The Trayvon Trial

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Unelected Mod
NW protocol absolutely states a GUN SHOULD NOT BE CARRIED.
Sorry but just because NW protocol says you should be disarmed, doesn't mean you should be. Also, it had no effect on it. We have zero evidence that he brandished the gun at all. The ONLY THING THE GUN DID was make Trayvon die for assaulting zimmerman, rather than Zimmerman dying.

edit: Nice find Gavinrad. So NW protocol just makes it clear it gives you no special power to carry.


Millie's Staff Member
Likely there was a Trayvon part to it, absolutely - but as they say two wrongs don't make a right - Zimmerman absolutely did a number of things wrong (against protocol and instruction). [Frankly, I don't even feel "manslaughter" myself - like reckless endangerment and a ban for life from NW functions seems the most appropo to me - his overzealousness and carrying a gun in a situation he's not supposed to combined with ignoring protocol was going to lead to something like this eventually]
id agree with that, I can understand why he followed tm, because of the previous incedents and the poor response time from the police, but I can also recognize that even if you know the cops suck, you still should wait for them. Its poor judgement, but its nothing illegal or malicious


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
We have Castle Doctrine in Kentucky, its basically the same thing. We've never had a vigilante kill a black kid for no reason.

A guy named James Clem took a lamp and killed a kid I went to high school with that he owed 20 dollars to and then tried to claim the Castle Doctrine allowed him to do it, which was kinda fucked up. He got a better plea deal out of it, but still ended up serving time, don't think he's gotten out yet, could be wrong.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I'm fine with the theory of Stand Your Ground, I just don't approve of the way it's applied in Florida. If I'm in a life and death situation, I'm not turning around and running, I'm using lethal force on anyone who is threatening myself or people I'm responsible for protecting, which means I'm going to jail if it happens here in Illinois.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
We have Castle Doctrine in Kentucky, its basically the same thing. We've never had a vigilante kill a black kid for no reason.
Well, realistically, neither have they had that happen in Florida either. Hah.


Silver Squire
Last I checked Zimmerman wasn't even using SYG as a defense.

I'm more or less 100% on board with the law regardless. You shouldn't be forced to continually retreat, especially in your own home, from an aggressor. Bunch of hippy bull shit there.

The burden shouldn't be on the person being attacked. What kind of fucked up world is that?


Tranny Chaser
You would be wrong about that.
I do but that's only because I have a duty to flee here in Wisconsin and I think everyone should be as unable to defend yourself as I am. If right now a chainsaw wielding maniac buzz sawed his way through my front door and I shot him dead I'd be going up the river for murder in the second degree because I could of just ran out the back door. Why didn't you run when you heard the chainsaw? You had plenty of time to run! YOU HAD PLENTY OF TIME TO RUN!!!

Then bam, prison rape city.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Everything I hear about Wisconsin makes me think they actually have one of the most fucked up legal systems in America.


Molten Core Raider
I mean their part of SYG where there doesn't even need to be actual aggression. Just if you think they might attack, you can shoot. Isn't that how Florida's works?

I realize it has no bearing on the case at hand anyway.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Sorry but just because NW protocol says you should be disarmed, doesn't mean you should be. Also, it had no effect on it. We have zero evidence that he brandished the gun at all. The ONLY THING THE GUN DID was make Trayvon die for assaulting zimmerman, rather than Zimmerman dying.

edit: Nice find Gavinrad. So NW protocol just makes it clear it gives you no special power to carry.
You're clearly trying to read it as something that it doesn't say. It says don't confront and don't carry. It doesn't say some random "we suggest you don't" horseshit you're trying to pretend it says. It says "SHALL NOT CARRY" not we'd suggest against, not feel free to but we're not giving you carte blanche or whatever the hell you're trying to imply it says.

If you tell someone YOU SHALL NOT DO SOMETHING - and you don't put a "....but in this case you can" type clause it's retarded to assume otherwise. Protocol was don't carry, nothing disputes this.


Unelected Mod
So fucking what if he violated the protocol? Violating it probably saved his life. It certainly didn't cause the initial confrontation if he didn't brandish it.


<Nazi Janitors>
Public Policy Disputes that. The laws and statutes of a state override all other considerations, including private policies. Thus, a private citizen legally authorized to carry a firearm may do so, unless the area in which he carried the arm is a no-gun area as defined by the law.


Mr. Poopybutthole
You're clearly trying to read it as something that it doesn't say. It says don't confront and don't carry. It doesn't say some random "we suggest you don't" horseshit you're trying to pretend it says. It says "SHALL NOT CARRY" not we'd suggest against, not feel free to but we're not giving you carte blanche or whatever the hell you're trying to imply it says.

If you tell someone YOU SHALL NOT DO SOMETHING - and you don't put a "....but in this case you can" type clause it's retarded to assume otherwise. Protocol was don't carry, nothing disputes this.
For starters, it doesn't say don't confront anyone, it says 'should never confront a suspicious individual who could be armed and dangerous'. It's also funny that you would throw around the word retarded, when someone who isn't retarded can understand how important context is to a statement.

Public Policy Disputes that. The laws and statutes of a state override all other considerations, including private policies. Thus, a private citizen legally authorized to carry a firearm may do so, unless the area in which he carried the arm is a no-gun area as defined by the law.
Ding ding ding, we have a winner.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Public Policy Disputes that. The laws and statutes of a state override all other considerations, including private policies. Thus, a private citizen legally authorized to carry a firearm may do so, unless the area in which he carried the arm is a no-gun area as defined by the law.
Legally permitted is not the same as following protocol - I was stating he wasn't following protocol not breaking the law. You're legally permitted to cuss when I'm employing you, it doesn't mean I won't fire your ass for cussing in an environment that would reflect poorly on the company since it's against protocol though. (Well, technically go through the steps towards...)

Protocol was to not carry - he was LEGALLY permitted to - but he was breaking protocol in doing so.

Khalid: Possibly true - but as you yourself stated "if he didn't brandish it"... if he did he probably started the altercation when "fight or flight" went to the fight needle in Trayvon's head.


Silver Squire
I HIGHLY doubt he showed T that he had a gun. Seriously, you are going to stalk and attack someone in hand to hand that already showed you he is packing?

Seriously? No way that happened.

Moral of the story, don't attack people. They might be armed and kill you.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Vaclav also has no fucking clue what the fight or flight instinct is. Most people don't run OR attack when confronted with a gun, they freeze.

Noble Savage

Kang of Kangz
<Bronze Donator>
Moral of the story, don't attack people. They might be armed and kill you.
I feel like the Trayvon Martin episode should be summed up exactly like this. Nothing more nothing less. Dude picked the wrong person to get ghetto on and paid the price.
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