Tom Clancy's The Division


Phank 2002
Is there a secret to getting credits to buy gear at level? I have been looting everything and vendoring it, but it seems like that special vendor gear is always just out of reach.

H.A. Monkey

Golden Knight of the Realm
Is there a secret to getting credits to buy gear at level? I have been looting everything and vendoring it, but it seems like that special vendor gear is always just out of reach.

The game is pretty much like Diablo is in terms of leveling. I'm assuming you're not level 30. Just go back and do the hardest shit you can until you get better loots. If you're on xbone I'll can feed you a shit ton 256 items once you're 30.


Perpetually Pessimistic
<Bronze Donator>
if you have a buddy at end game, you can have them pull you into their T5 world and do like one mission and a couple search and destroy missions and you'll be nearly decked out in 256 gear.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I randomly logged into a public group last night to start grabbing armor/weapons @ 256 and these two players were on their 30th run through Lexington for the Barrett's Chest Piece. After 5-6 runs through we decided to take a break and work on another mission as I heard them complain on how hard it was for this chest piece to drop. During that time I ran back to the station to dumb and craft items, and what do you know? The Barrett's Chest Piece was sitting in my inventory after only those few runs, I was then told I was a bitch and was kicked from the group. YO!
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I have a level 30 with just purps from the initial game launch before all the content. Is there a guide somewhere for wtf I should do?


<Gold Donor>
Just to throw in my 2c I picked this up on PS4 a bit before 1.4 dropped and I really dig it. I'm only level 12 because I'm playing a ton of other shit but everytime I play this its fun.

If I had to complain about one thing it would be that "my back is all fucked up" guy. Fuck him.


<Bronze Donator>
I have a level 30 with just purps from the initial game launch before all the content. Is there a guide somewhere for wtf I should do?

Really good guide here, written for returning players in 1.4. Replace WT4 with WT5 and gear score "229" with "256" and it's still pretty accurate.

Ultimate Guide to 1.4
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Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
So what is there to do PvE wise these days? I'm up to 256 item level after crushing peoples dreams in survival and need to go play with all my shiny new toys.


<Bronze Donator>
I matchmake for story missions interspersed with solo UG runs as I gradually work up to UG lvl 40. Lexington Challenging is even more popular now that everyone is farming for a low drop rate chestpiece from there. I also started working the LZ boss runs into my routine and do those with friends if they are on. It's some of the best loot in the game if you run them fast enough.

It might be repetitive for some, but it's a looter shooter so you are always looking to improve this or that piece of gear or build new sets of gear to try out and the core gameplay is still great.

The one thing I think is missing for the super-competitive types is some sort of leaderboard, either for things like GRifts from Diablo 3 or speed runs. Or at least damage meters at the end of a mission for e-peen purposes.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
Ok...4 peice D3 FNC with great rolls. Have my Barret's. Have my Spec Ops back pack. My SMG9. My stats are below. Am I ready for the DZ? How the heck do you get groups to go in there? WHY would I go into the DZ? Better gear there?

Can someone explain how skill power works with my ballistic shield? Or does it at all?

Also how I get a golden weapon? I saw a dudewith a golden SMG 9. I want!


Trakanon Raider
Gold SMG is called Midas, terrible gun after they nerfed it. I've only ever found one in the Dark Zone.
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<Bronze Donator>
Skillpower adds to the base HP of the shield. It's not worth dumping points on Electronics to boost the shield, but if you have a Specialized backpack (what it looks like you might have) that adds about 20k skillpower for a very low investment which should give you all the shield toughness you need so you can use your performance mods on +ballistic shield damage.

edit: Barrett chestpiece is super good for that build as well, looks like you have a good setup. Not sure how well it translates to PVP but I heard a shield can be useful in a group.

DZ drops all the same gear, just more of it. I went back for the first time in forever last weekend with some friends because someone needed to farm up DZ funds this week. Turns out there so much loot and and you only have 9 slots to carry gear to extract, you end up picking and choosing what to extract. It was so much gear that we could call in an extract, kill the NPCs that arrive, put the first bag on the chopper, and run around collecting loot and get a 2nd bag on before it left.

Also, since there's so much gear, you end up caring less about losing it in PVP, which leads me to believe that it's turning into more of a dedicated PVP zone. Some guy picked a fight with us 3 times. I don't know why, but he certainly didn't have much to lose.
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Trakanon Raider
Picked this up for PS4. $13 brand new with my discount. Good deal.

Fun as fuck. Essentially MMOesque Ghost Recon with a different skin. Slam dunk for me. Co op is good and Dark Zone is incredible, even at a low level. Only 14 now but like DZ rank 20 something, haha.


Legal Ephebophile
It took me, I think, 4 days of 6+ hours in Lexington to get my Barrett's. So worth it and got amazing rolls. I'm an Alpha Bro meta of course. I thought I had a screenshot of my guy, I'll take one if anyone is interested.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Anyone playing Survival DLC on PS4? Why is it taking so long to find Survival games? I waited almost 10 mins yesterday just to see before I finally quit and went to do something else. Is this normal?


FoH nuclear response team
I started playing this again as well, did they make it harder? I keep getting my ass whipped, or maybe I'm just used to Destiny. I also never realized how good it looked, I played it before on my bunk ass 40" TV, now I'm on my new TV and the attention to detail is amazing.

Leveling up with a IRL friend and if he sticks with it I might pick up survival and the DLCs.


<Bronze Donator>
They "improved" the AI some in 1.4. Depending on the level of enemies, they can be more tactical, moving to flank you, etc. At higher levels, it can translate into 100% aimbot powers or Usain Bolt-like running around from the mobs which is kind of annoying but at least a little change from the lazy "give them more damage and more health" difficulty that a lot of games have.