Tom Clancy's The Division

well all righty then


btw with new PS4 remote play on PC, you can sorta exploit on PS4 by running stuff like AHK on a PC while having a window stream your PS4. no code hacks, but the above I believe relies solely on the "click places really, really, really fast" exploit

someone summed it up best: the game is no longer PVP or PVE, its really player vs massive (patches)
Tried this out yesterday on PS4, did not need to use remote play or anything, just your controller holding up on the d-pad and down on the left stick and tapping x to switch items. In about 30-45 seconds easy to hit 1 million dps. They fixed it now I think but was fun to go mess around with for an hour. They need to take the game down for a week and fix everything that is known to be game breaking.... I know more and more will be found but massive needs some time to focus.


Molten Core Raider
theres no catching up in this game if you didnt cheat you might as well give it up, sad times really like the game but wasnt on enough to exploit like a beast nor did i care i was hoping it wouldent be this bad of a shit storm.


Lord Nagafen Raider
So there's been a noticeable dip in my friends list lately, but I'm still enjoying the game.

If anyone plays this on the PS4 and wants to run Incursion, Challenges or Rogue/Manhunt in the DZ, add me!

PSN: RatamaDK


FoH nuclear response team
Ran into my first glitcher/hacker/whatever last night. Started blasting me through a wall in the DZ. I died but my friends kicked his ass so it's all good.


Log Wizard
Anyone here actually fill out their email surveys? I do it every time, takes like up to 10 minutes. I feel enough of you spend more than that writing paragraphs on this site about what's wrong with the game (mostly rightly so) and should definitely try to actually contribute to their game balance and design.


Yeah game balance is a joke.

Finally decided to venture into the DZ so I can earn the Tactical ACR blueprint. It's mostly fine until you run into the people that one burst you without even looking at you. Had a whole group run around and do that. All I did is quit.

Yeah if I see the email I'll fill it out.


Perpetually Pessimistic
<Bronze Donator>
Anyone here actually fill out their email surveys? I do it every time, takes like up to 10 minutes. I feel enough of you spend more than that writing paragraphs on this site about what's wrong with the game (mostly rightly so) and should definitely try to actually contribute to their game balance and design.
At this point all they have to do is read reddit and they will get all the feedback they need...


Well I don't know, do you want to be popular or profitable? What fucking type of question is this for a survey. OFC everyone will say variations of "Go fuck yourselves" and those that don't will be like, "If the price is fair".

The last 10 years of games with micro-transactions haven't added enough market feedback for them to figure this shit out so they have it as a public poll?

Jesus christ this studio and their management are so abysmal it is silly.


Silver Squire
What the fuck do they need survey's for when one dude can surf reddit or other forums and get a pretty good idea of the state of the game.

Doesn't take a genius to figure out that mobile cover should of been removed from the get go as just about every exploit involved it.

Then to nerf crafting only to fuck over the casuals progression was pants on the head retarded. I mean how dumb do you have to be to leave exploits like that in game for so long, let people exploit the fuck out of them without consequence and then drop the nerf hammer on crafting so all the casuals that didn't exploit can't hope to catch up. Lets not forget how retarded their gear progression is power wise.

They should of created a new crafting tier for the 204+ stuff. left the old golds the way they were, make the old mats drop like candy everywhere in game and make the bottle neck the new gear. Lets the casuals catch up. Instead they completely fucked anyone that didn't exploit and now they can't catch up because the crafting system is now broken with the number of mats needed to make anything.

Don't even get me started on that half ass invasion they launched as "content" and couldn't beat themselves without exploiting it.

Fucking Ubi.


Log Wizard
Reddit is garbage. It's 90% whiners no matter the game and 10% information. If you think game companies don't check Reddit you're living in 2006 or something. But they want focused, indexed data. They want to know how much people like X in quantitative amounts. They don't want to try and count all the upvotes and downvotes and retard comments from DeathLordXX69Twitch. They're saying "You want shit or don't want shit? Here is a form asking about that. Fill it out."

Reddit is fine for looking up how to exploit or naked ladies or siqqq memes, but it is a whiner-filled, average or worse ability, casual gamer cesspool.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I like reddit... but then again I cut my online teeth playing d2 so maybe I'm just accustomed to being in a cesspool of whining and bitching.


What the fuck do they need survey's for when one dude can surf reddit or other forums and get a pretty good idea of the state of the game.

Doesn't take a genius to figure out that mobile cover should of been removed from the get go as just about every exploit involved it.

Then to nerf crafting only to fuck over the casuals progression was pants on the head retarded. I mean how dumb do you have to be to leave exploits like that in game for so long, let people exploit the fuck out of them without consequence and then drop the nerf hammer on crafting so all the casuals that didn't exploit can't hope to catch up. Lets not forget how retarded their gear progression is power wise.

They should of created a new crafting tier for the 204+ stuff. left the old golds the way they were, make the old mats drop like candy everywhere in game and make the bottle neck the new gear. Lets the casuals catch up. Instead they completely fucked anyone that didn't exploit and now they can't catch up because the crafting system is now broken with the number of mats needed to make anything.

Don't even get me started on that half ass invasion they launched as "content" and couldn't beat themselves without exploiting it.

Fucking Ubi.
The worst part right now is high end drops are next to impossible to get, 240 armor once a week via FL challenge which is non-tradable BTW so its completely luck based if you even get something you want/ need. With 204 weapons its either crafted or again FL challenge runs. These should be dropping off level 32 DZ nameds as well IMHO .. all I ever see the 162 crafting mat fodder dropping in the DZ.


Perpetually Pessimistic
<Bronze Donator>
I like reddit... but then again I cut my online teeth playing d2 so maybe I'm just accustomed to being in a cesspool of whining and bitching.
It serves a purpose, it aggregates a ton of information and if you have a PR department or a CM position they should be taking advantage of it the same way they take advantage of a "Feedback" form or box.

Xevy saying that the content there is largely garbage and no one should pay attention to it is comical. Tons of hacks, exploits and cheats were posted there as well as it being a great place for consumer feedback on the "extreme" end.

At minimum you can look at it as a way of, "Hey the people are breaking our game X way, we should do somethign about it."

Their outcome on that was to patch things that hurt their casual players and not the exploiters.

It's like they read in a book that cancer can kill so their solution was to kill everyone without cancer to avoid more people having cancer...


Golden Squire
Although I had initially dismissed the Tacticians set as garbage (it's the only set I have 2 pieces @240) with the right skills it's actually pretty amazing, permanent maxxed out scans/smart cover boost DPS numbers considerably and for the entire group.

My DPS without anything is ~136k but with cover and scan it goes to ~250k.

Lost Virtue

Trakanon Raider
The amount of bugs in this game blows me away. I've had more black-screens during elevator transitions than I can count (basically have to restart the game). Have had like 100x mission lockouts (where the opening sequence of a mission doesn't start), and random times I fall through the world. Exploits are one thing, basic bugs are another.

Seems like issues always happen at the end of missions where basically only the boss is left. Wastes my Fucking time

EDIT: 3 missions back to back had the first door not open so we could not start the mission. FFS


Not sure if anyone else experienced this but during the incursion every button function apart from movement becomes disabled. Interaction with the environment becomes impossible. You approach a ladder and it doesn't show you the button activation... it just lights up if you walk away from it and nothing once you walk up to it. I ended up having to Alt F4 out and reboot.

So yeah that was my first experience with incursion after having been kicked out by a half dozen groups for being too low geared. Fuck off.


Log Wizard
Xevy saying that the content there is largely garbage and no one should pay attention to it is comical.
You're half right. I did say it's 90% garbage, and then said if you don't think they have employees checking their reddit then you're ignorant of how every MMO game has operated for the last decade. Look at H1Z1. They have employees posting constantly in their reddit, DBG flagged and all, and there are still bugs that have been there since January of 2015. But there's also 10,000 posts about how they should be able to build swimming pools and have pet dogs and stupid dream diary bullshit.

They're reading reddit, but they're reading the big topics with 100 responses, not the 5 response posts about how they enjoyed the story. That's why they have the survey. There's too much bullshit in general for them to sift through and a survey is literally the best way they can gauge a demo on their opinions. It's just a shame that people who are so vocal are so fucking lazy when they can actually make a change. It's like Bernie bros for video games.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Ouch, that explains why my full tank/shield build actually never worked. Everyday it seems this game goes backwards, think I am going to shelve this for D3 and then OW and maybe in 6 months check it back out again.


lol I have protection from elites on almost every piece of gear... that explains why they go through me like shit through a goose. Considering this I'm surprised I have done as well as I have up to this point.