The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !


Karazhan Raider
The ps eye has mics, I could easily see that type of thing being a selectable option on both consoles.


Man good thing you have the option of turning off kinect
Sort of, yeah (it doesn't *really* turn off). But since it's packed into every system and forced to be plugged in those games could very wellrequirethat you use Kinect with them if the developers want.

They haven't said one way or another for those specific games yet, we know little about them.


Karazhan Raider
Sort of, yeah (it doesn't *really* turn off). But since it's packed into every system and forced to be plugged in those games could very wellrequirethat you use Kinect with them if the developers want.

They haven't said one way or another for those specific games yet, we know little about them.
I think you may have missed the sarcasm. But either way, there is no way that a feature like that wouldn't have an option to turn it off in game. Assuming the dev doesn't have their head up their ass.

I actually think the voice commands integrated into games like these is pretty cool, as long as they are options and not required.


That aspect is indeed immeasurably gay, but the other part was pretty awesome.

Trying to creep through some zombies then someone knocks on your door and you say to yourself "Oh fuck" as everything turns to you. Some may hate it in its entirety but that extra layer of possibility is kind of cool.
Imagine ordering a pizza and the fucker knocks on your door and all the shit comes at you. Fucking gay.


Funny, when I saw the headline I thought it was MS having a press conference in reaction to what Sony did to them...
That was actually kind of tamed compared to what you hear at a fighting game tournament. At a tournament he would have said the same thing to his opponent if it was a dude and have the crowd in on it as well. Those tournaments are also about mind games and the best can win before you even sit down.



Sony Corrects Themselves, Says The Last Guardian Is Not on 'Hiatus'

Our 90-minute national nightmare is over. Sony's PlayStation boss Jack Tretton may have said that the long-awaited The Last Guardian was on hiatus today, but Sony's head of worldwide studios, Shuhei Yoshida, says that's wrong.

"That hiatus term-I'm not a native English-speaking person-but that's misleading," Yoshida told me a few minutes ago during an interview here at E3. He'd watched Tretton's comments on while eating lunch. "The game is in active development. [Lead designer Fumito] Ueda-san shared updates a few months ago. Nothing has changed. My answer is, 'Yes, the game is in active development.' It's not hiatus at all. But we are not ready to reintroduce it. When we are ready, we will do that. Please wait."


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Rofl that shit is awesome for DR3 , your sibling/spouse/child is playing in the room and yell "FUCK ZOMBIES" and watch them get swarmed. This is why i think Xbone is gonna be superior to shitstation 3.5 , and gamers need to embrace this shit so we can get more cool concepts into gaming even if its small shit like "Archers" and a hand gesture forward. I remember people crying when the PSone came out and they said "all those buttons are stupid" or the controller is ass , well the design is still ass but it made all consoles going forward adapt that design cause it added more depth and player control to games and so on. Evolution , embrace it you monkeys!
You have really bad opinions, recollection and thinking ability. I envision you being so low functioning that you fall over several times everytime you try to take a poop.


Really? What a fucken joke. People need to have a good look at themselves. Honestly what the fuck has this world come too. It drives me nuts when I see fucken stupid articles like this.
^ this I'm so fucking sick of political correctness. WinPhone 7/8, windows 8, Xbone. Strikes 1,2&3.
Haha i know, im a bit warped so to me it would be pretty hilarious, i dont get bent over death in games.
Exactly , you are creeping along in a huge hoard and a fucking bird flies into your window and shatters it and now the fucking zombies know you are there and come at you. Fucking bird......but why have random shit and cool new stuff being thought of being put into games. Stupid me wanting more exciting possibilities in my video games.

Also imagine a new Postal where you have to physical whip out your cock to use your urine as a weapon or it turns into some sort of light saber and you are in your living room swinging your cock at your tv screen and yelling "My life is complete" and someone walks in....good shit right there.

Mario Speedwagon

Gold Recognition
<Prior Amod>
Exactly , you are creeping along in a huge hoard and a fucking bird flies into your window and shatters it and now the fucking zombies know you are there and come at you. Fucking bird......but why have random shit and cool new stuff being thought of being put into games. Stupid me wanting more exciting possibilities in my video games.

Also imagine a new Postal where you have to physical whip out your cock to use your urine as a weapon or it turns into some sort of light saber and you are in your living room swinging your cock at your tv screen and yelling "My life is complete" and someone walks in....good shit right there.
what are you doing