The Video Thread


Blackwing Lair Raider
Hide yo kids, hide yo wife, Sutekh is comin to complain about talking to Grim (and not contribute in any meaningful way). I deleted the video for ya brah, so you didn't have to see it!
[Edit:]I should have hit page refresh!

Posting "informational" videos just for the sake of questioning everything is all well and good, but there are good and bad ways to go about this. The best tool to get any meaningful answers is by using the scientific method. In the minority of the videos you post, that I take issue with, seem to jump to far to some conclusions without any evidence. Propagating badly researched or weakly supported information should be frowned upon in any weather...

Not related:
That's alright, just one more person to the ignore list.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Occasionally exposing yourself to other points of view is a good thing, even if they're stupid.
Did you know that their is a politics sub-forum? If you ever have a chance go by it and you'll see quite a varied group of viewpoints. If that's not enough there is a white privilege or some such thread in screenshots for your really inane topics but it's confined to a thread so you only have to view it if you want. Hell you could go and find dissenting viewpoints in cooking, hardware and every-damn-mmo thread on this forum. But in Funny, Strange, and Other, I didn't know it now included Proselytizing.

It doesn't bother me anymore since I can and did just ignore Grimsark but seriously do you have to quote him? He isn't going to respond. He's just another preacher.

Edit: Video



Avatar of War Slayer
Hide yo kids, hide yo wife, Sutekh is comin to complain about talking to Grim (and not contribute in any meaningful way). I deleted the video for ya brah, so you didn't have to see it!
[Edit:]I should have hit page refresh!

Posting "informational" videos just for the sake of questioning everything is all well and good, but there are good and bad ways to go about this. The best tool to get any meaningful answers is by using the scientific method. In the minority of the videos you post, that I take issue with, seem to jump to far to some conclusions without any evidence. Propagating badly researched or weakly supported information should be frowned upon in any weather...

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(Video Snipped)
I disagree. Much like your immune system strengthens from use, so to does your reason and ethics. Exposure to stupidity, irrationality, and pseudo-intellectuality (as a few examples) is absolutely necessary for one to learn to recognize them and treat them accordingly. And like your immune system, you can not learn these things via osmosis or pure instruction. Like a vaccine, one must (at the very least) be introduced to a mild form of them, to even begin to develop an actual understanding of them.






Avatar of War Slayer
Be a giant arrogant faggot that is constantly droning on about how everyone else is a deluded "sheep"?

Didn't watch.
I'll just point out that I didn't use the word 'else' anywhere in either of my previous two explanations. Nor did I even imply that I was not a person, thus when I refer to 'people' I am including myself.
Please refer to the primary point, regardingPEOPLEinventing what they want to see when they don't.

(oblig. vid)