The Other Lamb (2020)


<Bronze Donator>
0.00 star(s) Rating: 0.00/5 0 Votes
Title: The Other Lamb (2020)

Genre: Horror, Drama, Thriller

Director: Małgorzata Szumowska

Cast: Michiel Huisman, Raffey Cassidy, Denise Gough, Eve Connolly, Kelly Campbell, Isabelle Connolly, Charlotte Moore, Zara Devlin, Ailbhe Cowley, Irene Kelleher, Jane Herbert, Mallory Adams, Juliette Crosbie, David Fawaz

Release: 2020-04-03

Runtime: 97

Plot: A haunting and nightmarish tale that tells the story of Selah, a young girl born into a repressive cult known as the Flock. The members of the Flock – all women and female children– live in a rural compound, and are led by one man, known only as Shepherd. Selah, a daughter who is on the cusp of teenage-hood, is given the great honor of participating in the sacred ritual of the birthing of the lambs – upon which they depend for survival – where she has a shocking and otherworldly experience. She begins to have strange visions that make her question her own reality, and everything the Shepherd has taught her and her sisters.



<Bronze Donator>
So I was checking out what was playing at a drive-in (lol), and this is playing. I have not heard about it anywhere but the trailer looks rad, I love me some cult. Anyone see it?
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Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
I'm about 50 minutes in and it isn't great. Definitely don't expect anything on par with Midsommar or The Witch, etc...


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Okay yeah, that trailer presents a fairly different movie, at least in tone. There's not really any horror or suspense or anything in this film. It just moves forward.

One of the more hilarious parts is where the Wives and Daughters are signing "Lets Go Down" and they pan across them and there's the token black member of the cult going full soul sistah. Because obviously black people only sing one way.

Guess I'll spoiler something regarding the ending just in case anyone cares...

Shepherd leads them all to a new Eden by a lake after they get kicked out of their original cult home. He kills all the Wives in order for the Daughters to be reborn as Wives. The main chick in the poster, Selah, gets snippy with him and I guess the Daughters kill him and string him up in the woods with rams horns on his head. The it ends with the women sitting there looking all evil and Selah holding a lamb that goes baa baa. Cut to credits.

Not sure if this movie was supposed to be a win for the Patriarchy or Matriarchy. Either way it was a loss for me.
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