Unity Development


I have spent a fair amount of time developing in Unity recently, and would encourage many of you to look into it if you haven't already.

That said, let's make this thread about helping each other with Unity-related questions, whatever they may be. I'll add some useful resources I've found along the way. If you have a specific interest and question, ask -- I've come across a lot of things in the last few months that I'd be happy to share, but don't want to make an enormous list here and now.

Good tutorials are a blessing, so if you know of some, link em!



I have just recently started messing about making a 2.5D Platformer in Unity. It's fairly simple at its core and I feel like I've been getting a hang of it pretty well but I've got so far to go.

That said, anyone have any quick tips on how to get some parallax backgrounds going? If I must, I will end up just buying the asset, but if there are any tutorials or anything someone has, it would be of great help!


Anyone have a really good resource for audio in unity? I'm hoping I'm just missing something and someone's already wrote a useful library before I roll up my sleeves.
If you're using Unity Pro, which I assume you are,you can use external DLLswith the actualFMOD dll.

Then you can have the full power of the library, though with some additional work.

Of course, if you're making a webplayer game, you're SOL since it's not allowed for security reasons.


I have just recently started messing about making a 2.5D Platformer in Unity. It's fairly simple at its core and I feel like I've been getting a hang of it pretty well but I've got so far to go.

That said, anyone have any quick tips on how to get some parallax backgrounds going? If I must, I will end up just buying the asset, but if there are any tutorials or anything someone has, it would be of great help!
The concept is fairly simple, but the devil is in the details. The first answerhereexplains the concept well. It ultimately comes down to how you want to do your backgrounds, either you're moving your geometry or you're moving your texture uvs.


Ooh, thanks! Looked through those answers and it makes a bit more sense to me. Now I just got to try to get it going. I'm fairly new to all of this so it's already starting to be a fun but aggravating adventure :p
Learning though!


The moving bits shouldn't be too tough, but what will be a bitch and take some time is figuring out the process for feeding stuff in from the sides of the camera. Also keep in mind you'll have to make decisions like "can I go in either direction (left or right/up or down)?" "will the camera zoom change at all?". Not right away, but something to keep in mind as it could impact how to structure things.

Also questions to ask yourself "does the character move freely around the screen or is the camera always locked and the character centered?" Or perhaps you even want to do some kind of scrolling screens like old Double Dragon type games, where you reach the edge of the screen, then the background pans?

Lots of options and choices.


If you are wanting to build a 2D game check out Futile. It's still in development, but several people I know are taking advantage of it (NimbleBit is using it for their next project, NimbleQuest).


Note: This is for those who like doing things primarily in code. For people with a background in Cocos2D/Flash you'll pick it up with no problem.

Also, there is a group where Matt is pretty active --http://www.reddit.com/r/futile


For anyone newer or sucky at unity, these do a very good job at explaining a lot of aspects of the program. There's tutorials all over the internet, but they've just recently released these on their site and have helped me a little bit. Should definitely check them out. They've been adding a lot recently.


And here's an actual project turotial they've been uploading



Trump's Staff
That sublime text plugin stuff looks pretty slick. I am not a huge fan of MonoDevelop, but it does have a usable debugger, I don't think I could make the switch to Sublime unless it also had debugging capabilities. Unfortunately I think it is just a text editor.


That sublime text plugin stuff looks pretty slick. I am not a huge fan of MonoDevelop, but it does have a usable debugger, I don't think I could make the switch to Sublime unless it also had debugging capabilities. Unfortunately I think it is just a text editor.
I really don't find debugging to be very useful with Unity, but that might be because I have become a huge fan of Coroutines which are a PITA to debug with a debugger.


I tried giving this a shot but I wasn't happy without autocomplete. I tried using CompleteSharp but it wasn't quite the same as working in a true IDE. Frustrating situation being stuck with MonoDevelop. I just want to view multiple files simultaneously!
Assuming you're using Windows, you can useMicrosoft Visual Studio(VS). I haven't used 2012, but have used 2008 and 2010 with Unity, so I'll assume 2012 works too. Express is the free version.

Anyways, VS should allow you to open the .sln file generated by Unity (same file MonoDevelop opens) and will give you the option to open multiple files as well as auto complete. VS performs beautifully IMO and is quite robust and fast.

The downside is no debugging in VS for Unity (requires anon free plugin) so you'll have to rely on MonoDevelop.

Edit: I use 2008 as I've got the full version legally via my university days. The downside is all the of .sln files generated are for 2010, so I have to manually edit the sln file. If you find yourself in a similar situation, just open the .sln in a text editor and change:
Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 11.00
Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 10.00and it'll open fine in VS 2008. The one thing that doesn't work is auto complete for your project's code when editing UnityEditor scripts.


Yeah, I've been meaning to take the plunge on VS, I think it's worth it. I used Express for a while before I formatted my drive.

I think if you "Sync MonoDevelop Project" (in a Unity menu, maybe Edit?) after setting VS as your default editor it will grab the .DLLs and autocomplete will work. Haven't tested, though.


Avatar of War Slayer
Yeah, I've been meaning to take the plunge on VS, I think it's worth it. I used Express for a while before I formatted my drive.

I think if you "Sync MonoDevelop Project" (in a Unity menu, maybe Edit?) after setting VS as your default editor it will grab the .DLLs and autocomplete will work. Haven't tested, though.
You are correct. I use VS 2010 Pro for my Unity stuff.

Though I use SublimeText for all my txt editing. There is a way to make Autocomplete/IntelliSense function for C# in SublimeText, but its not as smooth as VS so I ended up regressing as well. It was a nice thought while it lasted though.



Today, we're taking another step on this long road: as of right now, independent Unity developers will be able to deploy their games to Android and iOS platforms completely free of charge. Update Unity and you will find Android and iOS build options (previously basic add-ons) ready and waiting for you to use.

There are no strings attached, no royalties and no license fees. This is just an extension of Unity Free which we launched in 2009. Individual developers and startup studios can simply download Unity and get going on mobile game development. As before, companies and other "incorporated entities" (you know who you are) with a turnover in excess of $100,000 in their previous fiscal year are required to use our paid version. That way, we can keep the lights on and continue to make Unity better for everyone.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
My buddy and I are looking to make the jump from Gamesalad to Unity now that IOS publishing isn't so costly, but I noticed that a lot of standard features with Gamesalad Pro aren't standard with Unity, even with the paid IOS stuff (in-app purchases, ad support, gyroscope detection, and a few other things). I sawthis guysells a bunch of plugins for IOS but I'm assuming, given proper research and effort, I could do that stuff myself.

I know free IOS is very new to Unity, but if anyone else is using Unity for IOS publishing, do you think nickle and diming my way to $200-$300 for those plugins is worth not looking up how to do that stuff myself?