The Flash


Mr. Poopybutthole
Except he didn't go there to kill Barry's mom, he went there to kill child Barry. He killed Barry's mom out of frustration when adult Barry saved child Barry.


Vyemm Raider
Also, shouldn't Thawne's first meeting with Past Flash have been in a timeline where Thawne hadn't killed Flash's mom?
Was not the whole reason for Eobard turning into wells so he could turn on the particle accelerator 4 years early to make flash earlier so he could get back home sooner? So in that (original) timeline Barry's mom is alive and Barry is older when he (and I guess all meta's in CC) get their powers? If I am remembering this correctly doesn't that make it odd that the Earth 2 accelerator accident happen near the same time.

2 reason could have caused this, E2 wells is also eobard, which seems unlikely due to Jessie, or Barry always has to get hit by lightning at that time as it is a "fixed point" like wells says Nora's death is also a fixed point.

I purposely did not watch this show for 2 years so I could binge it. It's now my favourite show on tv outside of GoT


Mr. Poopybutthole
Don't try to think about it too much, the way they've done timelines it's nothing but inconsistencies and paradoxes.


Millie's Staff Member
Don't try to think about it too much, the way they've done timelines it's nothing but inconsistencies and paradoxes.
yeah, soon as Wells2 started spouting the ST:TNG technobabble, my eyes started glazing over and i said to myself,"whatever" and moved on.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Don't try to think about it too much, the way they've done timelines it's nothing but inconsistencies and paradoxes.
I wouldn't even say it's the way they did timelines - it's putting in time travel at all. Time travel always makes anything into a mess.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I wouldn't even say it's the way they did timelines - it's putting in time travel at all. Time travel always makes anything into a mess.
Eh, lots of SciFi handles the ramifications of time travel without too much trouble. The way Flash has done it makes very little sense. How could an event caused by a time traveler become a fixed point in time in the first place?


Also, Barry VERY CLEARLY could have saved his mother, and chose not to at the urging of his future self.


Ssraeszha Raider

Also, Barry VERY CLEARLY could have saved his mother, and chose not to at the urging of his future self.
Because he knew how irresponsible it would be to change the timeline so drastically. Please ignore the fact that his mom only died in the first place because someone went back and changed the timeline.

This show really has handled time travel worse than anything I can remember.


Tranny Chaser
I have this feeling that we are meant to believe that Wally will get a blast of Speed Force, but I have this feeling that the person who gets it is Jesse and ends up as Jesse Quick.


I have this feeling that we are meant to believe that Wally will get a blast of Speed Force, but I have this feeling that the person who gets it is Jesse and ends up as Jesse Quick.
Between all the Wally talk about speed and him intersecting with the flash with that speed drainer on I really expected him to at least get it for a couple of minutes or something.


Vyemm Raider
Am I the only one who is getting exceedingly irritated that theykeepreferring to Earth1 Wells as if he was actually Wells? They all know and we all know Wells was murdered years ago by Thawne, and the Wells they knew was Thawne, and iirc they even point that out in one episode when it comes up. It's even getting worse. Barry telling Harry that Wells was his mentor. No, Barry, Thawne was your damn mentor.


<Prior Amod>
Well I'll tell you what, when you live in a world where you have super powers and you have mentor that you find out is really evil and then just before you turn back time of the planet in order to save the city you live in found he was actually someone from a different time that became that person who was your mentor and the only way you were able to defeat him was by your sister's fiance killing himself in front of you there by erasing him from existence.....we'll see how blurry your references and feelings get when faced with that same person....who isn't the same person, from a parallel earth who is in every way, shape and form the same as your old mentor except he's more of a dick.


Millie's Staff Member
when thawne lifetapped or whatever necro spell he used on the earth1 wells he did more than change his appearance, he absorbed wells's personae. im pretty sure they even mentioned something like that last season. he may have been the evil thawne inside, but he also had wells in him too. so yes when barry and the star lab guys say that wells was their mentor and father figure, it wasnt just an act. they really were affected by wells wells. after thawne absorbed wells, he stayed wells, he didnt shapeshift back and forth, even when he was alone in the gideon room he was always in the wells body.

good episode, but would have been better with less iris drama. i fucking hate how she inserts herself in everyone's business. det west is bonding with wally and here comes iris cockblocking it. guys at star labs working on finding clayfa.... err tarpit's next villain and here comes iris, "hey i know that guy, i just (stupidly) tried to strong arm him into leaving wally alone. oops i got random piece of glass in my chest. let me lay in my hoispital bed and tell wally what to do. shit, is the show runner fucking her or something?


Tranny Chaser
Thank god we get Killer Frost next episode. They need to give Caitlin more to do than pine away for Jay Garrick


<Silver Donator>
Between all the Wally talk about speed and him intersecting with the flash with that speed drainer on I really expected him to at least get it for a couple of minutes or something.
My bet is that they turn the device Wells created on Zoom somehow. Resulting in a massive amount of speed force that then somehow :
A) Restores Garrick's speed.
B) Infuses Wally with speedforce.
If Jesse is going to go speedster since she's the brainy type I would bet it would be through the old "speedforce equation".


Mr. Poopybutthole
when thawne lifetapped or whatever necro spell he used on the earth1 wells he did more than change his appearance, he absorbed wells's personae. im pretty sure they even mentioned something like that last season. he may have been the evil thawne inside, but he also had wells in him too. so yes when barry and the star lab guys say that wells was their mentor and father figure, it wasnt just an act. they really were affected by wells wells. after thawne absorbed wells, he stayed wells, he didnt shapeshift back and forth, even when he was alone in the gideon room he was always in the wells body.

good episode, but would have been better with less iris drama. i fucking hate how she inserts herself in everyone's business. det west is bonding with wally and here comes iris cockblocking it. guys at star labs working on finding clayfa.... err tarpit's next villain and here comes iris, "hey i know that guy, i just (stupidly) tried to strong arm him into leaving wally alone. oops i got random piece of glass in my chest. let me lay in my hoispital bed and tell wally what to do. shit, is the show runner fucking her or something?
Except, you know, street racing is incredibly dangerous. Iris was actually right to butt in this time to try and get Wally to stop.

Anyway I'm glad Barry forgave Harry, that seems exactly like something he would do.


Log Wizard
Except, you know, street racing is incredibly dangerous. Iris was actually right to butt in this time to try and get Wally to stop.

Anyway I'm glad Barry forgave Harry, that seems exactly like something he would do.
I pretty much agree with both these points...Like Barry said even Cisco gave Capt Cold his name to save his brother..was Wells sin any worse?

And Iris is 10x better this season than last, actually like her more now


<Prior Amod>
I wonder how they will approach things with multiple speedsters on the show (Barry and wally...I assume Jay would go back home)