TUG - Multiplayer Open-World RPG Kickstarter

OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
I thought I'd post this kickstarter for those that are interested in single player RPGs. They seem to have some interesting concepts about how their game will progress. The fact that it just drops you into the world and you have to discover how to survive sounds pretty awesome. I've done dumber things with 10 bucks.

Here is the link to the campaign
Looks fun thanks. Backed.


OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
No problem! I want it to succeed just to see what they come up with; like I said, it's just 10 bucks and even if the game turns out to be crappy they might just stumble upon some really excellent ideas that just make the other games we all play that much better.


Rasterizing . . .
Dr. Moses Wolfenstein, the merit of that name alone made me back this. It does look like it might be fairly rich if they can pull it off. Thanks!


Reading about it seems truly sandboxy and pretty dang neat. I like the idea of your actions being able to effect the world, especially when they put this in:
"Everything you do, see, create, harvest, or explore may a have huge impact on the world around it. What seems like a unique design on a weapon could be part of a missing puzzle for a gateway to a hidden realm. Your actions may draw the attention of mysterious entities, for better or for worse."

I'm always a sucker for exploring, so any game that rewards exploring is worth checking out in my book really. I also like the idea that they want their UI very minimal but you can craft shit to bring stuff to your UI. It's like a souped up version of minecraft. I just want to see how the community works in multiplayer together for sure. Crafters, builders, warriors, etc.


Trakanon Raider
I put some towards it, I don't think they'll get it but its a shame because they seem to have a great vision on what they want to do and it sounds really cool.

OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
Great news! Donations picked up substantially over the last few days and it was capped off today with a 5k purchase. It is now less than 4k from goal with more than 2 days left. This one is going to happen!

For all of you holding off because you thought it would miss the goal, you are now safe to invest. It's $10 for fuck sake!


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I wasn't sure that I'd like a game like this, but after spending 10ish hours playing Don't Starve I went ahead and threw $10 at TUG. Hopefully they're able to do what they want with the game.