The Girls Who Broke Your Heart Thread

Jackie Treehorn

<Gold Donor>
Re: people giving him shit for apologizing - Not everything is about "winning" and making yourself look the best at the expense of your humanity. Sure, the "fuck your dad, he deserved it" response may make dumb girls want to bang you more, but we also live in a society that functions better when people aren't complete pricks to one another. Plus, you are apologizing more for yourself than for anyone else. Own up to your mistakes and shortcomings. Letting the maximization of pussy possibility run your life is a sad way to live.

Jack, stop talking to her. Don't respond to anything ever. She's toxic and any interaction with her is causing you net distress and net harm.
Finally, someone gets it. Sometimes it's best to let someone else "win," especially if you cared about them. If I damaged her in some way, and my apology eased her pain in any way, it's fine. She "wins." I lose nothing. Like you said, apologies AND forgiving someone is for you and the other person. The fact she said she can't forgive me is her burden, not mine.

There are a couple of quotes on this that get bandied about worded slightly different ways and attributed to different people.

Living life without forgiveness is like drinking poison, and waiting for the other person to die.orNot forgiving someone is like holding a hot coal in your hand while wishing it will burn the other person.

Yes, I know not to engage her any further.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
The discretion of a man deferreth his anger, and it is his glory to pass over a transgression.

Proverbs 19:11


To be clear, I wasn't advocating trying to get her back, that would be asinine based on your description here.

I was just trying to get you to reflect on what went wrong, and how to do better next time. I do this constantly.

And since you mentioned the PUA stuff, when I first heard of that sort of thing, my reaction was the same: mockery. I believe my initial thought was "If it takes looking like these douchebags with their feather boas, magic tricks, and rhinestone cowboy hats just to get some pussy, I'd rather be a failure and keep my self respect." But the evo-psych based stuff I've been reading lately makes a TON of sense when I look at how my life has gone down. My reaction now is more along the lines of, "I've wasted so many years of my life due to this, if only this information was around when I was 16."

I would highly recommend doing some reading into it. If it doesn't resonate with you, hey, no skin off my nose.
Any recommendations on what to read
? thanks!
(A pm would be much appreciated since I dont check this thread often and I might just forget about what I wrote)


Best advice I ever got was "stop putting pussy on a pedestal". If you stop caring about having a woman in your life and do whatever the fuck you enjoy doing then women will show up all on their own. You don't need to chase them. You don't need to even use pickup lines or any of that shit. Just act normal no matter if it's a guy friend or a hot girl you want to bang. If a woman sees you enjoying yourself and having a good time with the company you keep they will make it known they are interested. You'll be the water hole for those searching thirsty gazelles.


well, sorry mister anal_overseer who has not one but TWO quotes about himself in his signature! I'll be happy to check in this thread for an answer since the guy I quoted actually seemed like he cared about recommending stuff.



Musty Nester
anal_overseer sounds smelly

If Izo smells of anything it is probably ammonia.

Or maybe cat pee.

They smell very similar.


Tranny Chaser
well, sorry mister anal_overseer who has not one but TWO quotes about himself in his signature! I'll be happy to check in this thread for an answer since the guy I quoted actually seemed like he cared about recommending stuff.

That's MR. anal_overseer to you, Mr. 49 posts. Don't be lazy about it (oh send me a pm, I'm far too busy to do my own work for free pussy). Mkay? Mkay.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Best advice I ever got was "stop putting pussy on a pedestal". If you stop caring about having a woman in your life and do whatever the fuck you enjoy doing then women will show up all on their own. You don't need to chase them. You don't need to even use pickup lines or any of that shit. Just act normal no matter if it's a guy friend or a hot girl you want to bang. If a woman sees you enjoying yourself and having a good time with the company you keep they will make it known they are interested. You'll be the water hole for those searching thirsty gazelles.
Fuckin'A!! All of us should learn with these words.
And ffs,why we can't now show respect and +net?


That's MR. anal_overseer to you, Mr. 49 posts. Don't be lazy about it (oh send me a pm, I'm far too busy to do my own work for free pussy). Mkay? Mkay.
hehe well my post count is also the reason I asked for this. I barely check anythng outside of FSR, but u'Re right. No need to be lazy! Hope this guy still bothers to respond.

Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
Any recommendations on what to read
? thanks!
(A pm would be much appreciated since I dont check this thread often and I might just forget about what I wrote)
I'm not afraid to put the link in the thread.

IMO, go to "The Best of the Rational Male Year One" and read all of that stuff there. I really like the writing style of the guy who does this site. He doesn't write like he has a political agenda, and breaks things down very well, albeit with the use of a lot of $64 words and some jargon/acronyms that you may have to look up. He also doesn't come at it from the attitude of "Do this stuff and pussy will fall all over itself trying to chase you! Now that will be 10 easy payments of $49.99 please, to find out what that is." It's more like, "This is how the world really works, and these are the lies you have been told your entire life to make it so. It is merely truth, make of it what you will."

Once you've gotten through that site, go through the blog links there, and this leads to a whole host of other sites. These other sites have a wide variety of focii, and run the gamut from libertarian conspiracy theoryists, married guy advice, how to be a player type stuff, and on and on and on.

Full disclosure: if your own political leanings are to the left, I don't see you liking hardly any of this stuff, since I've yet to encounter much left-leaning theory in these sites. Even the rational male, which is very apolitical IMO, will likely be grating to the left leaning person, just because of the content. But read it, and decide for yourself. If you don't like it, hey, go on with your life and no harm done.

My own motivation for reading this stuff was that doing what I had always done was getting me what I had always got. It was time for a change.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
I'm not afraid to put the link in the thread.

IMO, go to "The Best of the Rational Male Year One" and read all of that stuff there. I really like the writing style of the guy who does this site. He doesn't write like he has a political agenda, and breaks things down very well, albeit with the use of a lot of $64 words and some jargon/acronyms that you may have to look up. He also doesn't come at it from the attitude of "Do this stuff and pussy will fall all over itself trying to chase you! Now that will be 10 easy payments of $49.99 please, to find out what that is." It's more like, "This is how the world really works, and these are the lies you have been told your entire life to make it so. It is merely truth, make of it what you will."

Once you've gotten through that site, go through the blog links there, and this leads to a whole host of other sites. These other sites have a wide variety of focii, and run the gamut from libertarian conspiracy theoryists, married guy advice, how to be a player type stuff, and on and on and on.

Full disclosure: if your own political leanings are to the left, I don't see you liking hardly any of this stuff, since I've yet to encounter much left-leaning theory in these sites. Even the rational male, which is very apolitical IMO, will likely be grating to the left leaning person, just because of the content. But read it, and decide for yourself. If you don't like it, hey, go on with your life and no harm done.

My own motivation for reading this stuff was that doing what I had always done was getting me what I had always got. It was time for a change.
That site, and MGTOW, changed my life.


Vyemm Raider

met i new girl on broadway.......first date we just hung out and talked while she sat in my lap...we kissed and she kissed my neck, very cool girl shes 25 and works with alzheimer patients, sidelines as a domanatrix but since one of her appointments cancelled and she needed some money....we exchanged numbers and we will meet on friday


The Big Mod
you can tell by the only slight browning of her teeth that she is only in the beginning stages of her crack addiction.