

Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I'm still on the fence over this game. It's kind of fun, but the Titans just seem to sort of annoy me and detract from the FPS gameplay that I enjoy.

I think the biggest thing to me is the maps, they're such a strange size. For 6v6, they seem too large - even with bots. However, the map sizes are small enough to make the Titans incredibly strong. Vehicles work on Battlefield because the maps are pretty big and spaced out. These maps are small and compact enough that you can't seem to get away from them.
You're not really supposed to get away from the Titans. Infantry can easily take them down, or harass them to the point where they have to eject.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
You're not really supposed to get away from the Titans. Infantry can easily take them down, or harass them to the point where they have to eject.
I remember people using this same line against BFRs in Planetside. It didn't stop them from being an annoying, pain in the ass mechanic, which had a big part in leading to the game's downfall.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I feel like there should be a smaller more maneuverable mech that could jump and sprint more often. I feel so weak when steps, small concrete walls and pitiful buildings stop me. This game would really be improved by taking the mechs and wall jumping and adding them to a highly destructible BF map. A throwing a Killzone skin over the whole thing.


I feel like there should be a smaller more maneuverable mech that could jump and sprint more often. I feel so weak when steps, small concrete walls and pitiful buildings stop me. This game would really be improved by taking the mechs and wall jumping and adding them to a highly destructible BF map. A throwing a Killzone skin over the whole thing.
Small parkour robots would be to interesting


I know I'm covering tread ground already, but I fucking hate the bots. Like someone mentioned, it's a point scoring mechanic, and they make storm troops look like delta force snipers. I think it's shiny and new right now, but a lot of people will start to realize that most games are based around bot turkey-shoots so you can get your titan faster. I don't enjoy the concept of most of the game being murdering bots while trying to find the other players who are murdering your bots.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I feel like there should be a smaller more maneuverable mech that could jump and sprint more often. I feel so weak when steps, small concrete walls and pitiful buildings stop me. This game would really be improved by taking the mechs and wall jumping and adding them to a highly destructible BF map. A throwing a Killzone skin over the whole thing.
We've only seen 1 titan chassis ingame so far. There's at least 3 from the videos they've shown. I think one can jump, but I can't imagine one doing parkour.


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
Tried to use it but no dice. Also I tried using the submit problem using the link on the previous page but it is down now with "Bad Gateway". I'll just keep watching. Thanks though.
hmm .. weird. I did use the xbox code to get in earlier maybe this code is actually tied to my account and I am already flagged as in? Do you have an Xbox 1? maybe try to swap it.


Mr. Poopybutthole
You're not really supposed to get away from the Titans. Infantry can easily take them down, or harass them to the point where they have to eject.
If you work together. If not, they can be a pain in the ass. Seems like every game is just decided by which team all gets their Titans out together.

I've started playing mostly the capture point mode, so the infantry becomes more important for winning the game.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I know I'm covering tread ground already, but I fucking hate the bots. Like someone mentioned, it's a point scoring mechanic, and they make storm troops look like delta force snipers. I think it's shiny and new right now, but a lot of people will start to realize that most games are based around bot turkey-shoots so you can get your titan faster. I don't enjoy the concept of most of the game being murdering bots while trying to find the other players who are murdering your bots.
You get your Titan soooooo much faster by killing Players. And once people get to know the maps and where people like to go, it'll be even easier to find them then it is now. That and players are almost always sprinting / doing something that screams I AM A PLAYER.

There's nothing wrong with the bots. Hell, Spectres are actually annoying when there's a group and you're in a Titan.

It does make it interesting, though, to see people hate on them.


Mr. Poopybutthole
The only thing I think is cool is that bots can capture points. Other than that, they're just kind of there - not really adding or detracting from the game.


The only thing I think is cool is that bots can capture points. Other than that, they're just kind of there - not really adding or detracting from the game.
Acutely, they are a resource, you can protect them, and you can help destroy them.
So no, they are there for a reason.


<WoW Guild Officer>
I really, really don't like the AI. They are just so hilariously useless that I wonder why they even exist. They can't actually hurt players, ever, nor will they attempt to even save their own lives. What exactly is the point of them? If they wanted combat to feel more hectic or whatever just make games 10v10 and cap active titans at 6 or something. I just don't see what value the AI brings to the game that having more players wouldn't do better.
Saw a grunt dragging another shot, bleeding grunt inside a build screaming for an evac and that his entire team was dead. Got a chuckle out of me before I shot them both in the back.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I hacked one of the robot grunts. Not sure what use it would do since you are left out in the open for 10 seconds while you hack him heh.


Tranny Chaser
Played it on the Xbone now too... holeee shit I cannot control for crap with a controller. I felt like I was drunk trying to aim at even the grunts. I will definitely have to go PC for this if I do indeed get it.


I played it today on the Xbox one, looks exactly like the PC on max settings.
You would have to sit there and freeze frame it to notice any difference. Both versions are smooth as hell.

PC was run on a 144hz Asus monitor at max, and the Xbox was played on a Samsung F8000.
No clue what the fuck 792p is, but they were both crystal clear. In all honesty they should just keep it at that resolution for the super fast multiplayer since It doesn't seem to effect anything.

Also, the competition seems way better on the Xbox which surprised me, I would think it would be the other way around.
All I can think of is there is more clans on there versus more pugs on the PC.