Tom Clancy's The Division


Vyemm Raider
He posted the image himself on the forums asking Ubi to confirm hes the first person with 500k dps. I dont know how he did it, but i know my dmg changes itself at random without even swapping mods.


Trakanon Raider
Pretty easy to take a screenshot with all the buffs active and scare the piss out of the user base.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Is there a high-end replacement for the spider silk holster? The one with all 3 main stat bonuses on it? So far all 3 high ends I've gotten from challenging missions have been crap compared to it =\


Vyemm Raider
Is there a high-end replacement for the spider silk holster? The one with all 3 main stat bonuses on it? So far all 3 high ends I've gotten from challenging missions have been crap compared to it =\
Yeah my yellow holster has all 3 stats, but im not sure where i got it tbh.


FPS noob
Is there a high-end replacement for the spider silk holster? The one with all 3 main stat bonuses on it? So far all 3 high ends I've gotten from challenging missions have been crap compared to it =\
its random, not sure if the vendor pattern this week supports rolls on all 3 stats or not.

The Division LFG - The leading LFG site to find the best groups and up now, good site to find other people for stuff. it was very, very popular in destiny and pretty much the go to way to group up.


Useless lazy bastard.
At any rate i fell into that 5% crowd who got fully gold and ran out of things to do but get more phoenix credits to do rerolls and such so its at the point where im waiting on friends to catch up so we can grief people. The only thing really stopping at this point is that i know if i go rogue and die i will lose massive chunks of xp and dz currency while the reverse is not the same. Hopefully in a couple weeks they will have the risk/reward system figured out so it doesnt seem like a super negative to go rogue.
If you, as you state, want to grief people I dont see why there should not be a risk to that? I mean, all the time we hear from the PvP crowd about how its about the "challange" and "skills".... fine, but as soon as they can actually LOSE something if people gank their sorry ass its suddenly unbalanced and unfair? Here I thought PvP was its own reward? Rogue system is decent and need only slight tweaks from where Im looking at it (as someone who goes Rogue regularly and have lost more DZ levels then I thought possible by doing so

Fucking with people should have severe drawbacks if you cant hack it.


I think this game could be dope ,but they will kill it like Destiny.

Anyway, if you don't know already Phoenix credits are account bound not character.

So if you want to powerlevel a bunch of alts up you can do dailys on all of them and the credits are used by all characters.

1000 is the max you can have before you need to spend.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
I feel leveling that many alts will take far, far longer than just grinding challenge mode missions for 30 a pop.


Bronze Squire
^I was trying to search for an answer to this not too long ago but I couldn't find one. Thanks.

@Faith, I think that is what is going to happen here really soon if not already is a lot of pvp with the people who are fully geared. People who are already geared and are perfectly fine with their stats (either have perfect rolls or good enough rolls and don't care about perfect ones) are going to go crazy. I know I would as at that point you have no more use of the DZ levels or credits. While I agree with you about it having penalties the problem is you are forcing me to go in to a pvp area to get the best gear, so when some retard runs in front of me or catches my grenade I end up rogue and then die with a severe penalty.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
^I was trying to search for an answer to this not too long ago but I couldn't find one. Thanks.

@Faith, I think that is what is going to happen here really soon if not already is a lot of pvp with the people who are fully geared. People who are already geared and are perfectly fine with their stats (either have perfect rolls or good enough rolls and don't care about perfect ones) are going to go crazy. I know I would as at that point you have no more use of the DZ levels or credits. While I agree with you about it having penalties the problem is you are forcing me to go in to a pvp area to get the best gear, so when some retard runs in front of me or catches my grenade I end up rogue and then die with a severe penalty.
This goes back to my original argument about player driven, dynamic pvp. Leadsalad criticized me for harkening back to a time and place where members of the pvp community worked together to solve problems and remove impediments and toxic actors from certain areas and circumstances. It wasnt about finding a badass to "solve my problems" its about using whatever resources (a lot of times other human players) you have to amend a unfavorable situation. And by that I mean not being able to eat.

No one is saying they want gear handed to them or max lvl buds to bail them out of hairy situations, they just want to be able to lvl and progress without being griefed into the ground (not being able to eat). As long as the lowbies get some kind of environment where they can EARN their way to being a threat/defending themselves then everything else will sort itself out. When guys cant even get some crumbs off the plate, thats when they log out for good.


Bronze Squire
Ya, I understand, there are at least 3 strats that I know of and have seen to combat rogue killing (as in you die by getting get killed, they go rogue and are able to not die as rogue until it wears off). So even then unless you had a bigger group of people to counter some of these strats (as some are 4+ people strats) then you are stuck either way. Whenever shit starts getting crazy if me and my friend can't contain or deal with it, we just leave and go run challenge dungeons or try swapping servers.

I agree with you though but I believe we are in different times now and it is highly unlikely that type of community exists to do such a thing although I suppose if the greifing side already exists (as I stated above) I suppose it makes sense that the other side can exist as well.


Vyemm Raider
If you, as you state, want to grief people I dont see why there should not be a risk to that? I mean, all the time we hear from the PvP crowd about how its about the "challange" and "skills".... fine, but as soon as they can actually LOSE something if people gank their sorry ass its suddenly unbalanced and unfair? Here I thought PvP was its own reward? Rogue system is decent and need only slight tweaks from where Im looking at it (as someone who goes Rogue regularly and have lost more DZ levels then I thought possible by doing so

Fucking with people should have severe drawbacks if you cant hack it.
Severe? sure but absurd? no - As it stands now the gain is like a fraction of the risk involved. Like if you die rogue (1) at L50 its like almost a full level of xp lost. Thats just crazy when if you let rogue expire you get some minor dz currency and thats it. If the risk is going to be severe then the reward should be somewhat in line with it.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Darkzone definitely needs a lot of work, so we'll see how they handle it in coming patches.

Ran in to a team last night that was a 4 man rogue squad with a secondary 4 man squad supporting them as non-rogues. The non-rogues were all running ballistic shields and bodyblocking entrances/doorways in to the building the rogues were hiding in so they could let their manhunt tick down. You of course can't do anything about this, as shooting the non-rogues flags you and you get eaten alive almost immediately by all the randoms trying to get at the manhunt squad, or you just get killed by the teams with no penalty because you flagged first.


lol that's horrible

but you know what? at least now they can work on trying to fix that shit... the sad thing is all of this should have come up in Alpha or earlier during testing so we don't have to deal with it now.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Darkzone definitely needs a lot of work, so we'll see how they handle it in coming patches.

Ran in to a team last night that was a 4 man rogue squad with a secondary 4 man squad supporting them as non-rogues. The non-rogues were all running ballistic shields and bodyblocking entrances/doorways in to the building the rogues were hiding in so they could let their manhunt tick down. You of course can't do anything about this, as shooting the non-rogues flags you and you get eaten alive almost immediately by all the randoms trying to get at the manhunt squad, or you just get killed by the teams with no penalty because you flagged first.
Again, people taking advantage of a broken, toxic pvp environment. I hope they can get a handle on this.


I feel leveling that many alts will take far, far longer than just grinding challenge mode missions for 30 a pop.
It's not just for dailys it's for all lockouts including raids etc.

Same shit they had in Destiny. The hardcore have allready started building the alts out since it takes a couple hours of powerleveling to get them 30.


Not Woke
<Bronze Donator>
Question for the vets: what's the recommended best first purchase with Phoenix credits?


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
The vector SMG thingy is 100% your first purchase. Extended mag is pretty good, but can be skipped if you have some decent purple ones already. Really, past the SMG the rest kind of depends on what your weakest piece of gear is. Eventually you'll be wanting all of the armor blueprints, so you can just start buying those in whatever order you like depending on what needs upgrading the most.


Log Wizard
Vector schematic, then extended mag schematic. After that I'd get a good firearms/stam armor recipe for whatever slot you're lacking in. The headshot scope is good if you're using a sniper. Patterns are resetting tomorrow, so definitely get the vector/extended first.