Tin Star


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
0.00 star(s) Rating: 0.00/5 0 Votes
Title: Tin Star

Genre: Crime, Drama

First aired: 2017-09-07

Creator: Rowan Joffe

Cast: Tim Roth, Christina Hendricks, Genevieve O'Reilly, Abigail Lawrie, Oliver Coopersmith, Christopher Heyerdahl, Ian Puleston-Davies, Stephen Walters, Tobi Bamtefa, Sarah Podemski, Ryan Kennedy

Overview: The story of Jim Worth, an expat British police officer starting a new life with his family as police chief in Little Big Bear, an idyllic town near the Rocky Mountains. When his small town is overrun by migrant workers from a massive new oil refinery – the wave of drugs, prostitution and organised crime that follows them threatens to sweep away everything in its wake.
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Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Just watched the first episode. It felt pretty cliche at first but really had a wild ending. The show is also beautifully set. I miss the mountains in the Northwest so much and this show at least lets me enjoy a little taste of home. Show could go either way but I like where it is going so far.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>

Genre: [GENRE]Crime[/GENRE], [GENRE]Drama[/GENRE]

First Aired: [RELEASE]2017-09-07[/RELEASE]

Overview: [PLOT]The story of Jim Worth, an expat British police officer starting a new life with his family as police chief in Little Big Bear, an idyllic town near the Rocky Mountains. When his small town is overrun by migrant workers from a massive new oil refinery – the wave of drugs, prostitution and organised crime that follows them threatens to sweep away everything in its wake.[/PLOT][/SERIESWRAP][/SERIES]


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I need to catch it at some point - not sure if the theme does much for me, but I've loved everything Tim Roth has done that I've seen. Even stuff that I normally wouldn't have.
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Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Been watching this and I hate almost everyone in it. All the "good" characters anyway. They really made Tim Roth completely unlikable. I have been cheering for Whitey. It says a lot that the child killer is the most likable character on the show.


<Silver Donator>
1 watched the first 4 episodes. Should have bailed at the first.

Absolutely revolting. Pretty scenery. Awful, stupid, characters without any moral compasses or reasoning ability.

I just sucks.
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