Uthgard returns! (Classic DAOC EMU with high population)

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Trakanon Raider
Over 4-5 years ago I made a post on these boards about the classic DAOC server Uthgard, and then another after that called Origins. Uthgard was taken down more than 3-4 years ago when Origins came out (which turned out to be a pile of crap after some time, while Uthgard was always as close as possible to classic DAOC with as few bugs as possible). So when Origins came out and siphoned a lot of the Uthgard playerbase off that wanted to start from scratch again after years of playing with the hype of a new server, Uthgard shut down with the stated intention to revamp their code from the ground up and perfect everything/fix everything that was bugged.

It's been YEARS. But finally they are entering the last stage of beta and on Friday, August 19th there will be NPC's that put you to level 50 RR5 with appropriate gear to help aid in the last stage of beta before the servers are wiped and go down for 2 weeks and relaunch for good!

For many years Uthgard had a consistent loyal population of anywhere between 300-2000 online. Origins had over 3,500 for a month or two and then it quickly died down, and while I think it's still going, it's total crap. Uthgard has always been where the real quality is and it's super exciting for anyone that loved classic DAOC that they are finally going to be up and running again very soon with a very new and improved code/bug fixes.

The last time I made this post years ago, tons of people here went and played and were interested. So I thought the same people might still be around and I'd help get the word out. These people have been hard at work for 4 years, I am super excited.

Uthgard – Classic Dark Age of Camelot Community Server


Toilet of the Mod Elect
I've played on this server for years, why the fuck would there be a 2 week server down?

If you're not ready, don't fucking release it. I'm sure you haven't gone through all the bugs. BASIC SHIT.


Trump's Staff
How anal are they about the "no third party tools" thing? Trying to play a Paladin or Minstrel in old DAoC without at least a programmable keyboard button for twisting is a nightmare.


Trakanon Raider
I've played on this server for years, why the fuck would there be a 2 week server down?

If you're not ready, don't fucking release it. I'm sure you haven't gone through all the bugs. BASIC SHIT.

Uhh they just want to garner the last bit of testing with people all at level 50 doing RvR and spend 2 weeks for marketing so the fresh release is as good as it can be. I don't think that's unreasonable.


Trakanon Raider
I've played on this server for years, why the fuck would there be a 2 week server down?

If you're not ready, don't fucking release it. I'm sure you haven't gone through all the bugs. BASIC SHIT.

Did they change it to subscription or donation based to play?


Toilet of the Mod Elect
It's free to play, just download the files and youre set. I've loved it for years now!

I have a big bet that they are rushing this "beta". Still an awesome emu of good ol DAOC.

I will be going full DoT Necro after the rerere-launch.
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Trakanon Raider
It's free to play, just download the files and youre set. I've loved it for years now!

I have a big bet that they are rushing this "beta". Still an awesome emu of good ol DAOC.

I will be going full DoT Necro after the rerere-launch.

Ah, I asked because you seemed to be expecting something from a free, donationless emu shard.


Trakanon Raider
Free/donationless or not, Uthgard has always run smoothly and had great CS and been well done. And they sometimes have thousands online without huge lag. It's amazing really. I can't wait to see what release brings. They finally fixed Necros which is amazing because they'd never worked on any emu + a bunch of other stuff. I'll be rolling Midgard, because it's the realm I've played the least (I've always loved all 3 almost the same).


<WoW Guild Officer>
Will Darkness Falls be open? That was some of my favorite game play... when that switched sides and clearing out whomever was inside was fucking awesome.


Ya Darkness Falls is open.

Taking empty keeps doesn't give RA so you won't have a bunch of people neck bearding RR5 via door banging within the first 3 weeks.

Don't bot, macro or script anything. These guys actual 2 box test and don't rely on some easy to fool detection program like other servers, and they don't play favorites and let some people do it either. They will follow you around, they will make you do the 2 box test, if you are 2 boxing in any capacity they will catch you and burn you. You aren't allowed to log into your pals' accounts either.

Should be a great box. Doesn't line up too well with Legion launch though, hope they drop it like 4 months into that for maximum effect.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
First I have heard of this. Sounds great! Is there any time table for when the final phase of beta will be over?



Silver Baronet of the Realm
The re-launch has been set for January 6th. There is a countdown timer on the link posted in the initial post.


A nice asshole.
Never got deep into this game, so much I didn't understand and getting to the end game always seemed like work.
That said I would be down to learn and see what's what this time around.


Vyemm Raider
If you can get past the godawful UI and controls the game is pretty fantastic. It definitely has some elements that have aged poorly though.