Thwarting Phreaking


Molten Core Raider
I work for a SMB, and lately we've been encountering someone that is choosing telephone numbers dynamically to try and hit our network (likely for out-country-calls). This person is unable to achieve their goal as we have security measures in place; however, our security measures don't stop said user from using a bot to constantly call our main digital line.

We're running an Allworx 24x currently, and I'd like a way to dynamically filter out whatever phone numbers this person is calling from. They're different area codes every time and always off business hours (according to my logs) so I need something that I can use between our Allworx and firewall (phone is separate from data obviously) that can stop their brute force attacks. If it was a number that remained constant I could simply block it, or even a range of telephone numbers, but I need something (I'm assuming 3rd party) that can recognize the brute force and block it.

Any help is appreciated, thanks!