Too many games?


FPS noob
maybe try some genres you are not used to. i'm not a big QTE guy but bought the telltale bundle when it was on a PSN flash sale in spring, and have been binging through them. didn't think I'd like that kind of interactive story game but I have absolutely loved walking dead and wolf among us, and its a nice little break before mad max and metal gear solid 5.

i'd also say maybe how you game can be a factor, for immersive games i really like to close the door and tune out the outside world, if i get constant interruptions and distractions i just can't get into the game.

and yeah thats another reason i like console games, if I don't like it at that moment for whatever reason I trade it away and will rebuy later. I only played 2-3 hours of Witcher 3, DA:I, Shadows of Mordor, Final Fantasy X|X2, and a bunch others and just wasn't feeling the game. No big deal, traded em in and moved onto the next game and usually within the first 2-3 weeks you get 90-100% of what you paid (best buy gcu). not really an option with digital games, so you tend to be much more careful and selective and miss out on some great stuff.