The Video Thread


Tranny Chaser


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Avatar of War Slayer
Really found this well done.
(Edit: It's a tactical analysis of the situation, and geopolitical status in the region. Not an op-ed.)

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Marine Biologist
<Bronze Donator>

Seen this a couple times. For context, this is an Infant Swim Rescue (ISR) course, probably towards the end of a second or third series of courses. The goal is to teach babies/infants/toddlers to instinctually float if they fall in water and learn to swim towards stairs/edge and cry out while floating. The training culminates into multiple classes where the kid is introduced to the water in full heavy winter cloths, and then "pushed" in a number of times to test the reflex. We did it for our kid starting as a baby cause we have a pool and large pond on our property. It segway'd wonderfully into her learning to swim and at late 2 early 3 years old she's fully mobile in the water and can propel herself from wall to wall with a back swim and is able to do a passible doggy paddle and goes underwater for an underwater swim all on her own. It's pretty amazing, we've never once had her in any type of flotation device (cept on a boat ect) while swimming. She even lets me grab her and take her to the bottom of the deep end in our pool where we wave at each other a few times before coming up. She's also jumping off the diving board and swimming to the side all on her own.

Disclaimer, there are a number of kids who just can't handle it (usually ones that start at 2+). I've seen it myself with kids that go before/after ours. Luckily ours took to it right away and didn't fight it.

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