The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !


<Gold Donor>
Meh, I dont think you will convince hundreds of millions of gamers that the steambox is the next great thing. It might be, but this will take time to convert. If steambox can launch for a significantly cheaper price than the xbox or psXX, than maybe, but its still has to have the hardware inside to run all those newfangled games. And if its just another $500 gamebox, then it loses.

Btw the future of gaming is none of these things. The future as I see it is your cellphone connecting to your tv wirelessly with wireless headphones and wireless controllers. THAT will be the future of gaming and entertainment, not yet another console "box".


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Yep, Sony is not a leader.

Video game console - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The PlayStation spawned a whole lineup of consoles from generation to generation and has earned Sony great respect as a video game company, becoming the first video game system to sell over 100 million consoles."
They aren't. They are following, not leading.

Leading is this.

* Trade and sell your content licenses for Movies, TV Shows, Games, Etc. - All digitally - no pay walls to access these features via an online marketplace. Sound familiar? It should. The beta test is a card collection game.

* The worlds first upgradable console - no more console launches - no more PS4, Xbox 2, PS5... No more designing games around 8 year old hardware and memory limitations which then holds back development and stagnates the market and creative ideas.

* Free Demos as it stands today

* A complete movie, TV, and media content line up without restrictions on release dates via medium. Anything that gets released, gets launched here on time, and on schedule.

* All sports tickets - NFL, MLB, NHL, NBA, ESPN, etc.On one service.

* Mechanical/Touch controller options with the ability to add analog sticks, or use a touch pad - whichever you prefer.

* Interop with all previous PC driven games based on your Steam account

* Free Multiplayer as it stands today with Steam

* Seamless integration with an app being developed to buy and begin the download/stream of content from any mobile device regardless of manufacturer - including the streaming of that content to your mobile device should you choose to consume it on that device. Both can watch at the same time. Most of this is already in beta stages with the current Steam App now with games.

* SteamBox designed hardware will automatically load device drivers into SteamOS upon auto detect of the card - based upon what the device is most used for. Games? Movies? Music? Video communications? Some, all, 1? Customize your box. The more you want it to do, the more upgrades you can do. Which are continual.

I could go into more detail.

This is called a leader... Alkorin.


<Gold Donor>
They aren't. They are following, not leading.

Leading is this.

* Trade and sell your content licenses for Movies, TV Shows, Games, Etc. - All digitally - no pay walls to access these features via an online marketplace. Sound familiar? It should. The beta test is a card collection game.

* The worlds first upgradable console - no more console launches - no more PS4, Xbox 2, PS5... No more designing games around 8 year old hardware and memory limitations which then holds back development and stagnates the market and creative ideas.

* Free Demos as it stands today

* A complete movie, TV, and media content line up without restrictions on release dates via medium. Anything that gets released, gets launched here on time, and on schedule.

* All sports tickets - NFL, MLB, NHL, NBA, ESPN, etc. On one service.

* Mechanical/Touch controller options with the ability to add analog sticks, or use a touch pad - whichever you prefer.

* Interop with all previous PC driven games based on your Steam account

* Free Multiplayer as it stands today with Steam

* Seamless integration with an app being developed to buy and begin the download/stream of content from any mobile device regardless of manufacturer - including the streaming of that content to your mobile device should you choose to consume it on that device. Both can watch at the same time. Most of this is already in beta stages with the current Steam App now with games.

* SteamBox designed hardware will automatically load device drivers into SteamOS upon auto detect of the card - based upon what the device is most used for. Games? Movies? Music? Video communications? Some, all, 1? Customize your box. The more you want it to do, the more upgrades you can do. Which are continual.

I could go into more detail.

This is called a leader... Alkorin.
This is also called a wet dream. Now wipe yourself off and get back to reality. 1/2 that shit on that list will never exist because of licensing...etc... Or if possible you will be paying $200 per month just to run all that shit.


Ut is more of an optimist than I could ever imagine being. Considering how down he is on many other parts of gaming, it is kind of nice to see him be such a dreamer here.


Trump's Staff
"Leading" isn't some nebulous thing in the future where you get every fucking thing you want. It's being in a position of power and using your influence to force others to change. Much like Sony has been doing to Microsoft leading up to these console launches. Every change that MS has made to their policies have been direct responses to policies that Sony has announced and fans have reacted to.

Steam is not a leader. They're nobodies in the console industry right now, nothing more than talk until they have a real product to put in front of people with a compelling reason to purchase it above their competitors.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
This is also called a wet dream. Now wipe yourself off and get back to reality. 1/2 that shit on that list will never exist because of licensing...etc... Or if possible you will be paying $200 per month just to run all that shit.
You'll see soon enough.

The above is what happens when a company innovates in a stagnant arena. Xbox one Pre-orders are non-existent. PS4 Pre-orders are barely hitting 1.5 million units world wide with over 100 million units installed on it's previous incarnation less than 6 weeks out from launch. Software preorders for the current line up on any console haven't topped 500k per title.

No one wants a 400-500 dollar 3 years behind the times console at launch with the accessibility Steam has brought and continues to bring. Exclusive games or not, which may be the only thing they have to stand on this gen.

Lets come back and quote this again at the end of 2014.


<Gold Donor>
They aren't. They are following, not leading.

Leading is this.

* Trade and sell your content licenses for Movies, TV Shows, Games, Etc. - All digitally - no pay walls to access these features via an online marketplace. Sound familiar? It should. The beta test is a card collection game.
LOL, it will never happen

* The worlds first upgradable console - no more console launches - no more PS4, Xbox 2, PS5... No more designing games around 8 year old hardware and memory limitations which then holds back development and stagnates the market and creative ideas.
I already have a PC. No one will want to mess with this shit. People want to plug and play hence why they buy a console over a PC in the first place.
* Free Demos as it stands today
OK, already there
* A complete movie, TV, and media content line up without restrictions on release dates via medium. Anything that gets released, gets launched here on time, and on schedule.
Will never hapen unless the entire movie and entertainment industry changes. Its also why I cannot pick and choose which cable channels I own, or why netflicks does nto have "sony" movies.

* All sports tickets - NFL, MLB, NHL, NBA, ESPN, etc.On one service.
This can hapen, but good luck dishing out $200 per month for this shit.
* Mechanical/Touch controller options with the ability to add analog sticks, or use a touch pad - whichever you prefer.

No one wants a 400-500 dollar 3 years behind the times console at launch with the accessibility Steam has brought and continues to bring. Exclusive games or not, which may be the only thing they have to stand on this gen.
Uhh, yeah they do, this is why they continue to sell hundreds of millions of these things, and this is why steam wants to get in the game. Games and game consoles make BILLIONS of dollars per yeear, more than Hollywood. dont kid yourself here. You think that GTA5 sold a billion dollars worth of games for the PC or steam? Im betting 90% of that was for the consoles.


Uh, PS4 is hitting a record number for pre-orders of a launch console dude. They're higher than they've ever been by a significant amount.

Hell, that's higher than the record for highest total launch week sales by a lot.


I hope the Steam box does incredibly well. I hope it does so well that it causes the end of the whole 'console war' nonsense and we end up with one system with several different developers which allows you to play every game, with all the lovely community mods, and I can play Gears of War and Uncharted/whatever on the same system. It would be wonderful and save space under my TV.

However, getting it into the average living room isn't going to be all that simple. The variation in boxes is going to confuse people, as is having (in the short term at least) to own a PC due to the lack of support for games in Linux. If the box takes off, that will change pretty quickly. On top of that it not being a closed system means that people are going to have to upgrade or mess around with settings to get games to run. Your average console gamer isn't going to be happy about that, or worse not even understand it. They're not used to 'Will this run?' and checking boxes, or upgrading systems.
Not being closed means that console gamers who have switched and are used to 5-7 year systems will have to upgrade more frequently as well, there 8 year old system isn't going to run whatever 2021's version of The Last of Us is, and the reason a 3 year old PC can still run everything on high settings is going out the window.
The Steam box could, and I genuinely hope it is, be a huge success. It could also fail spectacularly. It's definitely not a sure thing, and it's at least 4-5 years from pushing the PS4/Xbox out from under your average console gamer's TV.

I'm more interested to see how streaming works out. If the tech works well enough (and even if it isn't great next year, I see no reason why it won't be in 3-4) then it's likely to be to console gaming what Netflix was to Blockbusters.
Sure, there will always be a subset of gamers who care about latency, performance and so on to such a degree that streaming isn't going to be acceptable any time soon. These people, for the most part, are not the console gaming audience.

Edit: Clarity.


Pre-order numbers mean jack shit. The Wii U had great pre-order numbers, and we all know how that turned out.

Not to mention pre-ordering wasn't that big of a thing during past console launches. Nowadays, everyone can log onto Amazon and pre-order a console in one or two clicks, even if they have no intention of buying it.

The real test will be post Xmas. Sales might flourish, or they might bottom out Wii U style. Or they might sit in the middle. Who knows. It'll be fun to find out, though.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
LOL, it will never happen

I already have a PC. No one will want to mess with this shit. People want to plug and play hence why they buy a console over a PC in the first place.
OK, already there
Will never hapen unless the entire movie and entertainment industry changes. Its also why I cannot pick and choose which cable channels I own, or why netflicks does nto have "sony" movies.

This can hapen, but good luck dishing out $200 per month for this shit.

Uhh, yeah they do, this is why they continue to sell hundreds of millions of these things, and this is why steam wants to get in the game. Games and game consoles make BILLIONS of dollars per yeear, more than Hollywood. dont kid yourself here. You think that GTA5 sold a billion dollars worth of games for the PC or steam? Im betting 90% of that was for the consoles.
Saving this post.


Uhh, yeah they do, this is why they continue to sell hundreds of millions of these things, and this is why steam wants to get in the game. Games and game consoles make BILLIONS of dollars per yeear, more than Hollywood. dont kid yourself here. You think that GTA5 sold a billion dollars worth of games for the PC or steam? Im betting 90% of that was for the consoles.
Er, 100% of that was for consoles, because it was only released on the PS3/X360. But yeah, had it been also on the PC, 10% is about the numbers it would have pulled and that's being optimistic. PC sales of multiplatform games are always a small fraction of the sales.

But yeah, people love consoles. Ut just doesn't "get" that. The PS4 will likely sell more than the PS3 did with the momentum it currently has.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Steambox is going to get some initial console people interested for a few years but once they've got to deal with upgrades a good number will get turned off. To we PC folk upgrades are a trivial thing but for someone used to just replacing a whole cheap box the same route is far more expensive or requires a ton of learning which many people are lazy or nervous about.


<Gold Donor>
Again, why not just build a PC then, and install steam. Hook it up to your hdtv and enjoy? You can do this now!


The PS4 will likely sell more than the PS3 did with the momentum it currently has.
Wait, what? This is a ludicrous statement. We don't know what the viability is of the console market now, nevermind in the future.

Think about this: When the 360/PS3/Wii launched, the iPhone didn't exist. Touch screen smartphones simply didn't exist in their current incarnations. Likewise, the iPad didn't exist, and neither did the dozens of Android tablets available on the market. Technology moves so fast. We don't have any idea what sort of stuff might be on the market next year, nevermind in 5 years, 10 years, or further down the line.

Right now, people have more devices available to them than ever before to satisfy their entertainment needs, and there's only going to be more released in the future. These devices are going to directly compete with the consoles for entertainment hours and dollars.

Do I think console gaming is going away? Hell no. I think the audience for dedicated gaming devices is going to shrink, though, and consoles will become a niche product, much like GPS devices are now. As in, people buy them, but not in hugely impressive numbers.

It's also interesting that kids are growing up gaming on tablets and smartphones (Kids choosing Apple iPhone over Nintendo DS for video games -
). Are they going to care about consoles when they're older? Who knows.


Molten Core Raider
PC sales of multiplatform games are always a small fraction of the sales.
PC sales aren't always a small fraction, and they're also harder to track because no one knows how many copies are sold via Steam except Valve and the publisher. So yeah, if you are talking actual boxed, in-store copies, PC generally sells anywhere from 10-50% of what either console version sells, but who knows where that figure should actually be if you counted Steam sales(which are quite significant).

Take Skyrim for example. As of July 2012, an estimated 10 million copies have been sold at retail; of those sales, 59% were for the Xbox 360, 27% for the PS3, and 14% for the PC. However, Steam's statistics page showed the client breaking a five million user record by having 5,012,468 users logged in January 2, 2012

So its very likely that Skyrim actually outsold either game console, if Steam is considered. That would put the game at 15 million copies sold, with PC having 6.4 million, 360 having 5.9 million, and PS3 having 2.7 million. It's possible that PC sold even more, as I don't know that you would ever get 100% of digital purchasers online concurrently, that could easily be a million or two higher.


<Gold Donor>
Again, why not just build a PC then, and install steam. Hook it up to your hdtv and enjoy? You can do this now!
also, Ut, will I be able to watch, lets say, Men in black 3 (sony movie) on the steambox? How bout Game of thrones(hbo)? How bout House of Cards(netflicks)?


PC sales aren't always a small fraction, and they're also harder to track because no one knows how many copies are sold via Steam except Valve and the publisher. So yeah, if you are talking actual boxed, in-store copies, PC generally sells anywhere from 10-50% of what either console version sells, but who knows where that figure should actually be if you counted Steam sales(which are quite significant).

Take Skyrim for example. As of July 2012, an estimated 10 million copies have been sold at retail; of those sales, 59% were for the Xbox 360, 27% for the PS3, and 14% for the PC. However, Steam's statistics page showed the client breaking a five million user record by having 5,012,468 users logged in January 2, 2012

So its very likely that Skyrim actually outsold either game console, if Steam is considered. That would put the game at 15 million copies sold, with PC having 6.4 million, 360 having 5.9 million, and PS3 having 2.7 million. It's possible that PC sold even more, as I don't know that you would ever get 100% of digital purchasers online concurrently, that could easily be a million or two higher.
I did find this --


From Ubisoft's earnings report --

I'd say that's a decent amount of sales on the PC.

20% in Q4 2012, too -

I can't be bothered to go back any further. Their earnings reports are here ( if anyone else wants to.


<Gold Donor>
Wait, what? This is a ludicrous statement. We don't know what the viability is of the console market now, nevermind in the future.

Think about this: When the 360/PS3/Wii launched, the iPhone didn't exist. Touch screen smartphones simply didn't exist in their current incarnations. Likewise, the iPad didn't exist, and neither did the dozens of Android tablets available on the market. Technology moves so fast. We don't have any idea what sort of stuff might be on the market next year, nevermind in 5 years, 10 years, or further down the line.

Right now, people have more devices available to them than ever before to satisfy their entertainment needs, and there's only going to be more released in the future. These devices are going to directly compete with the consoles for entertainment hours and dollars.

Do I think console gaming is going away? Hell no. I think the audience for dedicated gaming devices is going to shrink, though, and consoles will become a niche product, much like GPS devices are now. As in, people buy them, but not in hugely impressive numbers.

It's also interesting that kids are growing up gaming on tablets and smartphones (Kids choosing Apple iPhone over Nintendo DS for video games -
). Are they going to care about consoles when they're older? Who knows.
This was my entire point about the future and handhelds. They are getting more powerful by the year. The next Samsung S5 is rumored to have the new 8 core processor in it. Even intell is focusing their business model to further develop for the mobile market. Its the future, not some box in your living room. The future is a handheld device with all that shit on it, al your games, all your entertainment, friends, etc.... and the future all the other devies in your hme will sync with that handheld. Even your fridge. THATS the future. "UT, you only have 4 eggs left, better stop and get some more"