Poll UO Outlands: Launching October 27, 2018 at 11AM EST

  • Guest, do you have a hole in your podcast listening list? Our very own Seananigans will be broadcasting this Saturday 7/27 at 3:30pm Central

    Go into the FoH discord and find the Happy Time Fun Hour channel and give it a listen!


Blackwing Lair Raider
Started playing here last week and really enjoying it especially with the Classic UO client (60+ fps, zoom in/out, easy resizing of game window). Was messing around in lvl 2/3 of Aegis Keep last night with my "pure" dexxer. Had like 6k of loot on me and got wrecked by a Blood Drake. Managed to fight my way back and get my corpse/loot again and gtfo. Nerve wracking and fun as hell.


Blackwing Lair Raider
1 month later and still playing every day on this server. Got a legendary bard/dexxer (120 music/120 peace w/ tier 5 lyric aspect and fire aspect) with a newly placed 350k 3 story 10x10 tower (upgraded from a 8x8 50k small house), a summoner/treasure hunter alt, and soon to be rolling a lumberjack/carpenter alt. Got my brother into it since we both used to play in the 90's. It took a few days of talking it up but now he's hooked with a 120 scribe/summoner.

If you've ever played and enjoyed UO, get on this server or you're really missing out. Get in the discord as well, it's really active. Hit me up here or on discord AngryColt#9731 if you need some pointers. Definitely use the ClassicUO client which is now directly on the Outlands launcher, it's a whole new game at full screen & 60fps.

Willy T

Trakanon Raider
I stopped playing months ago but if anyone needs a good vendor spot I own the big sandstone house 1 screen left of Cambria gate. Just hit me up here and I'll friend you.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
I've played UO in the past but only casually. I could use some pointers. I'll start with downloading the client now.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I've played UO in the past but only casually. I could use some pointers. I'll start with downloading the client now.

Read this - GUIDE - Completely New to UO Guide

Then this - Skills Summary Version 3.0

Skills are different here, way more benefits to some skills and synergies that don't exist on other servers. I'd say definitely train up tracking on any new character. Just use the skill and turn on "hunting," change it to hunt red players by closest and it'll auto level up all the way to 100 in a few hours. At 100, it'll give you a 100 tile warning of incoming PKs, plus a PvM damage bonus (and barding bonus if going bard). Speaking of barding, it's probably the easiest to get started with. Like 0 startup costs. Mage/summoner is fun and strong, but you'll need gold to buy reagents to macro up magery (50-60 lightning bolt, 60-70 ebolt, 70-90 flamestrike, 90-100 summon earth elemental - 50-90 can be done at the zoo in Prevalia). The #newplayer channel in the discord is a great place to ask questions.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Going macing / barding route I think. Inside of Ossuary atm trying to farm gold.

Is there a vendor that will buy scrolls from me?


Blackwing Lair Raider
Nope scrolls are useless. Unless they're the purple arcane scrolls, then you can sell them to other players for 400-500g each. Also you can stick to the newbie dungeon and get all your skills to lvl 70 before heading out to real dungeons.

Willy T

Trakanon Raider
I'll meet you at the house. I'm there now. I'll only be on shortly.

Waited for 15 minutes. Gotta bail. I'll try to hop on tonight and see if I can catch you.
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Willy T

Trakanon Raider
Nope. Cambria gate. 1 screen to the left.



Golden Knight of the Realm
I played the hell out of UO back in the day... loaded this up, and just could not get into it. I need to give it another go though, but Ive literally forgotten everything about getting started in UO haha. Went out mining for awhile, that sucked...


Blackwing Lair Raider
I played the hell out of UO back in the day... loaded this up, and just could not get into it. I need to give it another go though, but Ive literally forgotten everything about getting started in UO haha. Went out mining for awhile, that sucked...

Stick to Shelter Island until you get your footing and some skills in the 70s, no reason to leave until then. Get a couple combat skills and head into the newbie dungeon. Kill some shit, get some gold, buy some armor at an NPC in town. Maybe get lucky with drops and get a t-map, extract, or skill ball or something, sell it on discord and you'll have enough gold to do whatever from there.


Trakanon Raider
I really cannot recommend this server enough. I have been playing since launch. It has probably the best staff I've ever seen on a private UO shard. The content the admins have added is absolutely top notch. From ships to thiefs, every system has a lot of depth and worth checking out if you havent played UO in awhile. It has a great balance of Feluca ruleset. Most servers just let reds go wild and eventually they kill off the pve focused players but they have been actively combatting this since the beginning to have a healthy server population. Theres a reason this server has 1-2k players on all the time
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