The Tanoubliette: Pussy Hurt and Delusions or TTPHAD for short.

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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
It seems to be that last bolt hole for your cowardice every time, does it not?

Just cry "IM SO MISUNDERSTOOD!" without any ability to actually demonstrate that fact.

Its pathetic.

Its childish.

And it is an explicit admission by you you've run out of other rocks to hide behind in your constant attempt to say stupid shit, and then shift goal posts to save face.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
If I did a google search of rerolled for tanoomba posts including the phrase "your strawman", how many returns do you think I'd get?


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Oh and guess what?

The list starts with...surprise surprise...the zimzam thread.

You've been using this tactic as your last resort to deny reality for a very very long time.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
Didn't read all that but isn't the issue here that Tanoomba is saying those who fell for it are stupid but Poe's law says that someone falling for it is not stupid. In other words, you can never cite being an example of Poe's law as a case for someone's stupidity. So saying someone is stupid or gullible for falling for it would be a wrong thing to say.

So, for example, if you knew nothing about person X except that they fell for an example of Poe's law, you would no reason to say they were stupid.

Tanoomba_sl said:
The people who fell for that article (of which there were only one or two) were absolutely stupid and gullible, but the definition of Poe's Law still allows for that.
So are you saying the people who fell for it also happened to be stupid and gullible? Because it sounds like you're saying they're stupid and gullible for falling for it.

Denaut_sl said:
It was at this point Nathan coined his now internet famous law. It was posted to reassure the new poster that they were not stupid, but that creationists are the stupid ones because they sincerely say such ridiculous things so much that it was essentially impossible to insincerely satirize them without still sounding enough like a creationist that someone who is not stupid will mistake the satire for non-satire.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Hodj I have more Tuconots than you do now. Think about your life and what you are doing.
In my defense

1. You're funny as shit and a good poster who deserves more +s than me
2. The last two negs I received were unjust, but quite salty and I enjoyed savoring their salty flavor as a result
3. My last + was from the litany of posts I made last night in the GG thread on this issue


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler

About 403 results (0.49 seconds)

That's a lot of you crying about being misrepresented when absolutely no one else here would agree with that claim.
To be fair, a number of those results seem to be people saying Tanoomba's arguments are strawmen.

Also, I dislike that Google uses the default page view size because I can't go to any of those search results.


Didn't read all that but isn't the issue here that Tanoomba is saying those who fell for it are stupid but Poe's law says that someone falling for it is not stupid. In other words, you can never cite being an example of Poe's law as a case for someone's stupidity. So saying someone is stupid or gullible for falling for it would be a wrong thing to say.
No, that's not what I'm saying. That makes no sense. Have you readthis article?It starts off ridiculous, but how far did you get before it became blazingly obvious it was satire?

For me it was right here:
Stupid Article_sl said:
My husband identifies as gender neutral, and whenever "Xe" (my husbands current pronoun) witnesses our child playing with toy trucks and trains, it triggers "Xer" so hard that "Xe" crumbles into a quivering pile of inconsolable PTSD jitters.
There is no ambiguity there. It is not subject to misinterpretation as someone's actual stance. It's Garfield-level, in-your-face humor that could not be more obvious without a literal pie in the face. After reading that sentence everything else jumped out as the obvious joke it was.

I'm not saying Poe's Law exists to highlight stupid people. I'm saying, in this very specific case, the people calling "Poe's Law" were stupid. It was obvious humor. They didn't get it because they're stupid. However, Poe's Law states that as long assomebodymistakes it for the real thing (regardless of stupidity), then it's Poe's Law.

So, for example, if you knew nothing about person X except that they fell for an example of Poe's law, you would no reason to say they were stupid.
Of course not. But if someone read that article and thought it was legit, they're stupid.

So are you saying the people who fell for it also happened to be stupid and gullible? Because it sounds like you're saying they're stupid and gullible for falling for it.
I don't think they "fell for it". It wasn't a trick. It was Onion-level satire written for a laugh. It was never supposed to be taken seriously. That's what makes the people who believed it stupid.

But I'm being too harsh. It's not necessarily just stupidity. It could be that, obsessed with finding examples of egregious SJW behavior to mock, some people's confirmation bias overpowered their critical thinking ability. You know, the same way Sarkeesian finds examples of "sexism" everywhere.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
All that excuse making.

No part of falling for a Poe, no matter how obvious it may be, implies the people who fell for it were stupid or dumb, or so concerned with confirming their biases that you're just the pinnacle of rationalism and skepticism in comparison, which is the crux of your (terrible) argument.

Once again you've been checkmated by the facts.



All that excuse making.

No part of falling for a Poe, no matter how obvious it may be, implies the people who fell for it were stupid or dumb, or so concerned with confirming their biases that you're just the pinnacle of rationalism and skepticism in comparison, which is the crux of your (terrible) argument.
That has never been any part of my argument, let alone the crux. I never said that "falling for a Poe" implied any of that. In this particular case, anyone who thought that article was legit is stupid. That's not a statement about Poe's Law. It's a statement about the obvious nature of the satire in that article.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
I didn't read the article at all and it's not really relevant here. I just think if you admit it's an example of Poe's law, then by definition, you can't say they're stupid (or whatever else) for thinking it's real.

Poe_sl said:
"Without a winking smiley or other blatant display of humor, it is uttrerly [sic] impossible to parody a Creationist in such a way that someone won't mistake for the genuine article."
Key phrase there being "utterly impossible". I could see you saying that Poe's law is then just a too strict definition of a phenomena or it doesn't fit this particular application, but as it is phrased, it seems pretty clear (to me, anyway).

Tanoomba_sl said:
I don't think they "fell for it". It wasn't a trick. It was Onion-level satire written for a laugh. It was never supposed to be taken seriously. That's what makes the people who believed it stupid.
I'm still not sure you get Poe's law. If you accept it as Poe's law it's utterly impossible for someone, somewhere not to eventually mistake it for the real thing because things are so extreme that it could very easily have been written by a real person, regardless of how out there it is.

It seems like you disagree that the SJW field has gone to such an extreme that they've reached Poe's law status in the same way Poe felt Creationists had.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Back to just blatantly lying with a bald face again I see.

Its really pathetic.

These past few encounters have really demonstrated how far you've fallen.

Whichi s pretty hard to do since you never started out from a very high point in the first place.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
I didn't read the article at all and it's not really relevant here. I just think if you admit it's an example of Poe's law, then by definition, you can't say they're stupid (or whatever else) for thinking it's real.

Key phrase there being "utterly impossible". I could see you saying that Poe's law is then just a too strict definition of a phenomena or it doesn't fit this particular application, but as it is phrased, it seems pretty clear (to me, anyway).

I'm still not sure you get Poe's law. If you accept it as Poe's law it's utterly impossible for someone, somewhere not to eventually mistake it for the real thing because things are so extreme that it could very easily have been written by a real person, regardless of how out there it is.

It seems like you disagree that the SJW field has gone to such an extreme that they've reached Poe's law status in the same way Poe felt Creationists had.
Basically what I'm getting at is you can think they're stupid for believing it, but then it's by definition not an example of Poe's law. If you think it's Poe's law, then by definition you can't say they're stupid for believing it.

Also, I don't know how you two deal with the non-editability of the Rickshaw. Fucking annoying.


I didn't read the article at all and it's not really relevant here. I just think if you admit it's an example of Poe's law, then by definition, you can't say they're stupid (or whatever else) for thinking it's real.
Of course you can. Poe's Law just says that that if somebody interprets satire as someone's legitimate stance, it's Poe's Law. Period. The definition says nothing about whether that person just interpreted it that way because they're an idiot. That was Jhodi's entire argument. That's why I was wrong when I said people thinking that article was legit wasn't an example of Poe's Law: Because Poe's Law doesn't make exceptions for idiots. Again, that was Jhodi's explicit argument.

Basically what I'm getting at is you can think they're stupid for believing it, but then it's by definition not an example of Poe's law.
This was exactly my stance. This is what I was wrong about. Because, you see, THE definition of Poe's Law doesn't disqualify stupid people who can't recognize obvious satire. Again, that wasJhodi's entire argument.

The reality: A poe must be indistinguishablefor somefrom the real thing to be a true Poe.
My definition does not include the necessity that someone who falls for a Poebeing stupid, dumb, gullible, or ignorant. These are options among a realm of possibilitiesfor why someone would fall for a Poe.
There is no other point or purpose to it, and the definition explicitly does not put the onus on the part of the people reading the parody to discern its parodic intent,it does not imply the people falling for the parody are stupid, ignorant, dumb, or gullible. Because, whilesome of them may be, others will not be.
You see? Jhodi is EXPLICITLY saying that if someone is simply too stupid to recognize obvious satire, it's still Poe's Law. According to the definition, he's right. That's why I was wrong in claiming that people being too stupid to recognize the obvious satire in that article wasn't Poe's Law.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I can edit my posts just fine here, guys!



Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Tanoomba I already straight out said I was mistaken and not the authority on what the definition of Poe's law is in the face of the recognized definition that is widely available on the internet.

Trying to beat other people over the head with my error from 10 months ago when you have the actual definition in front of you and it directly contradicts you, is just more dishonesty from you.


Tanoomba I already straight out said I was mistaken and not the authority on what the definition of Poe's law is in the face of the recognized definition that is widely available on the internet.

Trying to beat other people over the head with my error from 10 months ago when you have the actual definition in front of you and it directly contradicts you, is just more dishonesty from you.
Wait a minute wait a minute stop the execution.

I admitted I was wrong and you were right, according to the very logic you used to show me that the actual definition of Poe's Law doesn't make exceptions for stupidity on the reader's part. I had to admit you were right, and that the case in question (where only people too stupid to recognize the obvious satire in that article thought it might be legit) does in fact count as Poe's Law.

NOW you're trying to tell me that your argument was wrong? That YOU were WRONG? Is this the fucking Twilight Zone or something? If you're now telling me that Poe's Law DOESN'T include cases where idiots can't identify obvious humor, then you're basically telling me that I was right about the thing I already admitted being wrong about. This is a baffling turn of events.

You also seem to be attempting to shift goal posts by saying the actual problem is with me calling people stupid for not identifying obvious satire? Do I have this right here? So even though you seem to agree that the humor in that article is obvious, which would, according to your change of heart, mean it DOESN'T count as Poe's Law, you still have a problem because I called out stupidity?

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