The Video Thread


Trakanon Raider
EDIT: This video contains a lot of disturbing content and may be considered NSFW. It's purely for educational purposes and is not meant to endorse the harm or endangerment of animals.

Well since we're on the topic, Joaquin Phoenix produced and narrated this documentary:

It's lengthy, but I am surprised that he decided to upload it free on YouTube considering it's a halfway decent watch even if I don't entirely agree with everything the film expresses. I think some of you may find it interesting nonetheless.

Again, just to clarify this isn't me pushing some animal rights agenda down your throats. I just thought since we're on the topic I'd share this with any of you who may not have seen this yet. Thanks, guys.
Jesus, I'm 20 mins into this and this is one of the most fucking awful things I've ever seen. God we're a shit specie.


Trakanon Raider

That Sandman video. :'(

Guess I'll be going vegan for a while... at least until those atrocities get out of my head/apathy creeps in. (And I'm only 27 minutes in!)
I take full responsibility for that. Sorry, guys. I didn't mean to rustle any jimmies. Just thought y'all might find that video interesting.

Another funny video to balance out the mood:



Trakanon Raider
I take full responsibility for that. Sorry, guys. I didn't mean to rustle any jimmies. Just thought y'all might find that video interesting.
It's not on you man. That shit is insane, and as gut wrenching as it is, I feel like it's something you can't just ignore or pretend doesn't exist. I'm not a tree hugger but that got to me. I guess I wouldn't advocate my friends and family watching it just because it's so brutal but the idea of total lack of empathy in humans is a serious concern imo. I suppose it always has been there. Anyone who could stomach that vid I feel would at least reflect a bit on how we operate as a specie, even if you go grill a steak later in the week (which I'm sure I will). Because as always, gotta block out those horrors of life and have fun/party, right?

Vid to remind us how awesome we are.