The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !


A Mod Real Quick
And the PS2 sold 150 million units, almost twice of the X360. Brand loyalty meant absolutely dick this generation. Loyalty to the X360 brand will also mean dick in the coming generation.

Keeping friends lists means shit. Those are super easy to replace. The amount of people who actually care about gamer score are also in an incredibly small minority.

None of that is going to matter in the face of $400 Vs. $500 and a much, much larger initial supply and thus a much larger initial user base, which will just snowball everything.
DId you mean to compare PS2 and X360? Even if you compared PS2 to Xbox, that's not a fair comparison. That generation was won by PS2, arguably one of the best systems ever made.

We don't care about this stuff Sean, but kids do. I don't care who is on my friends list, but you can guarantee some high school bros give mega shits about who is on theirs.


<Gold Donor>
Sean, maybe you dont have RL buddies you play games with, but my kids do. The go to school, talk about games and come home and play games together. This is a different generation than the PS2 which had none of that shit. this is the era of connectivity and playing together, and that my friend is what you are overlooking. Youre a 40 something dude that uses logic to dictate where you will spend your money. Kids dont think like that. Kids ask other kids what they are getting so they can play together like they did with the 360.


What? Why do you think it would take so long? The hardest parts of emulation is figuring out how to re-program code made for dedicated chips like the PS2 emotion engine or whatever. With a unified codebase I would think emulation would be easier than ever; so long as you had the hardware.
I dunno. I just plucked a number out of thin air. I'm just assuming it's going to take a long time because there's a lot of backwards engineering required. You could be right, though. It might take less time.

But like I said, the number one mistake that MS did is forcing the stupid Kinect on everyone for the extra $100. If they omitted that POS, which nobody wants anyway, the race would be a lot closer. But as it stands, $400 sounds way more appealing than $500.
Gotta say, this looks pretty interesting -Xbox Fitness on Insanity Using Xbox Ones Kinect - YouTube

I wouldn't use it personally, but my Mum and my girlfriend would love it.

I think Microsoft is going to have a lot of mainstream focused stuff that uses the Kinect and people will like it. One of friends is buying an Xbox One because he enjoys playing Kinect games with his kids. For him, Kinect is a huge selling point over the PS4.


What? Why do you think it would take so long? The hardest parts of emulation is figuring out how to re-program code made for dedicated chips like the PS2 emotion engine or whatever. With a unified codebase I would think emulation would be easier than ever; so long as you had the hardware.
Yeah, you'd think this generation would be easier than ever. Like, especially for the PS4 which is basically just FreeBSD + OpenGL. That's really over simplifying it, but it's close enough anyways. It's also almost purely prototype AMD hardware, which should make it easier once that's all out. The biggest snag would probably be in the custom Audio chips and stuff like that. It does depend a lot on people being able to hack the system first though, which is pretty much how all emulators have come about.

It also requires someone tocareenough to do it, since it is alotof work. We're probably never going to see real X360 emulator, because no one cares enough to make it. And it's unlikely that anyone will follow through with the insane work required for a fully functional PS3 emulator. It's highly possible that no one will give enough of a shit to make a real PS4/Xbone emulator too.


Sean, maybe you dont have RL buddies you play games with, but my kids do. The go to school, talk about games and come home and play games together. This is a different generation than the PS2 which had none of that shit. this is the era of connectivity and playing together, and that my friend is what you are overlooking. Youre a 40 something dude that uses logic to dictate where you will spend your money. Kids dont think like that. Kids ask other kids what they are getting so they can play together like they did with the 360.
Bro, I'm 30.

And kids are fickle and move on to the next best thing at the drop of a hat. It's hilarious to think that they have any real "Brand loyalty". They get what their parents buy for them, and for most of them this Christmas, that will be a $100 less console that is shipping way more units and will have way more availability. As that userbase builds up their friends will get the same shit.

That's also completely ignoring the fact that kids aren't the biggest demographic by any stretch of the imagination. The average age of gamer is fucking30. 68% of gamers are over age 18. Kids are not going to save the Xbone.


Sean, maybe you dont have RL buddies you play games with, but my kids do. The go to school, talk about games and come home and play games together. This is a different generation than the PS2 which had none of that shit. this is the era of connectivity and playing together, and that my friend is what you are overlooking. Youre a 40 something dude that uses logic to dictate where you will spend your money. Kids dont think like that. Kids ask other kids what they are getting so they can play together like they did with the 360.
If that's the case, I do wonder what sort of effect the growing popularity of mobile gaming will have on consoles.

NPD released a rather interesting report earlier this year -NPD report: Kids playing mobile devices nearly as much as consoles and PC | GamesBeat

To quote:

In its recent "Kids and Gaming 2013? report, NPD revealed that 53 percent of mobile-device owners are spending more time gaming on those platforms compared to 2011. Teenagers ages 12 to 17 are seeing the biggest increase. While they were already using smartphones and tablets to play games for five hours a week in 2011, they are now using them for games an average of seven hours per week.


Despite the increased use of iOS and Android devices, traditional platforms like console and PC remain the top devices for gaming. The NPD notes, however, that the momentum is clearly in favor of smartphones and tablets.

"The question becomes whether this mobile usage will continue to grow for 2 to 17 year olds, and if usage will become more prevalent than gaming on consoles and computers as time progresses," said Callahan. "More importantly, we need to understand how these forms of gaming provide different types of experiences for young gamers."


Vyemm Raider
Bro, I'm 30.

And kids are fickle and move on to the next best thing at the drop of a hat. It's hilarious to think that they have any real "Brand loyalty". They get what their parents buy for them, and for most of them this Christmas, that will be a $100 less console that is shipping way more units and will have way more availability. As that userbase builds up their friends will get the same shit.

That's also completely ignoring the fact that kids aren't the biggest demographic by any stretch of the imagination. The average age of gamer is fucking30. 68% of gamers are over age 18. Kids are not going to save the Xbone.
Maybe kids under 10 but not real teens and such - My cousins love ps3 more than xbox to the point they have traded systems to friends. However my older friends swear by Xbox and will gladly pay the extra $100. You do know $100 isnt really alot when it comes to what you're going to enjoy for the next few years with friends. Your way of thinking works fine with the loner who doesnt play with others and just chills at home gaming away. However when you have friends that are mostly on another system you will generally compromise and get what most of them are on or just get both like i did.


<Gold Donor>
Bro, I'm 30.

And kids are fickle and move on to the next best thing at the drop of a hat. It's hilarious to think that they have any real "Brand loyalty". They get what their parents buy for them, and for most of them this Christmas, that will be a $100 less console that is shipping way more units and will have way more availability. As that userbase builds up their friends will get the same shit.

That's also completely ignoring the fact that kids aren't the biggest demographic by any stretch of the imagination. The average age of gamer is fucking30. 68% of gamers are over age 18. Kids are not going to save the Xbone.
Im not going to argue with you because obviously you have no kids and your mind is made up that you are right.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
1080I and P are the same resolution, same number of pixels.
The difference between 1080i and 1080p is immense. Have you ever compared 480i to 480 progressive? Start there. Just because it is the same resolution doesn't mean it looks anywhere close to the same. Obviously 1080i is gone so it doesn't matter anyway, but an interlaced picture flat out sucks.


Maybe kids under 10 but not real teens and such - My cousins love ps3 more than xbox to the point they have traded systems to friends. However my older friends swear by Xbox and will gladly pay the extra $100. You do know $100 isnt really alot when it comes to what you're going to enjoy for the next few years with friends. Your way of thinking works fine with the loner who doesnt play with others and just chills at home gaming away. However when you have friends that are mostly on another system you will generally compromise and get what most of them are on or just get both like i did.
I'm sorry, but anyone who follows a pack mentality like that is a fucking retard and should feel bad for being a retard. If your friends are buying an inferior, more expensive product any sane person would educate their friends on why that is a bad decision and get them to go with the better buy instead of caving into nonsense.

Don't just get what your friends are getting, get your friends to get what *you* are getting if you're getting the better shit.


A Mod Real Quick
While I think you're right Sean and people should educate others, that's not the way it is going to work and you know it. I am willing to bet most people don't want to hear about huma and other stuff. Does it play COD ? Is it an xbox? Ok sounds good give me 3.


While I think you're right Sean and people should educate others, that's not the way it is going to work and you know it. I am willing to bet most people don't want to hear about huma and other stuff. Does it play COD ? Is it an xbox? Ok sounds good give me 3.
Anyone who is friends with people that retarded should get new friends or sit their friends' asses down and make their friends not retarded.


<Gold Donor>
I am right and you're going to eat a shitload of crow when I'm proven right later.
I dont give a shit either way. I have nothing vested. I will get my kids the console of their choice since they will be the ones playing it not me. I will not force either of the consoles down their throat because pre-sales numbers dictate and because voxel rates and blah-blah.... I will get them what they want because im a cool dad.