The Wilds


Blackwing Lair Raider
3.00 star(s) Rating: 3.00/5 2 Votes
Title: The Wilds

Genre: Drama, Mystery

First aired: 2020-12-11

Creator: Sarah Streicher

Cast: Sophia Ali, Shannon Berry, Jenna Clause, Reign Edwards, Mia Healey, Helena Howard, Erana James, Sarah Pidgeon, David Sullivan, Troy Winbush, Rachel Griffiths, Joe Witkowski

Overview: A group of teen girls from different backgrounds must fight for survival after a plane crash strands them on a deserted island. The castaways both clash and bond as they learn more about each other, the secrets they keep, and the traumas they've all endured. But there’s just one twist… these girls did not end up on this island by accident.


Blackwing Lair Raider
This show was Lost meets Lord of the Flies. I was surprised how much I enjoyed it. Not as sci-fi heavy as Lost. Cannot say too much about it due to spoilers but if you try watching it, don't quit after the first episode or you will completely miss the hook of the show.
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Marine Biologist
<Bronze Donator>
is it actually good? wife and I watched the trailer and it looked like so much rah rah girl power that even she was like "fuck no"


Blackwing Lair Raider
It is good, I can't tell yet whether the showrunner is pro-woman, anti-woman, or even handed. It seems pretty evenly treated. I can't give much detail without getting into spoilers but they certainly had the opportunity to do an anti Lord of the Flies and try to preach that a bunch of women would make a perfect little society, and thank God they didn't go that route.


It is a bunch of damaged teenage girls on an island, with all of the associated drama you can expect. The 'twist' that
they are being observed/the whole thing is a setup to show how it can 'shape' them into future leaders/fix their problems/etc.
was mostly a waste. I finished it, but I took several breaks.


> Than U
It was like The Hunt movie met Lost and no one won.
It was okish because ain't been shit on TV all year.
I found myself watching ass more than the show.


<Silver Donator>
Holy shit is this show captivating.

Yeah, not what I thought I would find myself watching or enjoying. But it is intense, has unique, well-developed characters portrayed by some impressive young actors and the dialogue is sumptuous. Think Lord of the Flies with only X chromosomes. Only half way through it so far, but it is high art.
TV show information provided by The Movie Database