The Male Birth Control Pill

Finally! Not that it will affect most of you neck bearded mouth breathers but still

The Male Birth Control Pill
"The Next Red Pill"
Most exciting is the development of a non-hormonal male birth control pill (NHMBCP) by Prof. Haim Breitbart of Israel's Bar-Ilan University. The professor claims that the pill, when it arrives, needs only be taken once every month, or every three months depending on dosage, and being non-hormonal has no side effects and is also harmless to long term male fertility (being easily reversible upon not taking it). (1) (2)

Of note also is that the Israeli effort is only one of several different kinds of developments taking place concurrently in different countries globally, with a focus on producing a male birth control pill. Such efforts are apparently underway alongside traditional native non-medical approaches in China, Indonesia, India, Brazil, Africa, USA and U.K. (3) (4) (5) (6)
The reported advantages:

.Male pill = end of paternity fraud
.Male pill = reproduction on men's terms
.Male pill = massive drop in the numbers of women being able to become single parents by choice as a lifestyle funded collectively by men
.Male pill = scarcity of sperm. Sperm banks already can't meet demand. This will create much more male 'fertility value'.
.Male pill = increased male political power as men will be able to hold out on reproducing with biologically ticking women everywhere - until men are granted long overdue human rights translated into laws and social conventions which treat men as equals.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
fixed the link.

Also lol @ the posters on that website. Bunch of pussy men who think their own betafaggyness is caused by a system ruled by women.


Registered Hutt
Sounds awesome. Too bad it doesn't prevent gonorrhea too. I hate condoms, but I hate STDs more.


Mobile Game Hunter
Will monitor this one until the FDA discover it causes men's semen to Fist of the North Star vaginas.


Musty Nester
Its in animal trials in Europe. It's basically 10 years from market at minimum.

It alsosoundslike it works by interrupting ejaculation, and while i'm no penis doctor that sounds like it may be pysiologically effective and psychologically problematic if true.

Of course this is all based on that 5 minute BBC report. Idk how it actually works. It might just stop the sperm from being added to the semen and you just shoot blanks.

Of course, you'll still have to use condoms to protect against STI's. I guess you can rawdog a wife/steady girlfriend with no worries in about 10 more years maybe.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Im a little concerned. All that jumping and forceful movement combined with lack of bra seems like it would lead to some very early sagging.


Registered Hutt
He posts pics of naked bitches in the kitchen. I'm a great admirer and would never try to copy him.


Musty Nester
If only it were true.

The dumb ones are gonna be all "Male birth control? lawl, I ain't no bitch".

Then it'll be a population explosion as the dumb women believe him when he says "we don't need no rubber, I take that pill"


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
If only it were true.

The dumb ones are gonna be all "Male birth control? lawl, I ain't no bitch".

Then it'll be a population explosion as the dumb women believe him when he says "we don't need no rubber, I take that pill"
yeh but dumb Wakandan don't wanna be a papa more.


Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
She's also the very definition of a butterface.
She could be mrs. butterworth and id still bang.

Upon further review you sir are real retarded. Granted she does not have the face of Jennifer Lawrence or Jennifer Love Hewitt, she is not "very definition of a butterface".

That thai girl GOM gropped and squeezed by Farang Ding Dong - XVIDEOS.COM

Upon even further review it appears the guy who owns this little whore has a weird fetish with breasts and penis pumps/large penises.

farangdingdong videos, page 1 - XNXX.COM