The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !


Vyemm Raider
I am a bit curious what entices some of you guys to buy games, as in what types. I know some people generally like a particular type of game they gun for like shooters or platforming games so its mainly a simple question. I know i personally buy up most games with co-op campaign or good multiplayer, but the last co-op game i bought was Dead Space 3. I thought it was good but it seems people thought giving it co-op pretty much ruined it.

Would you guys hate having a co-op DA3?


That guy
For me I pretty much only buy games that I know will get me a lot of time from them (200+ hrs) whether it be single or multi player (ie a game like Borderlands 2) or purely multiplayer (Battlefield 3). Only exception is those amazingly awesome single player games like The Last of Us or Bioshock Infinite. I didn't actually buy TLOU but a friend did and I watched him do the entire play through, totally would have spent the $60 for the single player portion of the game.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I prefer SP for the mostpart - and on DA3 being "CoOp" - I'd hate for the main story to be, but would be happy as a clam with a tag-on like ME3 had that was cooperative however.


WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
I prefer SP for the mostpart - and on DA3 being "CoOp" - I'd hate for the main story to be, but would be happy as a clam with a tag-on like ME3 had that was cooperative however.
gotta ham fist that drm in at any cost.


EA. Fuck me. Pretty much offering expansion packs each year for the same price as a normal game and now have the audacity to sell for ever higher. What the fuck happened to the gaming industry seriously..It's old news but these corporations have sucked the life out of gaming. I'd honestly love for all the big gaming publishers to go bust so Indie could take over the whole scene and bring real gaming back. I'd sacrifice a few triple A titles I love for the long term benefit of gaming any day of the week.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I prefer SP for the mostpart - and on DA3 being "CoOp" - I'd hate for the main story to be, but would be happy as a clam with a tag-on like ME3 had that was cooperative however.
ME3's coop was a bit of an anomaly because it just so happened the coop team were fucking amazing and ME3 just so happened to be an incredible platform for multiplayer. However I definitely could see DA3 (If it's like DA2) having a similarly good coop experience if they just copied the ME3 multiplayer and had the same group do it. They could also integrate it into story more that could work but only if they did it right.


Karazhan Raider
Apparently they are making that dark sorcerer demo into an actual game. Seems weird, wonder how it will turn out


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
ME3's coop was a bit of an anomaly because it just so happened the coop team were fucking amazing and ME3 just so happened to be an incredible platform for multiplayer. However I definitely could see DA3 (If it's like DA2) having a similarly good coop experience if they just copied the ME3 multiplayer and had the same group do it. They could also integrate it into story more that could work but only if they did it right.
Basically my thoughts on what I'm hoping since they've stated there will be some sort of MP addition with DA3 a while back. (Although they might have sunset the idea, it was a while ago - like ME3 launchish time)


Basically my thoughts on what I'm hoping since they've stated there will be some sort of MP addition with DA3 a while back. (Although they might have sunset the idea, it was a while ago - like ME3 launchish time)
New IP is born as a single player phenomenon. There's enough multiplayer games out there, if they want to do MP they should make a separate product not F over the franchise (Edit: More).


Vyemm Raider
New IP is born as a single player phenomenon. There's enough multiplayer games out there, if they want to do MP they should make a separate product not F over the franchise (Edit: More).
Why? Its completely possible to include co-op w/o messing up a franchise. What would allowing another person in your "world" do so much to harm it? Most MP games(console specific) are shooters, and that gets old really dam quick. In fact when i think about it, i cant come up with a non shooter co-op game atm(tho ive been drinking). I know alot of indie games may do it but i am talking non indie really.


Vyemm Raider
It didnt "look" like true co-op when i watched it. I mean could you go through the entire story together or just some mix/match type shit?

That aside where is Heavenly Sword 2?!?! Been waiting yearrsssssss


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Specific pairing with a friend you mean? Supposedly doable but normally randomish.


Vyemm Raider
Nod - usually we all get the same games if they have co-op like Gears/Syndicate/CoD etc. So if you're saying it would need to be more random people thats completely out of the question.


Dragon's dogma had some really cool multiplayer elements that haven't been used before, too. I think the DD/dark souls multiplayer of "persistent interaction but in separate worlds" will probably catch on soon.

As for what I buy? A little from every genre, but I usually wait until it's heavily discounted unless it's stuff that I know I'll sink 40+ hours into and just can't wait. Like I bought skyrim and dark souls on release, and CoD to play with mky friends, but thats about it.. Like I pretty much just throw money at heavily discounted steam/PSN sales and then always have a healthy backlog with something in every genre to entertain me.


Vyemm Raider
Dragon's dogma had some really cool multiplayer elements that haven't been used before, too. I think the DD/dark souls multiplayer of "persistent interaction but in separate worlds" will probably catch on soon.

As for what I buy? A little from every genre, but I usually wait until it's heavily discounted unless it's stuff that I know I'll sink 40+ hours into and just can't wait. Like I bought skyrim and dark souls on release, and CoD to play with mky friends, but thats about it.. Like I pretty much just throw money at heavily discounted steam/PSN sales and then always have a healthy backlog with something in every genre to entertain me.
While true, is DD had real time MP in its world it would have been even more amazing and had even more grand encounters. Honestly Dragons Dogma is my favorite RPG in the past few years outside of ME series. I wish their was a Final Fantasy done in a similar fashion.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
XXEXX: On Dark Souls - supposedly there's ways to guarantee you and a friend are on the same server to maintain consistent pairing - I'm just not aware of the method - so what you're requesting is doable, just with some extra legwork. (I know from some "Let's Play" videos done of DS with people partnering for hours at a time versus ~10 min at a time like would be normal)


EA. Fuck me. Pretty much offering expansion packs each year for the same price as a normal game and now have the audacity to sell for ever higher. What the fuck happened to the gaming industry seriously..It's old news but these corporations have sucked the life out of gaming. I'd honestly love for all the big gaming publishers to go bust so Indie could take over the whole scene and bring real gaming back. I'd sacrifice a few triple A titles I love for the long term benefit of gaming any day of the week.
You could just download all AAA games and buy the indie games. You'd be supporting the indie developers and sticking it to the EA shitheads of the industry.


AMA with a confirmed Xbone dev:

Some highlights:

Q: What was your reaction to the DRM reversal, and now this petition?
A: Personally I was a little surprised at the timeframe which we decided on the DRM reversal. I thought we didn't push on its benefits enough.The petition shows there are lots of people who want these benefits as much as I do and clearly our execs care or Marc Whitten wouldn't have referred to it in his IGN interview.

Q: Just one question, How loud is the console?
A: Almost inaudible. I run three at a time and they are drowned out by the fans in the desktops.

Q: How smooth is the interface right now with the snapping? can you snap between digital games or not? is the TV input lagging like it was in that wired interview?
A: Snapping is only available to certain apps such as IE, Skype, the game DVR upload tool, etc. Game titles cannot be snapped. I have not tried TV input but I did hook up a PC to the Xbox and watched netflix while I skyped someone.

Q: When you say games can't be snapped you mean you can't have them be the smaller view right? You can have other apps next to the game but you can't have IE with Killer Instinct as the smaller snap on the right. Am saying this because you guys showed Killer Instinct with Twitch side by side.
A: Yes, AAA titles cannot be snapped (shown in smaller view). IE can however be snapped to look up how to perform a combination while you play

Q: Was the family sharing how everyone imagined it to be like (sharing games with 10 people only 2 game play one at the same time) or was it glorified demos ?
A: It was for full games. Can't comment too much on this but its purpose was to eliminate the need to ever have to physically hand someone a game that you bought to share with them.

Q: Do you know anything about the rumor that Microsoft is upping the clock speed on the retail version? If you can't answer that, do you think that the Xbox One is at disadvantage with it's current specs compared to the PS4?
A: Can't comment on the rumor. The facts are on paper, the PS4 has better specs and the most you can debate is by how much. What I can tell you is I have played Forza, Killer instinct, and Ryse on the Xbox One. They look as good as the games I play on a high end PC. Ryse reminded me of darksiders II.

"The majority of the masses care only about the console, except that the success of the Kinect carries much more weight to us. The sensor costs almost as much as the console to make."
"As I mentioned earlier, I don't know what price point the Xbox One would be at without the Kinect, but it would be much less than 399.
Microsoft is utterly fucking retarded if the Kinect costs that much and if they could have sold the Xbone at a $300-350 price tag.

The PS4 is estimated to cost about $300-325 to build and the Xbone probably isn'tmuchless than that. Sony's thought to be making around $30-40 per PS4 I believe, so that means Microsoft is very possibly losing money on every unit or breaking even at best (not to mention the yield issues which have to be burning money).


Vyemm Raider
AMA with a confirmed Xbone dev:

Some highlights:


Microsoft is utterly fucking retarded if the Kinect costs that much and if they could have sold the Xbone at a $300-350 price tag.

The PS4 is estimated to cost about $300-325 to build and the Xbone probably isn'tmuchless than that. Sony's thought to be making around $30-40 per PS4 I believe, so that means Microsoft is very possibly losing money on every unit or breaking even at best (not to mention the yield issues which have to be burning money).
Yeah this is pretty stupid, they could have sold so many more consoles and so much quicker if they would have made it optional and had a price under Sony - Fuck if they kept the stupid DRM and dropped kinect they could have STILL had more hype than sony for a release.