 720p/30fps.
Digital Foundry vs. Dead Rising 3

"Inevitably, much of this comes at a price; specifically to the frame-rate. When dealing with the signature scenes involving uncountable enemies on-screen, we're left with some very sluggish motion, while the streaming system also seems to spike CPU, resulting in lost performance. The statement from the team is that a locked 30fps is targeted here, but in the build we saw there's a huge gap to be bridged in this regard; drops to 20fps are consistent and sustained when outdoors, with 16fps being our record low during some of the biggest explosions...

...The zombie count and overall world size are impressive - amplified to a previously unheard volume where interplay with vehicles ties in appropriately with this shift in scale. However, the fact remains that the game's original brief as an Xbox 360 title is still very much felt in other areas; the pared-back alpha, texture streaming issues and jagged 720p presentation giving the impression that the series' potential is still somehow being bounded.

It's also unfortunate that the game runs at far from the promised locked 30fps - rather a chugging 20fps during the zombie action while out in the big city. Compared to the shaky E3 build seen just months ago this is still a respectable step forward..."


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Let's not argue DA2 in this thread. All of your arguments were already made ad infinitum in the DA2 thread.

Is that number of zombies typical for dead rising?


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
There's definitely an increase in the zombies but if the framerate takes that much of a hit with that many on screen...

Here's a screen from DR2



Hey man, if you want to ally your self with the metacritic kids, no problem, you just go right ahead. Judging from the way you speak to people, I'm sure you'll fit right in. I'd rather stay in the "rational" camp, and go in with cautious optimism, along with the attitude of judging games on their own merit. I believe Bioware's understood the criticism, and they'r saying all the right words up until now, so we'll see.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Tuco said get over it, get over it.


Digital Foundry vs. Dead Rising 3

Inevitably, much of this comes at a price; specifically to the frame-rate. When dealing with the signature scenes involving uncountable enemies on-screen, we're left with some very sluggish motion, while the streaming system also seems to spike CPU, resulting in lost performance.The statement from the team is that a locked 30fps is targeted here, but in the build we saw there's a huge gap to be bridged in this regard; drops to 20fps are consistent and sustained when outdoors, with 16fps being our record low during some of the biggest explosions.With Battlefield 4 on Xbox One, the drop to 720p opened the door to 60fps gameplay - Dead Rising 3's big issue is that despite the upgrades, the feeling in terms of refresh and response often feels very much like a poorly optimised current-gen title.

added: Accidentally readded that other screen shot. Tucbro if you could would you delete the reposted screen shot?


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Dead Rising 3's big issue is that despite the upgrades, the feeling in terms of refresh and response often feels very much like a poorly optimised current-gen title.
This is all anyone is going to see for the next two years.

I saw an Xbox One display demo at Walmart. They were showing the new Forza and it looked like garbage. Horribly grainy, terrible kiosk (it's a cardboard replica of a console inside isn't it?) and the game itself looked worse than a 360 game. Just who the hell is running their marketing department? I would take one look at this as a casual gamer and say, "Why would I buy this? I already have a 360"


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Hey man, if you want to ally your self with the metacritic kids, no problem, you just go right ahead. Judging from the way you speak to people, I'm sure you'll fit right in. I'd rather stay in the "rational" camp, and go in with cautious optimism, along with the attitude of judging games on their own merit. I believe Bioware's understood the criticism, and they'r saying all the right words up until now, so we'll see.
Bioware hasn't learned shit. And it isn't Bioware anymore. Bioware is the new brand name for EA. No one with any decent experience or who used to be with the company is there anymore.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
That video and article are from today. Launch of the Xbox one is 20 days away. If this isn't gold yet, it will be soon.

It is almost certainly (I'm not saying 100% certainty because its not clearly stated in the article) the final build.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Bioware hasn't learned shit. And it isn't Bioware anymore. Bioware is the new brand name for EA. No one with any decent experience or who used to be with the company is there anymore.
Pretty much. The idea that we should just be "waiting to judge the game" is retarded. Flat out retarded. What the fuck do you think I did for DA2, ME3 and KOTORMMO? I waited and judged the game.

In the case of DA2 I downloaded the pc title. Turned it on. Got into game. Played up to the first town. Realized I hated literally every single major change they made, all of which served to destroy the game and undermine every single thing about DA:O that I loved.

I swore after that I wouldn't buy any more Bioware games. Then I got ME3 anyway. And regretted that purchase. Then I swore off them again. Then I bought KOTOR MMO anyway. And it was terrible as well.

That's all three of Bioware's core franchises literally ripped to shreds. EA has destroyed a lot of companies in its day, but the death of Origin and Bioware will be the companies that condemn the shareholders of EA and its former CEOs to sit in Satan's mouth along side Judas, Brutus and Cassius.

Launch is 10 days away! Even worse.
Shit that's the second time I've done that.

Math is hard.


Golden Squire
Was watching a Giant Bomb video a few days back about them messing around with the Xbox One at an event that specifically mentioned DR3 being finished and out the door, ready to go, so yeah...yay next gen!


Trakanon Raider
Ditto the statements regarding the next Infamous looking like the first next gen title. Everything else posted here regarding the launch games barely seem like upgrades at all.

Also, there honestly can't be people defending Dragon Age 2? That was an abortion of a game compared to Origins. Utterly killed my interest in the entire franchise, as I doubt they will go back too good gameplay, but will rather focus on making it faster and more hack and slashy. God forbid adding tactical choice and thinking into a game.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Its about time to upgrade my pcs this coming year as well, but there will be good exclusives on the ps4 in the coming year that will look great that will be worth playing.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Next gen is a lie. Spend your 400$ on a video card/wait for Steambox.
^^^ At this point, yes. The more and more I see actual in game footage, the more I roll my eyes that this is considered next gen. At this point, my GTX 770 is next gen.

Hodj I couldn't agree with you more. And I trust Meta Critic user reviews more than I would trust anything published by a game site review simply because those organizations are in the back pocket of the publishing company. Either or, Bioware is dead. DA:I will be just as a ridiculous release. Their new Mass Effect will suck ass. Again, this isn't Bioware anymore Heckler, it's EA. Just as a QA tester from DICE just recently announced how bad they knew the game was broken when it launched and did nothing about it because they needed to beat CoD Ghosts by 2 weeks for that "2 week launch window" marketing shit they believe in.