The Night Of


Ssraeszha Raider
Having been in the back of a police car once or twice myself, yes they will keep you in the back of the car (and in holding) while they do other shit if it takes priority. And it is not uncommon for chain of custody laziness/fuckery when the cops are busy or miscommunicate.
Must be different where you live, because out here that would never happen. I can't imagine a place where it's legal for police to just have you sit in the back of their vehicle while they investigate other, unrelated crimes.

If something was a big enough emergency that they had to drop everything and leave right then, they should be letting you go at that point.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Must be different where you live, because out here that would never happen. I can't imagine a place where it's legal for police to just have you sit in the back of their vehicle while they investigate other, unrelated crimes.

If something was a big enough emergency that they had to drop everything and leave right then, they should be letting you go at that point.
That's what I thought. They let the guy sit there while they established a crime scene and everything. The reasons seemed to be more that they didn't know what to do with him more than anything else.


Trakanon Raider
Man, they really scripted it so this kid would do everything as completely and hilariously wrong as possible, didn't they?


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
From the ironic coincidences desk, Riz Ahmed (Naz) will be in Rogue One. His character's name is Bodhi (pronounced the same as Bodie).


Gunnar Durden
The knife they found with him won't end up being the murder weapon....but it will have his prints on it and her blood.

They went a little into bad chain of custody. That will come back.

Also anyone else think it was weird that the knife went into a paper evidence bag? Do they do that?


Mr. Poopybutthole
I finally got around to watching it and thought it was great. I don't need a masterful plot anymore, just something that keeps me captivated for the duration.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
I hate "framed" storylines or "wrongly accused". I'm seriously tempted to look up how the UK original ended. It might be a well done production with the usual gloss that comes from US networks but I'm not sure if that makes it worth me continuing to watch


The knife they found with him won't end up being the murder weapon....but it will have his prints on it and her blood.

They went a little into bad chain of custody. That will come back.

Also anyone else think it was weird that the knife went into a paper evidence bag? Do they do that?
Maybe. I don't have a sense for how technical the show is going to get. The girl, her house, and death seemed True Detective. The cops and detective seemed really Law & Order. And the defense attorney seemed kinda Matlock--what's the point of his foot eczema? I really would have preferred Gandolfini or deNiro as the defense attorney.

Yeah, they do use paper bags along with all sorts of other envelopes and baggies and containers that don't seem very good at preservation.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I doubt he killed the girl. He was way too clean. The scene had blood everywhere, splattered all over the walls. He would've been covered in it. I think as some have suggested, he came down after sex, had a snack and some water and fell asleep due to the drugs in his system. Someone else came in, killed the girl, left and probably thought it'd be funny watching this kid get blamed for the crime.


Lord Nagafen Raider
As much as I enjoyed the first episode despite the kid's idiocy, I thought the second episode was as slow as can be and entirely shitty.


Ssraeszha Raider
2nd episode was bad. Nothing really happened and when the full season's out I bet you could skip the episode and not even notice


<Bronze Donator>
I actually liked the 2nd episode more than the first, it really set up the 3 main characters well. It wasn't an action or edge of your seat thing, but for the rest of the season they shouldn't have to waste our time with set up. If they do, then this was a wasted episode.


Got something right about marriage
I thought the second episode was great. This show is obviously all about the dialogue.


it's only castles burning
turturro is amazing. no one else on this show can act. they're all doing a subtle "style" instead of actually acting. you notice how happy turturro was when the judge asked him "right time, right place"? almost no actor would have played it that way after having bail denied. guy is really genius.

re: the door lock, it seemed to me like it locked behind naz so he broke the window and unlocked it and went in, which is why it was unlocked for the cops.

also, if there's one more slow, artsy scene of prisoners walking somewhere i'm going to quit watching.


Vyemm Raider
The family is fucking terrible but Turturro has saved the show, basically watching it for his scenes.


Lord Nagafen Raider
It's good, plays out more like a book and is building appropriately and giving you a sense (ep2) of what being detained may feel like. The levels gone to in order to tote the gray area to get what you want out of someone, how someone may break if they didn't believe in their absolute innocence. The foot thing is about the only thing I don't like about the show, feels like a quirk just for the sake of having one. Episode 2 was getting more into the characters and showing that really nobody but the family really cares about the kid and his innocence. That the mother realized that while she may not think he did it, the presence of Maxim and rubbers shows he's not as innocent as she hoped, that the right place/time attorney isn't interested in the truth, just the case, and that the investigator wants what's best for "justice".

People have done far stupider shit to try and get laid. Wasn't unrealistic that a straight arrow dude took a girl wherever, did drugs, etc all for the sake of some ass. The stabbing her in the hand thing was the only part that was odd, but I feel like that'll play into some shit that's revealed later too. Ex-lover, step-dad, whatever


Ssraeszha Raider
People have done far stupider shit to try and get laid. Wasn't unrealistic that a straight arrow dude took a girl wherever, did drugs, etc all for the sake of some ass. The stabbing her in the hand thing was the only part that was odd, but I feel like that'll play into some shit that's revealed later too. Ex-lover, step-dad, whatever
Was that a complaint? The idea that he'd do what he did so he could bang her is completely 100% believable