The Netflix Thread


Musty Nester
God damn it bisi, I watched Lawless and now I almost seriously want to go get one of those doughboy haircuts.


Blackwing Lair Raider
John Dies At The End - Got almostDude-Where's-My-Carsy at times, but holy cow was this not what I had expected. Been thinking about it for days after watching it.


Toilet of the Mod Elect
Yeah, These Final Hours wasn't bad.

I'd seen it on the list and been avoiding it because I kinda figured it was gonna be exactly what it was but not done as well. It really is a well done version of exactly what you think it's gonna be.
We watched this today and this is a perfect summery along with what the others have said. Well worth the hour and a half.


Musty Nester
Just watched "Parallels". It's obviously a pilot for a television series. Not a movie. Dunno why they labeled it as a movie, or put it on netflix. It's like someone remembered Sliders and decided to try to reboot it.

It wunnut too good, but not offensively bad either. We should have a "netflix movies that were not as good as you'd hoped". But I guess that would probably be most of them.


Got something right about marriage
I just watched Faults and I really have no idea wtf the point of that movie was. There was no payoff and no explanation of why any of this crap happened.


Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
I watched Infiniti, which was a really weird movie, and has an ending that makes everyone go: "Are you fucking serious?" and bash their face on the table. But the general concept of the movie was kinda cool.

Any good sci-fi recommendations? I really miss good sci-fi flicks.


Avatar of War Slayer
I watched Infiniti, which was a really weird movie, and has an ending that makes everyone go: "Are you fucking serious?" and bash their face on the table. But the general concept of the movie was kinda cool.

Any good sci-fi recommendations? I really miss good sci-fi flicks.
yeah. I was considering making a post about it.
Hard to talk about without going into spoilers.

The movie.. is kindof a blend of alot over other movies you saw before. This is the best and worst part of it. you THINK you are going to be watching a Doom/Event horizon/Pandorum/Deadspace ripoff... but ends up a different movie rip-off
The Thing; with a happy ending
Budget and effects are pretty decent. So, I got bored pretty quick in the beginning, thinking it was just another space crazy/zombie movie. Checked online and saw talk of the conclusion. And then had to watch the whole thing to see it play out.

Wouldn't really RECOMMEND it out of the blue though. Ended up giving it 2stars.

lets see, some of these are horror scifi, future scifi, low scifi
I gave "Agency of Vengeance: dark rising" 5 stars. its a campy as hell, grindhouse sci-fi. iirc. if you like odd thomas, john dies in the end, Bounty Killer, etc.
The scribbler 4stars.
Extraterrestial 4 stars. don't remember a thing about it.
The hole 5 stars.
Grabbers 5s.
Honeymoon 5s
The machine 4s
The brass teapont 5s.
Primer 5 of course
Branded 4s.
Minegames 5s. (dont remember thinking it was that good... its ok.)
Extracted 4s.
Frequencies 4s.
the histry of Future Folk 4s
Eva 4s.
Wyrmwood road of teh dead. 4s. Another campy Aussie movie. grindhouse zombies.

I also got around to watching Interstellar yesterday via netflix dvd. none of those movies are Interstellar.

Burying the ex is notable NOT as good as odd thomas etc.


Got something right about marriage
The History of Future Folk is so great, but I don't know if I would call it sci-fi, it's more of an indie spoof.


Avatar of War Slayer
yeah, most/all of those are "scifi elements" at best really. Good scifi is rare. its expensive.
Big budget stuff like Interstellar you already know about. At best for under the radar, you'll have things like Timelapse, primer,+1 etc.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I watched Bounty Killers last night. Now this is going to be a like it or hate it movie, it's pure camp. But I did enjoy it for what it was. The final battle was funny. I enjoyed the humor they were going for.
It's a low budget fun B movie.


Musty Nester
Grace and Frankie. A+ lols. Probably something you wanna watch with a girlfriend or wife though.

It might just be because I think Lilly Tomlin is awesome.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I watched Bounty Killers last night. Now this is going to be a like it or hate it movie, it's pure camp. But I did enjoy it for what it was. The final battle was funny. I enjoyed the humor they were going for.
It's a low budget fun B movie.
Second this, I watched it a year or so ago but it was fuckin great.


Saw it mentioned in 2013 in this thread, but I watched a movie called Grabbers last night. I really enjoyed it and the CGI for being a low budget film was pretty passable.


Thanks for the suggestion of "These Final Hours", I found the movie to be fantastic. I watched it with my girlfriend who ended up hating it but was crying in the end because it was too "real". I tried to explain if it touched her that much then its a great movie, but argument ensued lol. Too much realism for her therefore bad movie.


Musty Nester
Well, in the real version he wouldn't have made it back. He would have been stuck walking down the road.


Musty Nester
Wet Hot American Summer is atrociously bad. Just amazingly bad with a mid-tier TV star cast.

They're trying to trade on 80's nostalgia, and they're making jokes for 5 year olds. In order to trade on the nostalgia they have to be making jokes for at least 10-12 year olds.

I mean atrocriously bad. It's got 1 star. It deserves less.