The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
/\/\ I am comparing graphics you God Damn Shill. Gameplay between the two versions whichlook identical to each otherfrom a 2k13 360 version to a 2k14 "Next Gen".

Watch the videos. Perhaps you would also like to watch one below which doesn't have a fucking agenda attached to it as well.

Don't you have someone to go sell your Microsoft bullshit too? Protip: Sell your stock.

Here you go Spronk:

Assassins Creed 4 - Xbox 360 vs PS4 Gameplay Comparison - Eurogamer - YouTube
Links videos that can only go to 720p on shitty youtube compression and claims it is conclusive proof. Confirmed troll.

Can you not tell a difference between the PS4 version and the 360 version of AC4? You might have eye problems. And AC4 is probably the worst jump of all of the cross-gen games and it is still noticeable.

Do you not even have a clue who prefers what in this thread? I'm the one who is getting a PS4 and only plays his FPS on his powerful PC. Dumb twat.



F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
You should really cool it with the name calling. That's not very nice.

A next gen platform 10 years after the launch of last gen and we have to argue about how it is streamed over the fucking internet?


Here is the last gen comparison videos in case you fucking forgot. What a joke. Wait... Wait...

I'm the one who is getting a PS4 and only plays his FPS on his powerful PC
Are you also referring to yourself in the third person? in the same sentence where it was first person? Wow. Therapy, aisle 5.

With that said, the Ut-ster says this...

Fable 1 and 2 - YouTube

I don't need another excuse out of your sorry ass. You are worse than those idiots from DICE which have now been called out by their own QA testing employees as full of shit when it comes to "Hey this is an old build of the game" to launch horribly as usual.

PS: Your basketball is for gas pumpers.

Five Reasons to Not get Hyped for the PS4 - YouTube


You should really cool it with the name calling. That's not very nice.

A next gen platform 10 years after the launch of last gen and we have to argue about how it is streamed over the fucking internet?


Here is the last gen comparison videos in case you fucking forgot. What a joke.

Fable 1 and 2 - YouTube

I don't need another excuse out of your sorry ass. You are worse than those idiots from DICE which have now been called out by their own QA testing employees as full of shit when it comes to "Hey this is an old build of the game" to launch horribly as usual.

PS: Your basketball is for gas pumpers.

Five Reasons to Not get Hyped for the PS4 - YouTube
Fable 2 came out almost a full 3 years after the launch of the xbox 360. Also, that game isn't cross gen. Also also, how can you not tell the difference when it is a much higher resolution and framerate, on top of other changes, when talking about AC4.

Also, wow, that second video you linked...


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
anyone have a 360 vs ps4 HD comparison video?
Posted last page.

The last debate this came about in which the water was washed out on the PS3 version and Gamespot decided it was great having such clear, crisp water graphics while sailing. Meanwhile, the 360 comparison video has the exact same water graphics as the PS4. Oops. They forgot to doctor the 360 vid.

My question: What the hell is all that extra memory being used for? Aside from streaming more easily.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Keep moving those goalposts. So now there is a noticeable difference but it isn't as noticeable a difference as between the last two gens. No shit Sherlock (sorry called you a name again).

Just admit you were wrong. There is a noticeable difference even between cross-gen titles that weren't made to optimize next-gen. Take the position that, while there is a noticeable difference, you are disappointed that the gap isn't larger. While an unrealistic position considering graphics fidelity, the power required to make a noticeable difference at this level, and the cheap price point of $400 and $500 compared to $1000+ of a top shelf PC, at least it is a somewhat reasonable and certainly understandable position. You know, instead of, "HHHHUUURRRR THEY LOOK THE SAME HUURUURUR."


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Keep moving those goalposts. So now there is a noticeable difference but it isn't as noticeable a difference as between the last two gens. No shit Sherlock (sorry called you a name again).

Just admit you were wrong. There is a noticeable difference even between cross-gen titles that weren't made to optimize next-gen. Take the position that, while there is a noticeable difference, you are disappointed that the gap isn't larger. While an unrealistic position considering graphics fidelity, the power required to make a noticeable difference at this level, and the cheap price point of $400 and $500 compared to $1000+ of a top shelf PC, at least it is a somewhat reasonable and certainly understandable position. You know, instead of, "HHHHUUURRRR THEY LOOK THE SAME HUURUURUR."
I am not about to drop $500 on a console ($400 if you buy the non-NSA spying Microsoft Console) to take a "shot" at noticing a SLIGHT graphics improvement. Oh which I have played the two versions of AC4 side by side... Reports are also out that they cannot tell the difference either! The bottom line is, and I'll think you will agree with me as you are an avid Basketball fan... The gameplay from a sports title hasn't changed graphically in the last 5 years, and hasn't changed with NBA 2k14 on PS4. I cannot tell the difference between the 2k13 video and the 2k14 video from a gameplay perspective when playing the game. Unless you buy these to watch the small cut scenes where they say, "It's a good thing I have basketball or I would be washing 1989 Buicks at the park and ride" I fail to see the point of showing a hgher textured jersey where you are so far away from the players when playing the game itself it doesn't even matter. If all they are using this gen for is to make jerseys better and add blood on a face of a character you won't even notice it on, we are in deep shit.


The gameplay from a sports title hasn't changed graphically in the last 5 years,
What does this mean?

Also, didn't you have this exact same discussion a few tens of pages back? Early adopters don't necessarily buy the consoles on launch because of games. And that's alright.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'm actually an avid football fan and care more about Madden. Anyways, no I don't agree at all. There is an obvious difference between 2k14 and 2k13 even when the camera is pulled back away from the players.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
What does this mean?

Also, didn't you have this exact same discussion a few tens of pages back? Early adopters don't necessarily buy the consoles on launch because of games. And that's alright.
And anyone that buys this console isn't an early adopter. This isn't new technology. It's a technology refresh. That's like me saying I am an early adopter of an Apple Product because I bought a launch iPad 4.

People buy these for games. And diminishing returns is kicking in. Why buy a new console when you will have damn near the same experience with these games as your current gen system because they don't know what they are doing for development on it? I, for one, would like to know how they are using that extra RAM? Streaming? Textures? I know that these launch titles are the same as current gen games by default. They always have been and always will be. But if all we are going to see are very small changes to the gamescape, what is the point of even coming out with a new generation * at all* ? I take a look at a game like Beyond Two Souls from the fabulous developer Quantic Dream, wonder how they pulled it off on the PS3, and then I look at AC4 on the PS4 and wonder what the hell went wrong.


That's like me saying I am an early adopter of an Apple Product because I bought a launch iPad 4.
But... That's exactly what it means...

Why buy a new console when you will have damn near the same experience with these games as your current gen system because they don't know what they are doing for development on it?
But... You don't...

But if all we are going to see are very small changes to the gamescape, what is the point of even coming out with a new generation * at all* ?
Do you hear yourself speak?

and then I look at AC4 on the PS4 and wonder what the hell went wrong.
It's a cross-gen title. How do you not understand this? Just look at killzone in comparison if you're that interested in graphics.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Also, graphics for sports titles have changed dramatically in the last 5 years.


'13 (PS4):


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
You are looking at close up cut scenes. I know they have changed. I am talking about the top down gameplay. That hasn't changed hardly at all. And the PS4 version of Madden will not look like that. Sorry

You are looking at EA doctored to fuck and back screenshots.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Uh, sure.

Check out your doctored screen shot.

Now look at this video and find anything close to what you just posted.

Madden NFL 25 - Xbox One and PlayStation 4 Living World Trailer - IGN Video

EA is a shit bag company that hasn't fixed the D-Line glitch it introduced in 1997. Everything is bullshit when it comes to them, and you know it.

2k needs to be allowed to make another licensed football game again. Now THAT'S a travesty.


Ssraeszha Raider
They are definitely either cut scenes or instant replay, which have been getting better every year while actual gameplay hasn't


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
And EA is a shit bag company. There is no point, you just move your argument every time you are made to look like a fool, which is every post. Keep posting your drivel, the only person you are trying to convince is yourself.

They are definitely either cut scenes or instant replay, which have been getting better every year while actual gameplay hasn't
The fuck? Instant replay in sports games is a replay of the actual gameplay at a different angle. It doesn't suddenly summon up a new engine for replays.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I hate to interrupt this terrible "debate", but here is a video from Adam Sessler with some more details and a bit more gameplay footage of Infamous.



Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
Links videos that can only go to 720p on shitty youtube compression and claims it is conclusive proof. Confirmed troll.

Can you not tell a difference between the PS4 version and the 360 version of AC4? You might have eye problems. And AC4 is probably the worst jump of all of the cross-gen games and it is still noticeable.

Do you not even have a clue who prefers what in this thread? I'm the one who is getting a PS4 and only plays his FPS on his powerful PC. Dumb twat.

Can't really understand how someone could say those aren't noticeably different.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
They are definitely either cut scenes or instant replay, which have been getting better every year while actual gameplay hasn't
Thank you. Finally someone gets it.

And no Foggy, while those replays definitely are taken from the game itself, the screenshots depicting the replay shots are doctored to hell and back and captured via dev kits on PC with jacked up resolutions. Especially that last one which I know for a fact was taken at 1440p.

As stated, gameplay has not changed. At all. Because why would they. They have a stranglehold on the license.

Just who are you pushing these posts for these days? Is it still your job to divide, conquer, and confuse? And also attack anyone with a different view point to sell the products?