Tom Clancy's The Division


Vyemm Raider
Yeah i'm already having trouble getting the perks going on my primary, you can see that they are greyed out, need like 2300+ Firearm/Health stat to activate them I think. :/ Need more gear!

But yeah i'm rocking the Vector SMG and i'm loving it. It's very fast with a tight spread.. the only thing I don't like is how small the magazines are.. gotta get more ammo capacity I think.
I tweaked it abit because my squad has dedicated healer and on challenge modes i rock CC skills to stop runners and blind guards, thus i dont need the skill power. Id go up to 160k or so dps but then id lose talents from weaps =/


currency change blows but luckily i got most of the patterns i wanted before they nerfed it.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Please dont turn this thread and for that matter game into a gear dick measuring contest. Im lvl 9 and played a grand total of 9 hours and have 1 piece of blue gear and havent really fucked with pvp outside watching a lvl 30 buddy rez ppl. This game could really benefit from a solid community of players who coordinate to make the game fun on their own terms. Right now the rogue penalty doesnt allow this so I cant really blame people for focusing on dps and the best gear possible but hopefully Ubi gets shit right and people are inclined to have meaningful pvp encounters and twink etc.

As it stands now the high end aspect of this game is fucking trash and I have no problem taking the turtle route.

The DZ thing has to be fixed and fixed fast or this game is going to die by the end of the month. A shame really when you consider how fucking bleak the gaming landscape is right now. If the DZ was done right this game could have been the bees knees but sadly you got 4 man groups killing NPCs in a PVP zone not to memtion reviving potential opponents for lulz. How can they fuck this up that bad?


Bronze Squire
The problem is it that it is already too late. The people like in the picture above have amazing gear already so by the time others or people like you would get to the DZ and if pvp actually was a thing there (assuming they fix it to make you want to pvp) then you will just get slaughtered endlessly. There would have to be better bracketing, say by DZ level (could see issues with that) or by some other unchangeable measurable (can't be stats since you could manipulate that with gear changes). I honestly have no idea how they would fix it.


Trakanon Raider
Please dont turn this thread and for that matter game into a gear dick measuring contest. Im lvl 9 and played a grand total of 9 hours and have 1 piece of blue gear and havent really fucked with pvp outside watching a lvl 30 buddy rez ppl. This game could really benefit from a solid community of players who coordinate to make the game fun on their own terms. Right now the rogue penalty doesnt allow this so I cant really blame people for focusing on dps and the best gear possible but hopefully Ubi gets shit right and people are inclined to have meaningful pvp encounters and twink etc.

As it stands now the high end aspect of this game is fucking trash and I have no problem taking the turtle route.

The DZ thing has to be fixed and fixed fast or this game is going to die by the end of the month. A shame really when you consider how fucking bleak the gaming landscape is right now. If the DZ was done right this game could have been the bees knees but sadly you got 4 man groups killing NPCs in a PVP zone not to memtion reviving potential opponents for lulz. How can they fuck this up that bad?
I've been having a blast going rogue under level 19
The problem is it that it is already too late. The people like in the picture above have amazing gear already so by the time others or people like you would get to the DZ and if pvp actually was a thing there (assuming they fix it to make you want to pvp) then you will just get slaughtered endlessly. There would have to be better bracketing, say by DZ level (could see issues with that) or by some other unchangeable measurable (can't be stats since you could manipulate that with gear changes). I honestly have no idea how they would fix it.
Gear could work, you would have to based it on inventory also


FPS noob
every developer who puts pvp into a game goes through the following cycle

1. look at all this awesome gear we put into our game!
2. well shit new players aren't pvping in our game because they get 1 shot by high level players
3. ok we've re-working our game mechanics with super complicated formulas to try and normalize PVP so everyone is equal!
4. well fuck now the high level players have stopped playing too, saying they will never buy a game from us again
5. we hired a dev from battlefield/black ops and they told us we all goddamn morons and quit the next day, hiring away a ton of our talented people
6. ok folks we put in a ton of gear but its all the same stats wise, but you know what you get for winning in pvp? SKINS! CAMOS! EMOTES! Dresses! Boots!! Its so exciting!!!


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
every developer who puts pvp into a game goes through the following cycle

1. look at all this awesome gear we put into our game!
2. well shit new players aren't pvping in our game because they get 1 shot by high level players
3. ok we've re-working our game mechanics with super complicated formulas to try and normalize PVP so everyone is equal!
4. well fuck now the high level players have stopped playing too, saying they will never buy a game from us again
5. we hired a dev from battlefield/black ops and they told us we all goddamn morons and quit the next day, hiring away a ton of our talented people
6. ok folks we put in a ton of gear but its all the same stats wise, but you know what you get for winning in pvp? SKINS! CAMOS! EMOTES! Dresses! Boots!! Its so exciting!!!
And this is fucking garbage. Asherons Call Darktide was a cold, shady place. I remember rolling a noob swordsman in Shoushi starter town, visiting the local grotto in order to kill low level mobs for money. Maybe even get a lucky random drop.

I would then take my lvl 11 scrub wearing studded leather drudge underwear out to the nearest outpost to try and find me a similar lvled scrub to fight. Usually I would never find that guy, instead I would find a lvl 87 member of a popular griefing guild who would promptly push my shit in and loot my shitty, shitty corpse to boot.

It sucked. But you know what? There was always someone badder. I would network, communicate, beg , cry do whatever the fuck I had to do in order to gather support. My new lvl 95 buddy would then promptly skull fuck the lvl 80 griefer just to show me whos really the badass in town which lead to the lvl 80 dude calling his lvl 126 guild officer to come wipe the floor with the lvl 90 guy I just met. This went on for hours, sometimes days. It usually ended in some type of truce where both guilds eould come to an agreement which allowed me to have fun in my shitty little grotto until I was strong enough to fuck up the next dick that tested me.

This is how dynamic PvP environments work and there is nothing wrong with it. The problem nowadays is devs are trying to protect players from themselves and it just doesnt fucking work.

Impliment the type of systems that allow for wholesome, meaningful, rewarding PvP and watch it take off. But if you try and baby players and set stupid guidelines it devolves into nonsense and no one is happy. Why the fuck is this so hard now a days? Is it the younger gamers? I dont understand.


Silver Knight of the Realm
The problem is it that it is already too late. The people like in the picture above have amazing gear already so by the time others or people like you would get to the DZ and if pvp actually was a thing there (assuming they fix it to make you want to pvp) then you will just get slaughtered endlessly. There would have to be better bracketing, say by DZ level (could see issues with that) or by some other unchangeable measurable (can't be stats since you could manipulate that with gear changes). I honestly have no idea how they would fix it.
Agreed. This isn't exactly the same, but I remember in SWTOR when I was the first group to hit max level. I went to the PVP zone to collect the backpacks that drop random PVP gear, open them and only missed ONE piece of unique gear, and then proceed to join the warzones that put everyone in the same regardless of gear and level (it just scaled up lower levels). I was playing a sorcerer and I would one shot people without gear. Some group compositions I could kill with an AOE spell. It was the most amazing feeling to have that much power but also must have sucked huge ass for the opposite end. I think within the first month they changed something on brackets, I don't remember much because I quit before.


Vyemm Raider
the 1% will make Manhattan great again (NOT me)

I feel im missing something when i see stuff like that, the firearm stat is 700 under mine atm but the dmg is like 50k over. Curious what is giving such a bump.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Anyone else notice lag kicking in the past few days? Really obvious and anoying. Shooting someone with a sniper they react and shoot back then die from the intial shot happening all the time shoot wait a few seconds they die, odd as well because it only seems to be in releation to shooting opening boxes no deley, not seeing people lag all over my screen


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
When do you guys think Ubi will patch DZ rogue penalty discrepency?


Silver Knight of the Realm
When do you guys think Ubi will patch DZ rogue penalty discrepency?
The devs asked for feedback on the Reddit. Hopefully this week they can do some tweaking. I agree with you above, if they fuck up and don't get things moving quickly it's dead within the month.
Anyone notice the Incursion down at the bottom right of the map , has a reward of a set item. Kinda cool , also finding SMGs to be pretty awesome. Been using a great Aug that i found and i can kill most NPCs with one clip even in DZ3. 3 times now i have gone rogue on accident and all 3 times no one has killed me hehe. Once went rogue and i had a legendary on me and 5 dudes around me and not one killed me. I just hope there is frequent updates and they really need to tone down the bullet sponges in challenge mode as finding that right piece of gear is fun but having to run these with other with sub optimal gear can be frustrating at times.


FPS noob
did a pug challenge mode today (the russian embassy one, daily), nothing special just selected it and matchmaking inside division and we cleared it in about 45 minutes, 2 wipes. not too bad, wasn't as hard as I was honestly expecting since we were all 60-80k dps and not very coordinated although everyone had a mic.

I can see why good premades can farm them in 15 minutes each, but its kinda insane since it means basically 4 friends will be fully geared out in like 2-3 days of farming challenge modes.


Vyemm Raider
Friends accidentally got an x2 going and did the challenge. Somehow during a hardmode mission another group of 4 popped up and were able to progress along with them. When it ended the other group started up the challenge mode and when it did it gave my old group the option to teleport right to the instance and it let them all stay together.


Trakanon Raider
So, after a week of release:
A) Is it really a MMO, or is it just MMO-esque?
B) Is there any longevity for this game outside of just PvP for PvP's sake?
C) Worth buying?


what Suineg set it to
And this is fucking garbage. Asherons Call Darktide was a cold, shady place. I remember rolling a noob swordsman in Shoushi starter town, visiting the local grotto in order to kill low level mobs for money. Maybe even get a lucky random drop.

I would then take my lvl 11 scrub wearing studded leather drudge underwear out to the nearest outpost to try and find me a similar lvled scrub to fight. Usually I would never find that guy, instead I would find a lvl 87 member of a popular griefing guild who would promptly push my shit in and loot my shitty, shitty corpse to boot.

It sucked. But you know what? There was always someone badder. I would network, communicate, beg , cry do whatever the fuck I had to do in order to gather support. My new lvl 95 buddy would then promptly skull fuck the lvl 80 griefer just to show me whos really the badass in town which lead to the lvl 80 dude calling his lvl 126 guild officer to come wipe the floor with the lvl 90 guy I just met. This went on for hours, sometimes days. It usually ended in some type of truce where both guilds eould come to an agreement which allowed me to have fun in my shitty little grotto until I was strong enough to fuck up the next dick that tested me.

This is how dynamic PvP environments work and there is nothing wrong with it. The problem nowadays is devs are trying to protect players from themselves and it just doesnt fucking work.

Impliment the type of systems that allow for wholesome, meaningful, rewarding PvP and watch it take off. But if you try and baby players and set stupid guidelines it devolves into nonsense and no one is happy. Why the fuck is this so hard now a days? Is it the younger gamers? I dont understand.

Did I ever tell you about the time we pushed in Blood's entire shitty monarchy and stole his mansion by preventing his rent mule from paying it off? What a pile of shitty griefing pvpers. I had one of the first high level MRes specced melee chars, survived without item magic for like 64 levels lol.


Anyway is this basically Destiny 2.0 still or is there any hope? I still love the concept but it seems like no one really 'loves' it, it's basically the Destiny "it's so good why isn't there more stuff to do?" type thing.